
每周分子 | Molecule of the Week

ACS 美国化学会 ACS美国化学会 2023-03-12

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Molecule of the Week:

Schaap’s dioxetanes

在20世纪80年代末,韦恩州立大学(美国底特律)的A. Paul Schaap及其合作者报道了二氧杂环丁烷衍生物的合成;当被碱性磷酸酶激活时,这类衍生物会触发明亮的化学发光(如下图)。这类化合物后来被称为Schaap金刚烷基-1,2-二氧环丁烷(“Schaap’s dioxetanes“)。

Credit: Yaroslav Khomutnyk

作为Schaap类化合物之一的3-(2′-spiroadamantane)-4-methoxy-4-(3″-phosphoryloxy)phenyl-1,2-dioxetane1尤其令人感兴趣。它俗称为PPD,并由Lumigen(美国密歇根州,绍斯菲尔德)公司经销。该化合物在室温下性质稳定;在1989年Schaap、Hashem Akhavan和Louis JRomano还报道了其在超灵敏酶联免疫测定和DNA探针方面的适用性。同年,来自Tropix(美国马萨诸塞州,贝德福德)的Irena Bronstein及其合作者,论述了其在促甲状腺激素免疫测定中的应用。通常,PPD以其更稳定的二钠盐形式应用于免疫测定,而非游离酸。

PPD用于临床诊断、食品安全、药物分析和环境监测方面的化学发光免疫分析,年均超过20亿次。2018年,来自乌普萨拉大学(瑞典)和哈佛大学(美国马萨诸塞州,剑桥)的Roland Lindh及世界各地的合著者,撰写了一篇关于环状过氧化物(包括Schaap’s dioxetanes)在化学发光和生物发光方面的综述。次年,特拉维夫大学的Nir Hananya和Doron Shabat4发现,在其中一个Schaap类化合物中添加一个吸电子基团,可将其化学发光量子产率提高3000倍。

1. SciFinder命名: phenol, 3-(4-methoxyspiro[1,2-dioxetane-3,2′-tricyclo[,7]decan]-4-yl)-, 1-(dihydrogen phosphate).

2. 现属于Beckman Coulter (美国加利福尼亚州,布雷亚)。

3. 现属于PerkinElmer (美国马萨诸塞州,沃尔瑟姆)。

4. Shabat是”Schaap’s dioxetanes”最早的研究者之一。

PPD 信息速览

CAS 登记号





328.34 g/mol




约250 °C (测量值,发光)


630 g/L (估值)


自2001年以来,“每周分子”已成为广受欢迎的栏目。多数分子由读者推荐。每个结构都经由科学家审查,并以3-D和平面图像的形式显示,同时附有该分子简介。可以通过美国化学文摘社 (CAS) 提供的SciFinder中的CAS REGISTRY获取“每周分子”的更多信息。CAS REGISTRY中的每条物质信息都展示了物质的CAS登记号、索引名、通用名、商品名、书目信息等其他更多信息。发送邮件至motw@acs.org推荐您感兴趣的分子吧

In the late 1980s, A. Paul Schaap and co-workers at Wayne State University (Detroit) reported the synthesis of dioxetane derivatives that trigger bright chemiluminescence when activated by alkaline phosphatase enzymes (see image). These compounds came to be known as “Schaap’s dioxetanes”.

One of Schaap’s compounds, 3-(2′-spiroadamantane)-4-methoxy-4-(3″-phosphoryloxy)phenyl-1,2-dioxetane1—known as PPD marketed by Lumigen2 (Southfield, MI)—is of particular interest. It is stable at ambient temperature; and in 1989, Schaap*, Hashem Akhavan, and Louis J. Romano reported that it is suitable for ultrasensitive enzyme-linked immunoassays and DNA probes. The same year, Irena Bronstein and co-workers at Tropix3 (Bedford, MA) described its use in immunoassays of the thyroid-stimulating hormone thyrotropin. Typically, PPD’s more stable disodium salt is used in immunoassays rather than the free acid.

PPD is used in more than 2 billion chemiluminescent immunoassays per year for clinical diagnosis, food safety, pharmaceutical analysis, and environmental monitoring. In 2018, Roland Lindh at Uppsala University (Sweden) and Harvard University (Cambridge, MA) and coauthors around the world wrote a comprehensive review of the chemiluminescence and bioluminescence of cyclic peroxides, including Schaap’s dioxetanes. The following year, Nir Hananya and Doron Shabat4 at Tel Aviv University reported that adding an electron-withdrawing group to one of the dioxetanes increased its chemiluminescence quantum yield by 3000-fold.

1. SciFinder: phenol, 3-(4-methoxyspiro[1,2-dioxetane-3,2′-tricyclo[,7]decan]-4-yl)-, 1-(dihydrogen phosphate).

2. Now part of Beckman Coulter (Brea, CA).

3. Now part of PerkinElmer (Waltham, MA).

4. Shabat was one of the early coiners of “Schaap’s dioxetanes”.

Cylindricine Hfast facts

CAS Reg. No.





Molar mass



White crystals

Melting point

≈250 °C (dec., luminescence)


630 g/L (est.)

About Molecule of the Week

MOTW has been a popular feature on ACS website since 2001. Many molecules are suggested by our website visitors. Every structure is reviewed by a scientist and displayed in 3-D and flat images with a brief description. Each week’s molecule also links to a sample record from the CAS REGISTRY, which is searched using SciFinder. Each record displays the registry number, index name and synonyms, bibliographic information, and more. Send us a molecule suggestion at motw@acs.org.

Copyright © 2023 American Chemical Society

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每周分子Molecule of the Week:苯甲腈



