英诗原创| Murmurations
此次林苑君选取了班戈大学英语文学院诗人许景城的原创英文诗"Murmurations"。该诗是诗人2016年3月16日傍晚时分与好友一起去北威尔士著名康威城镇的环岛自然保护区观看欧椋鸟。随着英国天气逐渐变暖,成千上万甚至上百万的欧椋鸟从欧洲大陆迁徙到英伦岛上。诗人观察细致入微,着重在视觉、听觉角度上刻画了鸟旋飞变化多端的阵型,以及声音的模仿。原诗共十四行,通过两个长句和一个短句组成,不仅契合了欧椋鸟复杂多变的飞行轨迹,也将人"we"藏在了这自然声形之中,反映了现实中观察者在这震感的壮美之中,显得渺小,具有浓厚的生态意味。此外,诗人的这首诗还分别得到了班戈大学英语文学院Andrew Webb副教授的好评和修改建议。同时诗人于2016年6月24日在法国南部城市Perpignan参加国际生态诗学学术会议期间就此诗向会议主旨发言人美国当代著名诗人Linda Hogan请教,得到了Hogan的高度赞扬,同时在她细心指导和建议下,进行了修改。所以,此诗共有三个版本,各版本具有不同的诗意和蕴含。班戈大学孔子学院刘华义教授提供自拍视频,班戈大学孔子学院老师史梦楠和许景城提供图片。特此感谢。
Starlings swiftly flew after their evening roosts,
shuttling between east and west, north and south,
in varied shapes - triangle, oval, cone -
recognizable merely from a far distance,
curving, hovering, thickening, hissing, swirling, wheeling
around the sky like a huge nimble black rattlesnake.
Their murmurations were so amazing and touching
that we, standing on the islet replete with reeds,
found that our murmuration of voices and souls
was resuscitated, drowned and gyred deeper and deeper
into invisible air corridors higher and higher
that led to the unknown, a soundless and vast darkness
eroding the sheet where the sun was setting. Then,
they swooped back to roost, silence was regained and dreams mellowed.
Written in Doctoral Study Room, Bangor University
Starlings lift from their evening roosts
shuttling east to west, north to south
a black rattle snake.
We, standing on the reedy islet,
found a soundless dark
that rusted the iron sheet where the sun had burned a hole.
Rewritten in School of English Literature, Bangor University
Starlings swiftly flew after their evening roosts,
shuttling between east and west, north and south,
in varied shapes
recognizable from a far distance,
curving, hovering, wheeling
around the sky like a nimble black rattlesnake.
Their murmurations touching us
standing on the islet replete with reeds,
our own murmuration of voices and souls
was resuscitated and gyred deeper and deeper
into invisible air corridors higher and higher
that led to the unknown, soundless and vast darkness
eroding the sheet where the sun was setting. Then,
they swooped back to roost, silence regained and dreams mellowed.
Re-edited in University of Perpignan, France
1. 读诗赏译| 杜牧《清明》及25个英文译本(目前为止搜集最为全面)
2. 英诗汉译| Landscape With The Fall of Icarus
8. 读诗赏译| 徐志摩《再别康桥》及四个英译本(有Edward Connynham译本)
10. 国际博士后资讯| 2016耶鲁大学人文学科(文学、哲学、历史、政治思想等)博后奖学金申请
11. 歌曲英译| 李健《最美的春天 》
12. 海外高校岗位招聘| 美国加州大学圣克鲁兹分校招聘人文艺术院长
15. 国际生态专题研讨会| Climate Scepticism, Anti-Environmentalism
16. 汉诗原创|《一梦一世,唯美不忘》&《一景千情,恬适永恒》
17. 汉诗原创| 茫
18. 国际博士后资讯| 墨西哥蒙特雷科技大学计算机科学专业招全日制博后
19. 海外高校岗位招聘| 美国凯尼休斯学院(布法罗)招聘心理学专业教授助理
21. 海外高校岗位招聘| 温哥华岛大学纳奈莫分校招聘生物生态学教授
22. 英诗原创|The Echoes Come Finally
23. 英诗原创| The Spirit of R.S. Thomas
24. 英诗原创| Menai Elegies-The First Elegy
25. 英诗原创| Menai Elegies-The Second Elegy
26. 国际会讯|Translation and Transmission Conference June 1–4, 2017
27. 散文英译| 柯灵《书的抒情》
29. 散文英译| 朱自清《匆匆》及五个英译本(增添葛浩文译本)
30. 国际会讯|Shakespearean Transformations: Death, Life, and Afterlives
31. 国际会讯|ALTA Conference October 6-9, 2016
32. 国际会讯|Twelfth ASLE Biennial Conference
33. 国际会讯|Canada International Conference on Education (6.27-30,2016)
34. 国际会讯|2017 International Conference on Literature and Linguistics
35. 国际会讯|American Comparative Literature Association's AnnualMeeting
36. 金曲英译| 田馥甄《小幸运》
40. 汉诗原创| 喝火令·除夜
42. 留学奖学金资讯| 比利时根特大学提供全额博士奖学金(生态小说研究方向)
45. 【读书小札】基于语料库的莎士比亚剧汉译本中"使"字句应用的研究
46. 读诗赏译| 杜秋娘《金缕衣》及7个英译本(有W.J.B. Fletcher等译本)
47. 你是爱,是暖,是希望,你是人间的四月天 | 杨缕双语读诗 No.685
48. 读诗赏译| 席慕容《青春》及3个英译本【学者观点】大变局下的语言与翻译研究--潘文国
49. 【科研助力】学术书评的写作策略
50. 叙述诗学:超离与深入
51. 【学者之声】与书打交道的人
52. 【读书小札】翻译史研究的方法论典范:读廖七一《严复翻译批评的再思考》
56. 与陈忠实的最后一年:“白鹿原最好的一个先生谢世了” | 悼念
58. 【读书小札】党争胜教授谈“民族文化词的翻译问题探微”
60. SISU ┆ 【特稿】鲁迅作品多语种朗诵会:品一道声音佳肴,赴一场文学盛宴