
读诗赏译(音频更新)| 戴望舒《雨巷》及9个英译本(迷倒万千少女心,迷茫阡陌少年郎)

2016-05-24 戴望舒 林苑


     《雨巷》是戴望舒的成名作,讲述了一位徘徊于悠长、狭窄、阴沉的雨巷的独行者,期待碰到一位像丁香一样结着愁怨的姑娘,然最终却与之擦肩而过,给人留下了朦胧幽深的印象,反映了诗人迷茫感伤又充满希望的心境。该诗写于1927年。创作背景是当时中国社会正经历了黑暗的时刻,反动派对革命者实行血腥屠杀,发生了‘四·一二’大屠杀事件,年仅22岁的诗人,投身革命而被捕,面对全国的白色恐怖,诗人陷入了苦恼、彷徨、迷茫。故《雨巷》被一些学者认为是当时黑暗社会现实和理想幻灭的缩影。当然随着时代的变迁,在和平年代,这种作者‘意图论’的解读或许要让位于‘爱情’追求视角的解读。或许诗中所描写的男女主角情形在小编看来,可以归结为‘迷倒万千少女心,迷茫阡陌少年郎’。戴望舒的诗风大抵上还是带有中国古典诗词的中婉约、清丽的韵致,然其又深受十九世纪末法国诗歌中崛起的象征主义的诗歌创作影响(法国象征派诗人通常通过愤世嫉俗、颓废的方式去反抗资本主义的秩序),故其诗歌中通常采用一些暗示隐喻等修辞手法表现内心对社会的瞬间情感,时不时带着一股忧郁、消沉、孤独之感。此外,该诗还吸取了西方诗歌中的一些技法,比如语言复沓,音韵反复,来强化全诗的音乐性和抒情色彩,让人听起来悦耳、和谐。故该诗发表于《小说月报》第19卷第8号时,其编辑叶绍钧对《雨巷》给予高度评价:《雨巷》‘替新诗底音节开了一个新纪元’。卞之琳在《戴望舒诗集》的序中也褒中带贬地评价说:’《雨巷》读起来好像旧诗名句“丁香空结雨中愁”的现代白话版的扩充或者稀释。一种回荡的旋律和一种流畅的节奏,确乎在每节六行,各行长短不一,大体在一定间隔重复一个韵的七节诗里,贯彻始终。用惯了的意象和用滥了的词藻,却使这首诗的成功显得浅易、浮泛。' 还有朱湘给戴望舒的信中亦指出《雨巷》与西方作品和唐诗的共同之处,认为‘《雨巷》在音节上完美无疵’,与美国诗人 Edgar Allan Poe的诗‘Annabel Lee’有着‘异曲同工’之妙,‘在音节上,比起唐人的长短句来,实在毫无逊色’。总体上,《雨巷》是一首佳作。

    此次林苑君选取了该诗的9个英文译本。译者分别为许景城,杨宪益、戴乃迭 、Wai-Lim Yip,Gregory B. Lee,Michelle Yeh,Rewi Alley,丁祖馨,朱曼华,唐正秋。以飨读者。原诗反复提到‘彷徨’,那么每个译本又是如何处理的呢?杨戴译本通篇基本上用‘wander’,Wai-Lim Yip译本用‘hesitate’, Gregory B. Lee 用‘loiter’和‘walk’, Michelle Yeh、Rewi Alley皆用‘wander’,丁祖馨用感情色彩中性的‘walk’,朱曼华、唐正秋主要用‘wander’和‘walk’,许景城的译本在“彷徨”处理上显得更妙些,分别用同义词‘dawdle’, 'linger' ‘wander’, 'loiter'来对应,避免了简单机械化地重复。尤其是第一阕和最后一阕通过‘dawdle’和‘loiter’来展示诗人前后不同的心境。开始的第一阕用'dawdle' (v. move slowly and idly in a particular direction)来对应'彷徨',此时表示诗人看似好无目的得徘徊,其实暗示了他是有目的性去逢着一位希望逢着的姑娘。而到了最后一阕,原诗重复‘彷徨’,然此刻的意境有异于刚开始的意境,因为诗人希望逢着的女郎已与他擦肩而过,此时的“彷徨”略带有失落、茫然、无目的之感,故用'loiter' (v. walk slowly and with no apparent purpose)较为合适。至于译文如何展现原诗的'音韵复沓',译本各有千秋,具体细节,望读者自赏自析。河北卫视新闻主播红叶、王益豪朗诵原汉诗,双语主播李强朗诵许景城的英译文(译者许景城也朗诵了自己的译本),录音师张晖进行音频编辑。特此感谢。为了展现原诗的‘复沓’、‘彷徨’,及考虑读者听众的欣赏趣味,我们在音频编辑上循环反复、灵活地呈现了中英文诗的朗诵。欲知详情,且听音频。



中文朗读:王益豪、红叶 英文朗读:李强、许景城 音频编辑:张晖 )



戴望舒 作























































A Rainy Alley

By Dai Wangshu

许景城  译


Holding an oil-paper umbrella, forlorn

I dawdle back and forth along a long,

long but lonely rainy alley.

I’m eager badly

to come across a beauty

like a lilac curled by anxiety.



She does bear

a lilac-like hue, 

a lilac-like sweet air,

and a lilac-like rue,

in the rain tearing,

moaning and wandering.



She lingers in this rainy alley lonely

holding an oil-paper umbrella tightly,

like me,

just like me

roving quietly,

looking cold, somber and gloomy.  



She silently comes close,

closer, yet only throws

a glance like a sigh.

She passes by,

like a grieving dream,

like a confusing dream.


Like a lilac in a dream

floating and drifting, 

she leaves me behind, I deem:

Quietly she’s farther and farther walking,

to the ruined fence and wall,

out of this rainy lane at all.



In this rainy rue

vanishes her hue,

fade her sweet airs,

and even the shares

of her sigh-like glance,

and lilac-like sad trance.


Holding an oil-paper umbrella, forlorn

I loiter back and forth along a long,

long but lonely rainy alley.

I’m eager badly

to be passed by a beauty

like a lilac curled by anxiety.

Translated in Menai View Terrace, Bangor



A Lane in the Rain

By Dai Wangshu

杨宪益、戴乃迭 译


Alone holding an oil-paper umbrella,

I wander along a long

Solitary lane in the rain,

Hoping to encounter

A girl like a bouquet of lilacs

Gnawed by anxiety and resentment.


A girl

The colour of lilacs,

The fragrance of lilacs,

With the worries of lilacs,

Feeling melancholy in the rain,

Plaintive and hesitating.


She wanders along the solitary lane inthe rain,

Holding an oil-paper umbrella

Just as I do,

Just like me,

Walking slowly in silence,

Aloof, sad and melancholy.


Silently she comes closer,

Closer, giving me

A glance like a sigh;

Then she floats past

Like a dream,

Dreary and blank like a dream.


Like a lilac

Floating past in a dream,

the girl floats past me;

Silently she goes further and further,

To the crumbling wall,

Out of the lane in the rain.


In the mournful melody of the rain,

Her colour has faded,

Her fragrance has disappeared,

Vanished into the void;

Even her glance like a sigh,

Melancholy like lilacs.


Alone, holding an oil-paper umbrella,

I wander along a long

Solitary lane in the rain,

Hoping to pass

A girl like a bouquet of lilacs

Gnawed by anxiety and resentment.


The Alley in the Rain

By Dai Wangshu

Wai-Lim Yip 译


Holding an oil-paper umbrella, alone,

I hesitate in a long, long,

Sparse, quiet alley in the rain.

Would that I encountered

A girl, sorrow-laden,

Like a lilac.


A girl with

Color like the lilac,

Fragrance like the lilac,

Sadness like the lilac,

Pensive in the rain,

Hesitating and pensive.


Hesitating in this sparse, quiet alley in the rain,

Holding an oil-paper umbrella,

Like me,

Like me,

Moving slowly, silently,

Cold, plaintive, melancholy.


She comes quietly closer,

Closer, casts

A glance like a sigh,

And floats past

Like a dream,

Like the misty grief in a dream.


Floating past like a dream,

Like a twig of lilac,

This girl floats past me,

And quietly moves away, away,

Toward the broken bamboo-fence,

And lost in the alley in the rain.


In the sad refrain of the rain,

Has disappeared her color,

Has disappeared her fragrance,

Has disappeared even her

Sigh-laden glance,

The lilaclike melancholy.


Holding an oil-paper umbrella, alone,

I hesitate in a long, long,

Sparse, quiet alley in the rain.

Would that I encountered

A girl, sorrow-laden,

Like a lilac.



Rainy Alley

By Dai Wangshu

Gregory B. Lee 译

Holding up an oil-paper umbrella,

I loiter aimlessly in the long, long

and lonely rainy alley,

I hope to encounter

a lilac-like girl

nursing her resentment.


A lilac-like color she has,

a lilac-like fragrance,

a lilac-like sadness,

melancholy in the rain,

sorrowful and uncertain;


She loiters aimlessly in this lonely rainy alley,

holding up an oil-paper umbrella

just like me

and just like me

walks silently,

apathetic, sad and disconsolate.


Silently she moves closer,

moves closer and casts

a sigh-like glance,


she glides by

like a dream

hazy and confused like a dream.


As in a dream she glides past

like a lilac spray,

this girl glides past beside me;

she silently moves away, moves away,

up to the broken-down bamboo fence,

to the end of the rainy alley.


In the rain’s sad song,

her color vanishes,

her fragrance diffuses,

even her

sigh-like glance,

lilac-like discontent



Holding up an oil-paper umbrella, alone

aimlessly walking in the long, long

and lonely rainy alley,

I wish for

a lilac-like girl

nursing her resentment to glide by.



Alley in the Rain

By Dai Wangshu

Michelle Yeh 译


With an oil-paper umbrella, alone I

Wander in a long

Lonely alley in the rain,

Hoping to meet

A melancholy girl

Like a lilac.


She has

The coloring of a lilac,

The fragrance of a lilac,

The sorrow of a lilac–

Melancholy in the rain,

Melancholy and lost.


She wanders in the lonely alley in the rain

With an oil-paper umbrella

Like me,

Just like me,

Roaming quietly,

Indifferent, sad, and wistful.


She comes close

And casts

A look like a sigh;

She drifts by

Like a dream,

Like a sad, bewildering dream.


She drifts by like a lilac

In a dream;

The girl drifts by me.

She walks farther and farther

Until she reaches the broken fence

At the end of the alley in the rain.


Gone is her color,

Dimmed by the sad tune of the rain;

Gone is her fragrance;

Even her gaze like a sigh,

Her lilaclike wistfulness,

Are dispersed.


Alone, with an oil-paper umbrella I

Wander in this long

Lonely alley in the rain,

Hoping to meet

A melancholy girl

Like a lilac.



A Lane in Rain

By Dai Wangshu

Rewi Alley 译


Holding an oilpaper umbrella,

I wandered alone down

a long, long, solitary lane in the rain

hoping to meet that singularly sad girl

who reminded me of a lilac.


She seemed so mournful in the rain,


with the darkness of a lilac,

the sweetness of a lilac,

the sadness of a lilac.


She wandered down this lonely lane

holding an oilpaper umbrella

just like me,

and like me

walking slowly and silently,

listless, desolate, disconsolate.


Silently she neared me,

coming closer,

giving me a look

as if with a sigh,

then wafted past me as if in a dream,

bleak and distant.


Like a spray of lilac floating past

in dreams,

the girl passed me,

going on quietly, further, further,

till she reached

the crumbling wall

at the lane’s end.


In the melancholy rain,

her color faded,

her fragrance lost, together with

her look that was like a sigh, and

her sadness as that of lilac.


Holding an oilpaper umbrella,

I wandered alone down

a long, long, solitary lane in the rain,

hoping to waft by that singularly sad girl

who reminded me of a lilac.



Rainy Alley

By Dai Wangshu

丁祖馨 译


Holding a light umbrella

I walk back and forth alone

In a silent, rainy alley,

A long, an endlessly long alley,

Hoping to meet

A girl as sweet, as blue

As the lilac bud that knits her brows.


As graceful as lilac,

As fragrant as lilac,

As sad as lilac:

Back and forth she walks,

Worried in the rain,

Sad in the rain.


Holding a light umbrella

Back and forth she walks, and walks,

In this silent, rainy alley,

As I pace and plod,

Silent, alone,

Wearing my solitude, my sadness and pain.


Quietly she walks close by me,

Then closer, then closer,

Casting a glance

As if of a sigh,

She floats on by me

Plaintive as a dream,

A hazy dream,

A sad dream.


As if what flies by me

Is a branch of lilac in a dream,

The girl flits by me

In silence, in a distance

More distant, more distant,

Floats to a ruined wattled wall

At the end of this rainy alley.


And her rose-like color fades,

Her sweet, sweet fragrance fades,

To the sad tune of the rain.

Her glance disappears, her sign disappears,

Her lilac-like sadness.


Holding a light umbrella

I walk back and forth alone

In a silent, rainy alley,

A long, an endlessly long alley,

Hoping to meet

A girl as sweet, as blue

As the lilac bud that knits her brows.



Rain Lane

By Dai Wangshu

朱曼华 译


My umbrella being unfolded on,

Along the lane, narrow but long,

Alone I was wandering down.

I longed to meet

A bitter lilac-like girl,

She’s in resentful sorrow.


She was such a girl:

In lilac-like color,

With lilac-like smell,

She behaves in the lilac-like gloomy style.

She was sad in raining,

Walking back and forth, walking...

Walking down the lonely lane.


She upheld the umbrella-shaft

As I did,

As I did along the narrow lane.

To be silent,

Lonely, melancholy, indifferent.


In silence she was approaching,

On and on, approaching,

Glancing and glancing.

She’s passing by my side gently.

I could see her as if dreaming of fancy.

Leaving me coldly, she looks vast and hazy.


Like a lilac floating lightly,

Into my dream is the lady.

Gently passing by me,

Far, far away, she was vanishing silently,

To the end of the narrow way,

In which a ruined fence lay.


Her sad rainy song,

Or her pale face with her feeling down,

Her fragrance was not strong.

Even her sighing eyesight

Not so bright, but disconsolate.


Unfolding my umbrella, alone

The lonesome rain-lane long, long,

I wandered on, feeling down.

I longed to see a lilac girl,

Gently on her go,

She’s in resentful sorrow.



The Alley in the Rain

By Dai Wangshu

唐正秋 译


Holding an umbrella, I’m alone

Wandering about the long, long,

Lonely alley in the rain,

Hoping to encounter

A girl who bears her melancholy

Like a lilac flower.


She has

The color of a lilac,

The fragrance of a lilac,

And the melancholy of a lilac.

She looks sorrowful in the rain,

Sorrowful and depressed.


She paces the lonely alley,

Holding an umbrella,

Like me,

Just like me –

Walking quietly and slowly

In coldness, solitude and melancholy.


Quietly she comes close,

Close to me and casts

A glance, like a sigh.

She drifts away

Like a dream–

So dreary and deep.


Like a lilac flower drifting by

In a dream,

The girl passes by me;

Quietly she is walking away and away,

To a broken hedge,

To the end of the alley in the rain.


In the plaintive tune of the rain

Her color fades,

Her fragrance disappears,

So do her sighing glance

And lilac-like melancholy.


Holding an umbrella, I’m alone

Wandering about the long, long,

Lonely alley in the rain,

Hoping to see passing by

A girl who bears her melancholy

Like a lilac flower.


1. 读诗赏译| 杜牧《清明》及25个英文译本(目前为止搜集最为全面)

2. 英诗汉译| Landscape With The Fall of Icarus

3. 读诗赏译|《你是人间的四月天》及七个英译本

4. 读诗赏译| 席慕容《乡愁》及两个英译本

5. 金曲英译|《生活不止眼前的苟且》

6. 读诗赏译| 卞之琳《断章》及七个英译文

7. 读诗赏译| 艾青《我爱这土地》及四个英译文

8. 读诗赏译| 徐志摩《再别康桥》及四个英译本(有Edward Connynham译本)

9. 读诗赏译| 徐志摩《偶然》及两个英译本

10. 国际博士后资讯| 2016耶鲁大学人文学科(文学、哲学、历史、政治思想等)博后奖学金申请

11. 歌曲英译| 李健《最美的春天 》

12. 海外高校岗位招聘| 美国加州大学圣克鲁兹分校招聘人文艺术院长

13. 歌曲英译| 李健、孙俪的《风吹麦浪》

14. 英诗原创| Menai Elegies-Words

15. 国际生态专题研讨会| Climate Scepticism,  Anti-Environmentalism

16. 汉诗原创|《一梦一世,唯美不忘》&《一景千情,恬适永恒》

17. 汉诗原创| 茫

18. 国际博士后资讯| 墨西哥蒙特雷科技大学计算机科学专业招全日制博后

19. 海外高校岗位招聘| 美国凯尼休斯学院(布法罗)招聘心理学专业教授助理

20. 歌曲英译| 弘一法师李叔同之《送别》

21. 海外高校岗位招聘| 温哥华岛大学纳奈莫分校招聘生物生态学教授

22. 英诗原创|The Echoes Come Finally

23. 英诗原创| The Spirit of R.S. Thomas

24. 英诗原创| Menai Elegies-The First Elegy

25. 英诗原创| Menai Elegies-The Second Elegy

26. 国际会讯|Translation and Transmission Conference June 1–4, 2017

27. 散文英译| 柯灵《书的抒情》

28. 文学评论| 对当下禅观、意向性、元潮流的解困惑

29. 散文英译| 朱自清《匆匆》及五个英译本(增添葛浩文译本)

30. 国际会讯|Shakespearean Transformations: Death, Life, and Afterlives

31. 国际会讯|ALTA Conference October 6-9, 2016

32. 国际会讯|Twelfth ASLE Biennial Conference

33. 国际会讯|Canada International Conference on Education (6.27-30,2016)

34. 国际会讯|2017 International Conference on Literature and Linguistics

35. 国际会讯|American Comparative Literature Association's AnnualMeeting

36. 金曲英译| 田馥甄《小幸运》

37. 金曲英译| 《琅琊榜》插曲《红颜旧》

38. 班戈风采| 舞动,双龙交相辉映 飞扬,丹青千古流芳

39. 金曲英译| 李宗盛、张艾嘉之《爱的代价》

40. 汉诗原创| 喝火令·除夜

41. 国际生态学术会议| 澳大利亚2016国际生态年会

42. 留学奖学金资讯| 比利时根特大学提供全额博士奖学金(生态小说研究方向)

43. 读诗赏译| 汪国真《告别,不是遗忘》

44. 【读书小札】原型-模型翻译理论的缘起与产生

45. 【读书小札】基于语料库的莎士比亚剧汉译本中"使"字句应用的研究

46. 读诗赏译| 杜秋娘《金缕衣》及7个英译本(有W.J.B. Fletcher等译本)

47. 你是爱,是暖,是希望,你是人间的四月天 | 杨缕双语读诗 No.685

48. 读诗赏译| 席慕容《青春》及3个英译本【学者观点】大变局下的语言与翻译研究--潘文国

49. 【科研助力】学术书评的写作策略

50. 叙述诗学:超离与深入

51. 【学者之声】与书打交道的人

52. 【读书小札】翻译史研究的方法论典范:读廖七一《严复翻译批评的再思考》

53. 福建盛产翻译家 这些福建人你认识几个?

54. 痛苦的复活 ——读王安忆《匿名》(南帆)|新批评

55. 陆谷孙|我们的英语教学究竟发生了什么

56. 与陈忠实的最后一年:“白鹿原最好的一个先生谢世了” | 悼念

57. 散文品读|克洛德·西蒙【法】:写作

58. 【读书小札】党争胜教授谈“民族文化词的翻译问题探微”

59. 《菜根谭》里的处世哲学(中英对照)

60. SISU ┆ 【特稿】鲁迅作品多语种朗诵会:品一道声音佳肴,赴一场文学盛宴



