
干货 | 2023政府工作报告要点及“两会”硬词汇(双语版)

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全年国内生产总值增长3%Gross domestic product (GDP) of the year grew by 3 percent.
全年增值税留抵退税超过2.4万亿元Value-added tax (VAT) credit refunds exceeded 2.4 trillion yuan.
脱贫人口务工规模超过3200万人More than 32 million people were lifted out of poverty with new employment.

国内生产总值增加到121万亿元,五年年均增长5.2%China's GDP increased to 121 trillion yuan, registering an annual growth rate of 5.2 percent over the past five years.
粮食产量连年稳定在1.3万亿斤以上Annual grain output remained steady at over 650 million metric tons for several consecutive years.
城镇新增就业年均1270多万人Average yearly urban jobs growth hit more than 12.7 million.
经过八年持续努力,近1亿农村贫困人口实现脱贫Thanks to eight years of continued efforts, close to 100 million poor rural residents were lifted from poverty.


GDP growth of around 5 percent;
城镇新增就业1200万人左右around 12 million new urban jobs;
居民消费价格涨幅3%左右CPI increase of around 3 percent;
粮食产量保持在1.3万亿斤以上grain output of over 650 million metric tons.


财政:积极的财政政策要加力提效。赤字率拟按3%安排We should enhance the intensity and effectiveness of our proactive fiscal policy. A deficit-to-GDP ratio of 3 percent has been projected for this year.
税费优惠:对现行减税降费、退税缓税等措施,该延续的延续,该优化的优化We should extend and further refine policies on tax and fee cuts, tax rebates, and tax deferrals as the situation requires.
就业:把促进青年特别是高校毕业生就业工作摆在更加突出的位置Place a higher priority on promoting the employment of young people, particularly college graduates.
疫情防控:推进疫苗迭代升级和新药研制,切实保障群众就医用药需求COVID-19 vaccines should be upgraded and new drugs should be developed. We should ensure people’s access to medicines and medical services to protect their lives and health.
消费:稳定大宗消费,推动生活服务消费恢复We should stabilize spending on big-ticket items and promote recovery in consumption of consumer services.
政府投资:今年拟安排地方政府专项债券3.8万亿元It is proposed that 3.8 trillion yuan be allocated for special-purpose bonds for local governments this year. 
制造业重点产业链:集中优质资源合力推进关键核心技术攻关We should, with a focus on key industrial chains in the manufacturing sector, pool quality resources and make concerted efforts to achieve breakthroughs in core technologies in key fields.
数字经济:提升常态化监管水平,支持平台经济发展We should strive to develop the digital economy, step up regular oversight, and support the development of the platform economy.
民营经济:依法保护民营企业产权和企业家权益,鼓励支持民营经济和民营企业发展壮大We should encourage and support the private sector and private businesses in growing and expanding and support micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and self-employed individuals in business development.
引进外资:推动外资标志性项目落地建设We should improve services for foreign-funded companies and facilitate the launch of landmark foreign-funded projects. 
防范化解重大经济金融风险:有效防范化解优质头部房企风险,改善资产负债状况。防范化解地方政府债务风险,优化债务期限结构We should ensure effective risk prevention and mitigation in high-quality, leading real estate enterprises, and help them improve debt-to-asset ratios.

To prevent and defuse local government debt risks, we should improve the mix of debt maturities, reduce the burden of interest payments, and prevent a build-up of new debts while working to reduce existing ones.
乡村振兴:发展乡村特色产业,拓宽农民增收致富渠道Rural industries with local features should be fostered to create more channels for increasing rural incomes.
绿色转型:推动重点领域节能降碳,持续打好蓝天、碧水、净土保卫战Advance energy conservation and carbon reduction in key areas, and continue working to keep our skies blue, waters clear, and lands clean.
住房:支持刚性和改善性住房需求,解决好新市民、青年人等住房问题We should improve the housing support system, support people in buying their first homes or improving their housing situation, and help resolve the housing problems of new urban residents and young people.
教育:推进义务教育优质均衡发展和城乡一体化We should promote high-quality, balanced development and urban-rural integration of compulsory education.
医疗:推动优质医疗资源扩容下沉和区域均衡布局We should see that more quality medical resources are channeled toward the community level and more evenly distributed among regions.
社会保障:加强养老服务保障,完善生育支持政策体系We need to improve elderly care services and refine supporting policies on childbirth.
港澳发展:支持港澳发展经济、改善民生We should support Hong Kong and Macao in growing their economies and improving the lives of their people and maintain long-term prosperity and stability in the two regions.
台湾问题:坚定反“独”促统,推动两岸关系和平发展,推进祖国和平统一进程We implemented the Party’s overall policy for the new era on resolving the Taiwan question and resolutely fought against separatism and countered interference. We continued efforts to promote the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations. 



Overcoming great difficulties and challenges, we succeeded in maintaining overall stable economic performance. Amid a complex and fluid environment, we were able to generally accomplish the main targets and tasks for the year. Such achievements are a testament to the tremendous resilience of China’s economy.

We stepped up support for areas where residents relocated from inhospitable areas were resettled together in communities as well as for other key areas, and continued to implement and improve mechanisms for east-west cooperation, paired assistance, and targeted support.

Laws, regulations, and standards on environmental protection, quality, and safety were strictly implemented, and outdated production facilities were shut down. We worked to shore up weak links in the industrial and supply chains of key industries.

To create a new pattern of development, we fully leveraged China’s super-sized market and carried out the strategy of expanding domestic demand to foster more growth engines.

We improved policies to boost agriculture and benefit farmers, continuously gave priority to agricultural production, and moved faster to modernize the agricultural sector and rural areas.

In response to changes in the external environment, we pursued a more proactive strategy of opening up and worked to boost reform and development with high-standard opening.

Acting on a people-centered philosophy of development, we continued to increase inputs in areas important to people’s wellbeing, meet people’s basic needs, provide a cushion for those most in need, and promote social fairness. 

We should give priority to the recovery and expansion of consumption. The incomes of urban and rural residents should be boosted through multiple channels.

We should, with a focus on key industrial chains in the manufacturing sector, pool quality resources and make concerted efforts to achieve breakthroughs in core technologies in key fields.

We should cultivate a cordial and clean relationship between government and business and create an environment in which enterprises under all forms of ownership can compete and grow on a level playing field. 

We need to deepen reform of the financial system, improve financial regulation, and see that all those involved assume their full responsibilities to guard against regional and systemic financial risks.

Our achievements in poverty alleviation should be consolidated and expanded to prevent large-scale relapse into poverty.

We should improve urban-rural environmental infrastructure and continue to implement major projects for protecting and restoring key ecosystems.

We should improve the housing support system, support people in buying their first homes or improving their housing situation, and help resolve the housing problems of new urban residents and young people.

全国“两会”(two sessions)指的是全国人民代表大会( NPC: the National People's Congress)和中国人民政治协商会议(简称全国政协)( CPPCC: the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference)。
十四届全国人大一次会议( the first session of the 14th National People's Congress)于3月5日召开。
全国政协十四届一次会议(the first session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference)于3月4日召开。


全国人民代表大会是最高国家权力机关(the country's highest organ of State power),职权包括:
The NPC exercises legislative power, amends the Constitution and supervises its enforcement, formulates and amends basic statutes and other laws.

选举、决定和罢免(elects, decides and recalls)国家机构组成人员;
审查和决定基础的、长期的、重要的国家事务;The NPC examines and decides on the fundamental, long-term and key issues of the state.

根据宪法和法律监督政府工作。The NPC supervises government work in accordance with the Constitution and laws.

中国人民政治协商会议是中国人民爱国统一战线的组织;中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商的重要机构;我国政治生活中发扬社会主义民主的一种重要形式。The CPPCC is a patriotic united front organization of the Chinese people, serving as a key mechanism for multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), and a major manifestation of socialist democracy. 

政治协商是对国家和地方的大政方针以及政治、经济、文化和社会生活中的重要问题在决策之前进行协商和就决策执行过程中的重要问题进行协商。Political consultation covers major principles and policies proposed by the central and local governments and matters of importance concerning political, economic, cultural and social affairs.


出席人民代表大会的是代表,即人大代表(NPC deputies)。
出席政协会议的是委员,即政协委员(CPPCC members)。




全国人大代表“审议”政府工作报告(deliberate government work report)。
全国政协委员“讨论”政府工作报告(discuss government work report)。


全国人大代表参会叫“履行职责(fulfil duty)”/“行使权力”(exercise power)。
全国政协委员参会叫“参政议政(participate in the discussion and the handling of State affairs)”。








人民代表大会简称“人大”,是国家的权力机关(the country's highest organ of State power)。
人民代表大会常务委员会简称“人大常委会(the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress)”,是人民代表大会的常设机关。



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