

2018-04-10 徐朦 译文 音乐文献编译组


Interview: Kyung Wha Chung

郑京和访谈First published in The Herald on 26 November, 2014;往期内容:郑京和的回归丨“当我在舞台上时,上帝与我同在!”

Kyung Wha Chung is back. “It’s hard to believe,” says the 66-year-old violinist, cheerfully slapping the coffee table as if to confirm that yep, all of this is real. “In some ways I feel like I haven’t been away, but on the other hand I had an incredibly enriching life while I was gone. Coming back onto the stage was completely unexpected. But here I am! Ha!” She lets out a raucous, hearty laugh. Chung is a lot of fun to interview. She’s feisty, spontaneous and caring; at one point she leaps up to wrap a jumper around my shoulders because she thinks I look chilly. In recent years she has been through the kind of painful experiences that might dampen the most resilient spirits, yet today she is as sparky and passionate as her classic fiery performances.


One of the great performers of the past century, Chung was born and raised in South Korea and moved to New York at 13 to study with the legendarily uncompromising teacher Ivan Galamian. Her major career breakthrough came in 1970 when she stood in last-minute for Itzhak Perlman in a concert with Andre Previn and the London Symphony Orchestra. She wore a flame-red dress and played Mendelssohn with a fearless attack that is still thrilling to watch on video. The following day she was flooded with international concert offers.

  她被称为上个世纪最伟大的表演家之一,郑京和在南韩出生并长大。13岁搬到纽约,跟随伊万·加拉米安(Ivan Galamian)老师学习音乐,这是一位具有传奇性色彩的老师。1970年,她替代伊扎克·帕尔曼与安德烈·普列文执棒的伦敦交响乐团合作了一场音乐会。这场音乐会称为她事业的重要转折点。那晚,她身着一袭红色长裙,用一种无所畏惧的心态演奏者门德尔松,即使现在回看音乐会录像,依然是震撼人心的。第二天,她便收到了很多国际音乐会的邀请。 

Chung describes her former self as a shy young woman; where, then, did that fearless bravado come from when she walked out in front of an audience? “I always loved being on stage,” she says. “I could do anything there – I could express myself. The violin gave me a voice I didn’t otherwise have. It was my friend. I could talk to it and it would talk back. It told me incredible stories. What more could a child want?”


The command to walk on stage as if she owned the place came from her mother. “She was a gutsy woman,” Chung says. “In polite company she could appear quiet and sweet, but actually she was like a general. She used to tell me, ‘when you go on stage you are the best. You tell them exactly what you want to say.’ To me that always felt totally reasonable!” 


Chung talks a lot about her mother, who does indeed sound like a formidable woman. She had seven children who played chamber music together every day. She would organise picnics every week and pack the family off to the beach each summer. “Mum would put up an army tent on the beach and that’s where we lived for two months every year,” Chung remembers. “We played music in the headlights of the jeep. I have wonderful memories. I wouldn’t say it was abnormal – abnormally happy, maybe.” 


Perhaps it isn’t surprising that Chung was committed to creating her own version of a balanced family life when the time came. At 32 she married and had children – a decision that didn’t go down well among some of her teachers and peers, who disapproved of her shift in priorities. Chung describes the moment as “like a train going full speed and suddenly you put the breaks on and jump out and say ‘Oh my god, what is my life really about?’. But it was the best experience to put myself through because from the age of 32 I looked at my life differently.”


A couple of decades later she suffered a severe strain in her left index finger and couldn’t play the violin for five years. During that time she lost her mother and her sister. Many people might have chosen to step away from the international career at that point, but Chung’s outlook seems indelibly positive. Part of that is her strong Christianity, she says, citing the Old Testament parable of Job who loses everything as a test of his faith. Part of it is a robust character clearly inherited from her mother. “She lived through the most difficult times in Korea: times when things couldn’t get any worse, only better. My life was different, of course. Everyone wanted to be me. They had no idea what it was like to be me, but still they wanted to be me. Everyone’s life is filled with pain and difficulty, so the key thing is outlook. Even the most difficult periods can be a source of strength.”


Eventually Chung’s index finger recovered and she began performing charity concerts around Asia and Africa. This month she returns to the UK for the first time in over a decade for concerts in London, Liverpool and Perth.


Her decision to return to the main stage is simple, she says: profile. “In order to help charitable causes I have to be visible. I have to have strong leverage. I don’t need a career; I don’t want a career. But I do want to help people. And that requires my name to be strong. It’s an unusual situation for somebody of my age to start playing recitals again. I’m perfectly aware of that!”


Thankfully the index finger hasn’t caused her any more grief but she has recently had trouble with her left thumb. In September she tried steroid injections but to no effect, so her doctor decided to operate. “I don’t think there are many surgeons who would want to put a knife on my hand,” she says in something of an understatement. “But this guy, who is 71 years old, is like a serene Buddhist monk. He knew that he had to clean out the joint, so he operated the very next day.”


That was two months ago and Chung is determined to uphold her much-hyped UK comeback. “It’s going to be fine,” she says, wiggling her thumb as if to prove the point. “Some days I feel stronger than others but I know I’ll get through the concerts. All this, all these health problems, it’s inevitable. This is not a young body. Nobody plays for this long without problems – except maybe Ida Haendel! She goes on and on!” There’s that wonderful laugh again.


I ask how it feels to walk on stage after everything she has been through. “It’s a miracle,” Chung replies, simply. “Every time I go on stage is a miraculous blessing. Every time might be my last, so I’m sure going to make it count.”


音乐编译组公众号往期推送:1、八十岁时论阿劳丨论阿劳的演奏艺术;2、八十五岁论阿劳丨他的演奏何以伟大?3、钢琴家特里福诺夫专访丨“我在游泳池里练琴”;4、十五问王羽佳丨“演出”对你意味着什么?5、王羽佳访谈丨“穿长裙?待我四十岁!”6、王羽佳专访丨她赢得了没有参加的“比赛”!7、采访阿格里奇丨“音乐必须是自然流露的事情!” 8、帕尔曼追忆海菲兹丨“这么多小提琴家都试图模仿他,但他们的演奏却成了活生生的讽刺。”;9、肖邦大赛访傅聪丨“这个比赛没有完美的玛祖卡。” 10、韩国钢琴家赵成珍访谈丨“如果我遇见肖邦……”;11、憨豆先生采访郎朗丨谈肖邦以及古典音乐普及;12、古稀之年克莱默访谈丨谈《克莱默版贝多芬协奏曲》(亨勒出版社);13、“奥伊斯特拉赫经常鼓励我,去寻找属于自己的声音”丨“当代怪杰”吉顿·克莱默访谈;14、“指挥家”李云迪访谈丨“音乐源自内心,这就是为什么即便我们一遍遍地弹奏相同的曲子,表演依然不是机械化的原因。” 15、郎朗弟子马克西姆·朗多访谈丨“郎朗对所有事物的热情深深感染着我,当我们在一起演奏时,可以感受到创造出的音乐竟然如此欢乐!” 16、肖邦“迷妹”阿格里奇论肖邦《第一钢琴协奏曲》丨“我多么渴望去亲眼看到肖邦怎样弹琴!”;17、纽爱新总监梵志登访谈丨“我并不想被公众看作对某位作曲家有特殊癖好,演的最多或最为喜欢。” 18、埃格纳钢琴三重奏访谈丨你有父亲、母亲和孩子,等我们长大了,孩子就会成为父亲和母亲,这就是室内乐想要阐明的观点!19、华裔小提琴家侯以嘉访谈丨“没有技巧就没有表达的自由;但只关注技术,很快会变得无聊或疲劳,并失去练习专注度。” 20、郎朗访谈丨“有时候父亲把我逼得太紧了,可他是爱我的!” 21、哈农库特访谈丨“我所探寻的始终是作曲家为什么要这样写”;22、面对批评,郎朗很委屈丨“我想让古典音乐表现得酷炫一点,这有什么不好么?”;23、“准备好了”丨回忆海菲兹小提琴大师班;24、美酒,女人和钢琴丨钢琴家鲁宾斯坦的三原色;25、纪念李帕蒂丨他坚称乐谱是“我们的圣经”,但对作品内在精神的解读更重要!26、周善祥访谈丨不想当钢琴家的作曲家不是好数学家;27、席夫丨为何我的《哥德堡变奏曲》宛如与魔鬼跳舞?28、卡萨尔斯论演奏丨“我们必须学会不要每个音符都完全照搬谱子上写的拉。” 29、钢琴家李斯蒂莎访谈丨我为何“在YouTube创建自己的频道”?30、席夫访谈丨“我们必须努力向公众解释如何聆听美妙的音乐。” 31、托斯卡尼尼与川普丨作为权力工具的古典音乐;32、论托斯卡尼尼丨热爱自由并勇于行动;33、布伦德尔谈周善祥丨“你可以雇一个登山向导来教一个小孩儿怎么走路。” 34、指挥家圣克莱尔论布鲁克纳《第八交响曲》丨“他并不浪漫,你在他的音乐中并不能得到像柴科夫斯基或者马勒交响曲中所得到的感受。” 35、“音乐绝对不是知识”丨钢琴家白建宇访谈;36、鲁宾斯坦访谈丨“我告诉家人,如果我坚持钢琴事业太久就开枪打死我。” 37、罗斯特罗波维奇访谈(上)丨“在我演奏时,我不是在听大提琴的声音,而是在听一个管弦乐团。” 38、罗斯特罗波维奇访谈(下)丨“我从50年代开始指挥,这大大拓宽了我塑造音乐的视野。” 39、巴伦博伊姆访谈丨“柏林墙倒塌以来,世界一直处于缺乏领导的困境中。” 40、郑京和的回归丨“当我在舞台上时,上帝与我同在!” 41、巴伦博伊姆遇见阿格里奇丨“当音乐家们沉浸在自己的音乐世界中时,他们的表情传递出自然和精神力量。”

