
专著推荐 | Redoing Linguistic Worlds: Unmaking Gender Binaries

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Redoing Linguistic Worlds: Unmaking Gender Binaries, Remaking Gender Pluralities



书号 ISBN:9781800415089

出版社: Multilingual Matters


Kris Aric Knisely is Assistant Professor of French and Intercultural Competence in the Department of French and Italian and affiliated faculty in the Second Language Acquisition and Teaching PhD program as well as in the Trans Studies Research Cluster at the University of Arizona. Knisely's research focuses on gender justice in language education and research. 


Eric Louis Russell is Professor of French and Italian and affiliated faculty in both the Linguistics and Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies departments at the University of California, Davis. His research considers contemporary Italian, French, Dutch and English linguacultures, asking how gender and gender expression, masculinities, power, authority and hegemonies are realized and disrupted through languaging and discursive activity.



语言和性别是相互关联的社会和关系行为,通过这些行为,我们不断重塑我们的世界。但是,当我们的性别处理方式不能整齐地归类到传统的二元系统中时,会发生什么,不仅包括角色、实践和身份的社会分组,还包括我们做语言的形式和结构?本书汇集了众多学者,探讨在非英语社区和语境中,通过他们的语言和社会重新想象,性别二元对立的消解和重做。本书的每一篇文章都反映了这种持续的变化及其在我们日常生活中的地位,包括其结果既有争议又有变化的方式。这本书代表了语言和性别学术研究的重要一步,它为公众提供了越来越多的意识,并呼吁我们所有人站在我们自己人性的张力中,并通过它来审视我们的语言如何“做”更公平的想象世界, 更紧密的联系,更为我们所有人服务。

At a time when far-right politicians and TERF scholars are fundamentally threatening trans and non-binary people's right to exist, this highly innovative edited collection offers an indispensable scholarly and political intervention illustrating the creative ways in which the gender binary is contested and reimagined. A must read!

Tommaso M. Milani, Pennsylvania State University, USA

Knisely and Russell have produced a timely collection, bringing to the fore speakers' unmaking of limited and binary structures in language, and the remaking of inclusive interactions with the self and others. This volume is an exciting journey beyond the cis-only world, gifting the field with new and much-needed terminology, concepts and experiences.

Federica Formato, University of Brighton, UK

This book highlights the exclusionary reality that many trans and gender non-conforming people face when learning and using languages with grammatical gender. Addressing contexts both within and outside the classroom, the authors offer innovative and methodologically diverse approaches that effectively challenge the ongoing dominance of English in conversations about trans language.

Lal Zimman, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA


  • Figures

  • Tables

  • Contributors

  • Acknowledgments

  • Series Editors' Preface

  • Kris Aric Knisely and Eric Louis Russell: Introduction: Redoing Linguistic Worlds

  • Part 1: Languagers and Genderers

  • Chapter 1. Kris Aric Knisely and Eric Louis Russell: Languagers and Genderers: A Guide to Redoing Linguistic Worlds

  • Part 2: Unmaking Gender Binaries and Remaking Gender Pluralities in the Classroom

  • Chapter 2. Kris Aric Knisely: Not Another Binary: Gender Modality, Languaging and Language Learning in French

  • Chapter 3. Maureen O. Gallagher (she), Simone Pfleger (they), Angineh Djavadghazaryans (she), Brigetta (Britt) Abel (she) and Faye Stewart (she): Gender Plurality in the German-Language Classroom: Constructing Linguistic and Cultural Identities Beyond Binaries

  • Chapter 4. Lindsay D. Preseau, LeAnne Spino and Niko Tracksdorf: Gender Inclusivity Across the Curriculum: An Exploration of Novice and Advanced Course Content through Student Perspectives

  • Part 3: Unmaking Gender Binaries and Remaking Gender Pluralities in Sociolinguistic Space

  • Chapter 5. Maxen Jack-Monroe: Beyond il or elle and femme or homme: How Non-Binary Montréalers Navigate French

  • Chapter 6. Jennifer Kaplan: The Social Life of Non-Binary French: How Non-Binary Francophones Linguistically Navigate Institutions

  • Chapter 7. Sheryl Bernardo-Hinesley and Alba Arias Álvarez: Remaking Spanish Gender Binaries: Online Attitudes Toward Gender Pluralities

  • Part 4: Unmaking Gender Binaries and Remaking Gender Pluralities as Resistance and Social Change

  • Chapter 8. Michael Barnes: 'Estamos pavimentando el camino para futuros hablantes del castellano': Nonbinary Peninsular Spanish Languaging as Prefigurative Politics

  • Chapter 9. Ben Papadopoulos: Identifying Gender in Gendered Languages: The Case of Spanish

  • Chapter 10. Eric Louis Russell: Ciro è morto o morta? Symbolic Power and Discursive Effablity

  • Kris Aric Knisely and Eric Louis Russell: Redoing and Undoing: When a Conclusion Is Just the Beginning

  • Index

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