

索达吉堪布 国际佛学网 2023-03-02

不忘Always Remembering

第六章 甚深的法会

The Profound Dharma Gatherings



SECTION 39. The Great Dharma Gathering of 100,000 Vidyadharas



The main reason to hold the 100,000 Vidyadhara Dharma gathering is as follows:



According to the prophecy of the Dra Talgyur Root Tantra, “afterward, the wise will accept” — that is, if we hold the Dharma gathering of 100,000 Vidyadharas, all 100,000 members of the assembly can reach the state of Vidyadhara at the same time.




Initially, such dependent origination has already presented.



However, due to the small fortune of sentient beings supposed to be tamed in the current age and the strong force of demonic obscurations, the dependent origination could not be completely perfected, which spoiled the dependent origination for opening the gate of the thirteen great hidden treasures.



Nevertheless, thanks to the care of people from different backgrounds, mainly the great lineage holders and masters, in the Land of Snow we have the chance to hold this 100,000 Vidyadhara Dharma gathering after extensive rituals of recitation, supplication, and aspirations.



In this Dharma gathering, we have over 38,000 Sangha members on the scene for sure, and to add other tangible and intangible Vidyadharas, the total number comes to 100,000. This is truly worthy of rejoicing.




Our sole motivation in practicing the activity of magnetizing with the Profound Practice Sādhana of the Nine Deities of Avalokiteśvara is to spread the Buddhadharma and bring happiness and benefit to sentient beings in the Land of Snow as well as the entire world.




Larung’s teaching system should exist for roughly another 300 years, as was conferred from the prophecy of Lerab Lingpa and the first Kyabjé Düdjom Rinpoché.



Although many other Buddhist rituals could be performed for it, the most important thing is to practice the activity of magnetizing — the great Dharma gathering of 100,000 Vidyadharas.



If this Dharma gathering could be held regularly and appropriately in the future, the teachings at Larung would keep flourishing for over three generations after I pass away.



Whether the Buddhadharma remains for a long time in this world mainly depends on this Dharma gathering.



Therefore everyone should place great importance on it and participate with enthusiasm.




Nowadays, although the Buddhadharma flourishes in Tibet, phenomena keeping us from being optimistic are happening as well—



for example, the brutal actions of non- Buddhists from peripheral places or the slaughter of hundreds and thousands of animals, which directly contradict the harmless Buddhadharma and airs harmful ideas. Just by thinking about it, one feels as if hells had appeared in our human world.




Last year I taught in many areas of the four rivers and six ridges in Dokham (Mdo khams) and emphasized restraining from killing at Mastod (Rma stod) and Golog (Mgo log).



However, some kindhearted individual told me: “You’d better stop talking about it, otherwise I am afraid your life will be in danger.”




In its origin, Buddhism is a religion that requires doing no harm to any sentient being. The Buddha also said: “If you harm others, you are not a monk.”



However, the situation has already gone so far that people even doubt the dictum on no killing, and we are afraid of telling the truth besides.



How can I shut my heart to ignore this and look on without lifting a finger?



Therefore it is even more necessary for us to practice the activity of magnetizing.



如今全世界大约有182 个国家,但像藏地雪域这样佛法如此兴盛的,几乎在哪儿都没有。

Today there are about 182 countries across the world, but the Buddhadharma is nowhere as flourishing as it is in Tibet, the Land of Snow.



If we reflect on all aspects, right now we are not yet in a situation of no protection from father or no refuge from mother, and neither is there nothing to place our hope on or nothing to rely on.



And it is not a time that spreading the Dharma or benefiting sentient beings cannot be fulfilled. Quite the opposite is true. Therefore everyone should carefully and meticulously engage in these activities.




Today I vow in front of you guys as well.



From now until the end of sky, in order to spread the Dharma and bring benefit and happiness to all sentient beings, even if I have to give up my life, I will never balk at the opportunity.



Rather, I will fulfill the great cause of spreading the Dharma and benefiting sentient beings with my plan, and I ask you all to bestow favorable conditions of any kind.


His Holiness Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche

《Always Remembering》

索达吉堪布 恭译

Translated By Khenpo Sodargye



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