

爱疯学习 2023-03-09




developa tiny robot    开发一种微型机器人

incooperation with sb    在与某人的合作之下

inthat particular sense    从那种特别的意义上说

electricfield    电场

rescuemissions    营救任务

squeeze    v.挤;压;榨

    Researchers from the University of California, Berekely havedeveloped 1 ____ tiny robot that measures just 3cm by 1.5cm, and weighs less than 0.07 grams. The robot 2 _________(describe) yesterday in the journal Science Robotics, incooperation with Yichuan Wu, a China-based professor.

  Despite weighingjust 0.07 grams, the robotic cockroach (蟑螂) can 3 ______(comfortable) cope with being stampedby a 60kg-adult more than one million times heavier than the robot!

    Professor Liwei Lin, who led the study, said: “Somebody 4 __________ (step) on our robot is applying anextraordinarily large weight, but the robot still works. So, in that particularsense, it's very similar 5 ___ a real cockroach.”

   To develop therobot, the researchers used special materials 6 ___________ will expand or contract when an electric voltage is applied.They also 7 _____ (add) a front leg so that, as the material bends andstraightens under an electric field, the device moves forwards like a jumpingfrog.

    Overall, this allows the tiny robot 8 _______(run) along the ground at a speed of 20 body lengths everysecond. This is believed to be the fastest pace among 9 ________ (robot) of this size. The robots couldbe used in rescue missions, as 10 _____ are small enough to squeeze into places where dogs or humanscan't fit.



1. a   考查冠词。结合语境, robot在此首次出现, 意为“一款微型机器人”,故填a。

2. was described   考查被动语态。分析句子结构可知,robot和describe之间是被动关系,且后面有时间状语yesterday,故填wasdescribed。

3.comfortably   考查词性转换。修饰动词短语copewith应用副词,故填comfortably。

4. stepping  考查非谓语动词。句中已有谓语isapplying,故step应作为非谓语动词;又因somebody与step on 之间是主动关系, 故现在分词形式作定语。

5. to   考查介词。因be similarto为固定搭配, 意为“与……相似”。

6.that/which   考查连词。分析句子结构和语境可知,空格后是一个定语从句,从句缺少主语,且先行词materials指物,故填which或that。

7.added   考查动词的时态。由上文的used,再结合语境可知,整个实验已经做完了,故填added。

8. to run   考查非谓语动词。因allow sb todo sth为固定搭配,意为“允许某人做某事”。

9. robots   考查名词单复数。可数名词robot前没有冠词和人称代词,结合语境此处应用名词单复数形式表示这类尺寸的机器人,故填robots。

10. they   考查代词。作主语,指代therobots应用主格,故填they。



recommend    v.推荐

parking spots    停车地点

technically    adv.技术地;专门地

teething problems    暂时性困难

pile up    积累,堆放起来

explode    v.爆炸;激增

    Shanghai is 1______ world's largest bikeshare city, according to the city government, with 280,000 sharedbikes citywide. That number is expected to jump to a staggering (大吃一惊) of500,000 shared bikes by this June, according to Guo Jianrong, secretary generalof Shanghai Bicycle Association. To prevent the problem 2 _______(happen) again, a spokesperson said the Mobike app would havea new feature from next week that recommended designated (指定) parking spots.Until the beginning of the century, bikes 3 ________(be) the main form of transport in Chinese cities. But inrecent years, bicycles have been replaced by private cars, motorbikes andpublic transport.

    Bikesharing is hardly new, 4 ______what makes it unique in China is that it's usually station free—which means that users can technicallyleave the bikes anywhere they want. It's also cheap. It costs just 0.5

to 1 yuan 5_____ a 30-minute ride.

    Shanghai is not theonly city in China 6 _______ bikesharing has had teething problems.It was reported that more than 500 bikes 7 _______ (rent) out by bikesharing firms were left piled up in thesouthern city of Shenzhen in January. They 8 ______________ (explode) in popularity in the past 12 months, with brightlycolored bikes flooding China's major cities. Manybeautiful 9 ________ (photo) of the orange, yellow, blue,green bikes were 10 ________(wide) shared by Internet users inChina last week.



1. the   考查冠词。形容词最高级largest前应用定冠词the修饰。

2.happening   考查非谓语动词。prevent sb(from) doing sth为固定搭配,意为 “阻止某人做某事”。

3. were   考查动词的时态。由前面until thebeginning of the century可知, 应用一般过去时。

4. but   考查连词。hardly new和whatmakes it unique是转折关系,故用but。

5. for   考查介词。表示“换取”用for。

6. where   考查连词。先行词是city,关系副词在从句中作地点状语,故用where。

7. rented   考查非谓语动词。因句中有谓语动词were, 而bikes与rent是被动关系,故用过去分词rented作后置定语。

8. haveexploded   考查动词的时态。时间状语是

in the past/last months    常用现在完成时。

9. photos   考查名词单复数。因受many修饰,要用复数形式。

10. widely   考查词性转换。修饰动词shared 应用副词。



a large number of    大量

die-off    相继死去

biologist    n.生物学家

examine    v.检查  

phenomenon    n.现象

a variety of bird species    各种各样的鸟类

appear to    好像 

resident    n.居民

due to…    由于

plastic bags    塑料袋

A large number of migratory birds (候鸟) are dropping deadacross New Mexico in a mass die-off. The number ofbird 1 _______(death) could be in the tens of thousands.

     Biologists fromNew Mexico State University (NMSU) examined 300 dead birds, and they've seen countless reports, photographs, and videos of thephenomenon across 2 _____ state. The die-off has affected a variety of bird species, although itappears to merely affect migratory birds.

     Along 3 ______ reports of dead birds, many residents in New Mexico havenoticed birds acting

4 ___________(strange), showing unusual behaviorsuch as not eating, flying low, or being inactive.

The cause 5 __________ (remain) unclear. The biologists are raising a few theories,a major one of

6 ________ is the wildfires currently 7 __________ (sweep) through California and otherstates along the West Coast. The conditions might have forced the birds tobegin their fall migration (迁徙) 8 _______ (early) than normal. As they moved inland, they lacked foodand water due to the droughts (干旱)

9 __________ (bring) by the past long hot summer.

    10 _______________ (understand) thispuzzle, NMSU is asking residents to report dead birds, or collect them inplastic bags, store them in the fridge, then contact the biologists.



1. getting   考查非谓语动词。本句已有谓语动词,应填非谓语动词,表主动,故填getting。

2. to   考查介词。句意:九江边上的这个小镇是

国家女子龙舟队的摇篮 (发源地)。behome to为


3. the  考查冠词。形容词最高级前,往往用定冠词,故填the。

4. their   考查代词。因in one's twenties/ thirties/ forties…意为“某人二十多/三十多/四十多……”,故填形容词性物主代词。

5. won   考查动词的时态。根据上下文可知,讲述的是过去的事情,用一般过去时,故填won。

6. farmers   考查名词单复数。由a groupof可知要用复数形式,且后面的factoryworkers也有提示,故填farmers。

7. have gone   考查动词的时态。由since then(自从那时开始)可知要用现在完成时,故填havegone。

8.highest   考查形容词最高级。由one of及空前的the可知要用最高级,填highest。

9. who   考查连词。引导非限制性定语从句,先行词Dong and herteammates指人,故填who。

10.gradually   考查词性转换。修饰动词being replaced应用副词,故填gradually。



date back to…    追溯到……;始于……

the process of doing sth    做某事的过程

have no choice but to do sth    除了做某事以外,别无选择

take advantage of sth    利用……

hear someone simply say sth    听见某人仅仅说……

    When the sun shines brightly, it provides a great chance toget outdoor 1 ________(thing) done. Like making hay (晾晒干草) ! At least, that is 2 ______ farmers from the past would say.

    “ 3 _______ (make) hay while the sun shines.” This idiom is very old, 4 ________ (date) back to Medieval times. Rain would often ruin theprocess 5 ___ making hay. So farmers had no choice but 6 __________ (make) hay when the sun was shining.

    Today, we all usethis expression, not just farmers. When conditions 7 _____ (be) perfect to get something done, we can say, “8 ___ is a good idea to make hay while the sun shines.” And sometimes we use this expression to mean we beat someoneto the punch, or we got ahead of someone else.

    In other words,you are taking advantage of a good situation or of good conditions. You aremaking the most of your opportunities.

    You should knowthat sometimes we only use parts of this expression. You might hear someone 9 _________ (simple) say they were  “making a little hay.” 10 ______ meaning is still there, even if all the words aren't.


本文主要介绍了习语“make haywhile the sun shines”的由来及其含义。

1. things   考查名词单复数。thing是可数名词,且前面没有任何限定词,故用复数形式。

2.what   考查连词。引导表语从句且作say的宾语,应填what。

3.Make   考查祈使句。祈使句中谓语动词用原形。

4. dating   考查非谓语动词。因句中已有谓语动词is,且idiom与date是主动关系,故用v.-ing形式。注意:date back to通常不用于被动。

5. of   考查介词。表示“……的”应用介词of。

6. to make   考查非谓语动词。因have nochoice but to do sth是固定搭配,意为“除了做某事以外,别无选择”。

7. are   考查主谓一致。因段首有today,可知是用一般现在时,且主语是conditions,故填are。

8. It  考查代词。此处it做形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式。注意:在英语中只有it能做形式主语和形式宾语。

9. simply   考查词性转换。修饰动词say作状语,应用副词。

10. The  考查冠词。此处特指这个习语的意思,故填The。



tablet   n.平板电脑

to the fullest    尽情地;充分地

annoying    adj.令人烦恼的

annoy    vt.使生气,惹恼

transfer    v.转化 

genius    n.天才 adj.天才的

device    n.设备

issue    n.问题,发行

connection    n.连接

    Tablet and iPad 1 ________ (user) finally find a way to drastically (急剧地) improve their Internet speed and enjoy it to the 2 ________ (full) for the cheapest price possible.Have you ever noticed how much slower your internet gets during the peak hoursof the day? It is clear that all that annoying endless buffering (缓冲) happens 3_________ your Internet service provider (ISP)are capping your Internet speeds to give their best-paying customers better service by 4 _____________ (transfer) some ofyour “bandwidth” (带宽) to them.

    If your Internet plan is one of those cheaper ones, there's 5 ____ great chance that you won't be even able to watch YouTube, Tik Tok, or make a Skypecall during those peak hours.

     6 _________(luck), there's a solution. It takes only one simple but genius device toput an end to it. An ex-engineer, who 7 _____________________________(work) for years at an ISP in Germany, came up 8 ______ an idea to solve this issue. He created a device 9 ________ (call) “WifiBooster”, 10 ______ provides you with a much faster and stronger Internetconnection at any time and any corner at your house without additional costs.



1. users  考查名词单复数。由句意“平板和ipad的用户们……”可知,应用可数名词复数。

2. fullest   考查词性转换。因enjoy sth tothe fullest是固定搭配,意为“尽情地、充分地享受某事”。

3. because   考查连词。用because引导后面的原因状语从句。

4.transferring   考查非谓语动词。在介词by后应用动词-ing形式。

5. a   考查冠词。因后面的chance为单数形式,故填a。

6. Luckily   考查词性转换。修饰句子应用副词作状语。

7. had worked/had been working   考查动词的时态。因后面有foryears修饰,且主句为一般过去时,应用过去完成时或过去进行时。

8. with   考查介词。固定搭配come upwith,意为“想出”。

9. called   考查非谓语动词。called过去分词作后置定语。

10. which  考查连词。因定语从句缺主语,且先行词WiFiBooster指物,故填which。



construction    n.建筑;建造

autonomous    adj.自治的;自主的

intelligent    adj.有才智的;聪明的

put into operation    (使)实行,生效

bullet train    子弹列车

soft power    软实力

    So far, construction work for the high-speed railway line linking Beijing and the northern Chinesecity of Zhangjiakou 1 ___________________ (complete). Therailway line was built in preparation 2 _____ the 2022 Winter Olympics as the event will be hosted by thetwo cities together. It will be put into operation by the end of the year.

    An autonomoustechnology, 3 _______ enables the train to start, operate,stop and open autonomously, will be used in trains 4 ________ (run) on the railway line.

    Zhao Hongwei is aleading researcher at the Chinese Academy of Railway Sciences, says, “Now we dothe maintenance work 5 ___________ (regular).

In the future, what we should do is just to do repairing workwhen 6 ___________ (problem) appear. The intelligentsystem will let us know timely 7 ________ or not the train needs 8 _______________________ (repair).”

    At the beginning ofthis year, the first Fuxing bullet train with the speed of 160km per hourstarted operation.

    Yao Jianwei, 9 _____ scientist from the Chinese Academy of Railway Sciences, said,“Now we are able to produce the Fuxing bullet train. But we still need to 10 ____________ (strong) our national soft power.”



1. has been completed   考查动词的时态。因前有sofar修饰,且work与complete是被动关系,故用现在完成时的被动语态。

2. for   考查介词。in preparation for是固定搭配,意为“为……做准备”。

3.which   考查连词。引导非限定性定语从句并在从句中作主语,且先行词An autonomoustechnology指物,故填which。

4. running   考查非谓语动词。因句中已有谓语动词willbe used,且trains与running为主动关系,故填running。

5.regularly   考查词性转换。修饰动词do应用副词。

6.problems   考查名词单复数。由后面appear可知,主语为复数形式,故用problems。

7. whether   考查连词。根据句意,由句意可知此处表达“是否”之意,故填whether。

8.repairing/to be repaired   考查非谓语动词。因train与repair为被动关系,且need后接动名词表被动needdoing,相当于need to be done,故填repairing或to be repaired。

9. a   考查冠词。泛指“一位”科学家,故填a。

10.strengthen   考查词性转换。固定搭配need to dosth,意为“需要做某事”,故填strengthen。


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话题狂背:人际关系    语言学习    旅游交通    自然灾害    崇拜偶像    历史文化    体育运动    网络时代    生物保护    文娱活动    节假活动    健康饮食    财富问题    航天科技    美丽世界    巾帼英雄    农业技术    语言幽默    肢体语言    主题公    读写微技能:基本句型的扩展    如何做到篇章结构连贯    写好长句的技巧    如何写好主语    常用it句型    


