
专著推荐 | 《二语写作教师教育与专业发展》(2024年新书)

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EFL Writing Teacher Education and Professional Development

Voices from Under-Represented Contexts

本书主编:Estela Ene, Betsy Gilliland, Sarah Henderson Lee, Tanita Saenkhum, Lisya Seloni


出版社:Multilingual Matters



This book explores how EFL writing teacher education is theoretically, pedagogically, methodologically and sociopolitically shaped, given teachers' unique local contexts and circumstances. It showcases practitioners and researchers teaching in, or studying, geographic areas that have as yet been under-represented in international publications, and it focuses on ways that specific contexts create unique opportunities and constraints on what developing teachers know and do in their work. The chapters prioritize local voices and materials to build a more inclusive and comprehensive picture of L2 writing globally, enabling the book as a whole to both document and further shape pedagogical approaches to L2 writing. Readers will be able to use the unique insights contained in this book in their own classrooms and professional development activities.


This is a groundbreaking edited volume that amplifies the voices of EFL writing educators from under-represented countries. The rich collection in the book offers innovative strategies, diverse perspectives and empowering narratives, giving EFL writing teachers invaluable insights into fostering effective writing pedagogies in diverse linguistic contexts. An indispensable resource for EFL writing instructors.——Willy Ardian Renandya, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

This book is a timely, accessible, and informative contribution to scholarship on writing teacher development that addresses important gaps in the field as related to the under-represented EFL context. It is impressive in its depth and scope of coverage and is notable for its emphasis on local voices across a global landscape.——Alan Hirvela, Professor Emeritus, The Ohio State University, USA

This book constitutes a most welcome and innovative contribution to previous scholarship on L2 writing teacher education with its collective critical and insightful exploration of ways in which specific contexts (covering a range of hitherto unexplored geographical areas across the globe) create unique affordances and constraints for teaching L2 writing and for writing teacher preparation and professional development.——Rosa M. Manchón, Universidad de Murcia, Spain


  • Tables and Figures

  • Contributors

  • Acknowledgements

  • Estela Ene, Betsy Gilliland, Sarah Henderson Lee, Tanita Saenkhum and Lisya Seloni: Introduction

  • Part 1: Voices from the Field

  • Chapter 1. Robin Rhodes, John Fiacre Haliyamutu, Jean de Dieu Amini Ngabonziza and Théophile Muhayimana: Land of a Thousand Hills: English Writing Education and Teacher Professional Development

  • Chapter 2. Lan Wang-Hiles: Transformation in Progress: Challenges and Promises in China's High School English Writing Instruction

  • Chapter 3. Youngjoo Yi and Eunjeong Park: EFL Writing Teacher Education to Prepare for Post-COVID-19 Education: Voices from Teacher Educators

  • Chapter 4. D. Philip Montgomery and Marina Kudritskaya: Navigating Anti-Plagiarism Software in Kazakhstan: A Duoethnographic Reflection

  • Chapter 5. Mehmet Karaca and Hacer Hande Uysal: EFL Writing Teacher Education and Professional Development in Türkiye

  • Chapter 6. Ricardo Martin Ramirez and María Alejandra Soto: Teaching Writing from an Argentine TEFL Stance

  • Chapter 7. Carolina A. Villalobos Quiroz: The Journey in Teaching Writing

  • Chapter 8. Jared Michael Kubokawa: On Becoming an EFL Writing Specialist in the Japanese Context

  • Part 2: Resources and Materials for Writing Teacher Preparation and Development

  • Chapter 9. Catalina Sandoval Muñoz and Patricio Canales Volpone: A Local and Collaborative Writing Activity: An Example from Chile

  • Chapter 10. Nur Yiğitoğlu Aptoula and Melinda Reichelt: Discovering New Landscapes: Investigating How Writing Instruction in Non-English L2 Languages Can Enrich EFL Writing Teacher Education

  • Chapter 11. Wélica Cristina Duarte de Oliveira and Betsy Gilliland: Creating Your Own Island: Preservice Teacher Engagement through Collaborative Writing

  • Chapter 12. Nur Yiğitoğlu Aptoula and Derya Altınmakas: Integrating Genre-Based Writing and Critical Thinking in Developing Writing Skills of Preservice Language Teachers

  • Chapter 13. Sean Farrell and Matt Kessler: Leveraging Open Accessible Summaries in Language Studies (OASIS) for EFL Writing Teacher Professional Development Workshops

  • Chapter 14. Miranda Sin I Ma: Beyond Test-Based Writing Prompts: A Mediated Approach to Developing Student Writers

  • Chapter 15. Yachao Sun, Tyler J. Carter and Kristin E. Hiller: Transdisciplinary Writing Teacher Development in a Sino-US Joint-Venture University in China 

  • Chapter 16. Kadidja Koné and Binta Koïta: Negotiating a Syllabus between Student Needs and Program Requirements

  • Part 3: State of the Field of EFL Writing Teacher Education

  • Chapter 17. Claudia Ioana Doroholschi and Ana Cristina Băniceru: What Is a Writing Teacher, and How Do We Make One? Writing Teacher Training in Romania 

  • Chapter 18. Niles Zhao and Kuang Li: 'How Can I Teach Them More Effectively?': Examining Four EFL Teachers' Writing Instruction to Ethnic Minority Students

  • Chapter 19. Negin Hosseini Goodrich: Within the Waves of Instability: EFL Writing and Teacher Training in Iran

  • Chapter 20. Tania Rahman: In-Service Teacher Training, Agency and Teaching Writing in English at a Bangladeshi University: A Critical Perspective

  • Chapter 21. Ping-Hsuan Wang: EFL Writing in the Shadow: Challenges and Opportunities for Teachers in Taiwan's Private Tutoring Institutions

  • Chapter 22. Wafa Zekri and Kamal Belmihoub: Challenges and Opportunities of Developing an EFL Writing Course in Algeria: A Collaborative Auto-Ethnographic Study

    Chapter 23. Katarzyna Hryniuk and Estela Ene: Preparing EFL Teachers to Teach Writing in Poland: The Case of an English Department

    Icy Lee: Afterword


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