
专著推荐 |《21世纪学术英语:宁波诺丁汉模式》

The following article is from 思飞学术 Author 思飞学术


注:“专著推荐”栏目包括book和edited book


EAP for the 21st Century: The UNNC Impact



Paul Knight 、Robert Smith 编

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About the Editors

保罗 · 奈特

Paul Knight

英国诺丁汉大学教师、研究员,TESOL MA 项目课程负责人,负责该项目在宁波诺丁汉大学和吉隆坡诺丁汉大学的实施。2005至2008年任职于宁波诺丁汉大学,创立了英语语言教学中心(Centre for English Language Education) 并负责其早期发展。之前曾任职于英国开放大学(Open University)和英国文化教育协会(British Council)在中国、 巴基斯坦和印度尼西亚的机构。

罗伯特 · 史密斯

Robert Smith

宁波诺丁汉大学英语语言教学中心主任,先在 Paul Knight 指导下任课程导师,后担任本科一年级教学评估、管理与指导方面的多个要职。曾任宁波诺丁汉大学首任校园高级督导,带领团队从事学生支持和关怀工作。研究兴趣为计算机辅助语言学习,2016年创建英语语言教学中心的“线上资料开发”(Online Materials Development) 团队,帮助提升学生在课堂内外活动中的体验。

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The University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) was established in 2004 and first welcomed students to its new campus in Ningbo in 2005. UNNC was the first Sino-foreign university to be established in China. It was established by the University of Nottingham, UK, with cooperation from the Zhejiang Wanli Education Group.

Currently, it teaches around 8,500 students at both undergraduate and postgraduate level, with the majority from China’s mainland, but also 8% from other countries or regions. Its staff and student body come from over 70 countries or regions.

To support such a diverse student body studying in the medium of English in a ‘Western’ university situated in a dynamic modern Chinese city inevitably created new and interesting challenges. In order to address these, the Centre for English Language Education (CELE) was established at the new campus in 2005. Adopting the same name as its University of Nottingham, UK, counterpart, CELE provided English for Academic Purposes (EAP) support for students entering the University, either as part of its first year programme for new undergraduates, or through its in-sessional support for students who had already embarked upon their undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. In doing this, it initially received welcome support and guidance from the UK team, but quickly grew to a size that far outstripped its parent. 

In its first year, CELE supported just 130 new students on their first year programme, which delivered both EAP and ‘content’ courses designed to prepare them for their future specialisms. Within 3 years the programme supported over 800 students. Now CELE supports all 9,000 students at UNNC, 2,000 of which are taught by CELE staff during their first year of study. In 2005, an initial team of just 20 EAP tutors delivered the first year programme, and in-sessional provision was provided by a team of just two. Now, CELE employs 112 tutors, 85 work in EAP, of whom 14 work on in-sessional programmes, and a further 7 CELE tutors work with CELE Professional Education & Training (formally known as CELE Knowledge Exchange) on Outreach or Commercial English courses.

Providing programmes of this size, with an academic team this large means that CELE Ningbo is arguably the largest single-site provider of such teaching worldwide. What is not in question is that over the years it has employed hundreds of EAP tutors, each keen to work and develop their skills at a cutting-edge institution working to meet new and exciting challenges. After their time at CELE, many of these tutors took on roles elsewhere, many moving into management positions or other areas of academic life.

This collection of papers is their work – each author in this collection either has worked, or still does work in CELE at UNNC. These papers represent their experience of delivering world class EAP teaching in China and subsequently around the globe. As such, it can be said to represent the current thinking of leading professionals in the field, which combines current theoretical understanding of language education with strong practical experience.

The chapters in this book have been organised according to 6 broad themes. The first 5 consider issues related to Culture, both general and educational. The following 2 chapters consider Curriculum issues. Chapters 8–10 deal with Technology in the EAP classroom, while chapters 11–13 focus on Skills in teaching. Chapters 14 and 15 consider issues of Student Support. The final 3 chapters consider Teacher and Programme Development.

Paul Knight

Robert Smith


Table of Contents 





专著推荐 | 世界知名TESOL专家论丛(第二辑)

专著推荐 | Research Methods in Applied Linguistics(4卷本)

专著推荐 | 语言景观研究(6卷本)

专著推荐 | 陆军《二语词语的共选型式研究与教学设计》留言赠书

专著推荐 | Hyland推荐的Contexts of Academic Writing重要读本

专著推荐 | Hyland推荐的学术话语分析三大流派经典读本

专著推荐 | Hyland推荐的Student academic writing重要读本

专著推荐 | 马乃强《英语母语学习者汉语成语理解习得研究》

专著推荐 | 《普通高等学校外国语言文学类专业教学指南》2022版出版

专著推荐 | Paul Kei Matsuda《第二语言写作——历史、身份、教学法与职业发展》

专著推荐 | 陆军《二语词语的共选型式研究与教学设计》

专著推荐| 陆军《中国学习者英语构型研究》

专著推荐 | 语言测试与评估系列读本(外教社)

专著推荐 | 《实施任务教学法的教育现实》

专著推荐 | Self-regulated Learning and Second Language Writing

专著推荐 | Research Methodology and Scientific Writing

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专著推荐 | Teaching Writing in English as a Foreign Language

专著推荐 | 跨文化交际与(外语)教育(2卷本)

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专著推荐 | 王华《学术英语口语能力等级量表及测评标准》

专著推荐 |刘蕴秋《社会文化视域下中国英语教师实践智慧探索》

专著推荐 | 社会文化理论在二语研究中的应用

专著推荐 | 高一虹等:中国英语使用者语言态度与认同

专著推荐 | 文秋芳《高校外语教师专业学习共同体建设研究》

专著推荐 | “什么是语言学” 普及系列(18种)

专著推荐 | 身份研究与二语习得国际前沿(10卷本)

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专著推荐 | 国际前沿:语言习得的心理研究维度(4卷本)

专著推荐 | 二语词汇习得研究(5卷本)

专著推荐 | “什么是语言学” 普及系列(18种)

专著推荐 | 教育研究中SPSS的应用(2卷本)

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专著推荐 | 多模态话语分析与语言教学应用

专著推荐 | Multimodal Literacies in Young Emergent Bilinguals

专著推荐 | Multimodal Communication and Soft Skills Development

专著推荐 | 多模态语篇的连贯构建研究——以中国英语学习广告为例

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专著推荐 | Dynamism in Metaphor and Beyond

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专著推荐 | 中国英语教师移动辅助语言教学理论与实践研究

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专著推荐 | 基于语料库的中国理工科大学生英语写作能力研究

专著推荐 | Brian Tomlinson:《为学习者评估、改编和开发教材:英语作为国际语言》

专著推荐 | “语言教学中心理/认知因素研究”国际前沿著作(14卷)

专著推荐 | Critical Perspectives on Global Englishes in Asia

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专著推荐 |  商务英语教师学养丛书(15册)

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专著推荐 | 郑咏滟:《英语学术论文写作:初学者实践指南》

专著推荐 | 方志辉:Demystifying Academic Writing

专著推荐 | 讲述他们的科研发表故事:新手到老手的国际发表研究

专著推荐 | 最新国际英语学术写作教材:The Art and Architecture of Academic Writing

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专著推荐 | Dagmar Divjak《认知语言学:理论创新与发展趋势》

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专著推荐 | 蔡基刚《汉英学术语篇阅读效率及信息加工对比研究》

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专著推荐 | 2021年跨文化交际研究国际前沿(4卷本)

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专著推荐 | Acquiring Metaphorical Expressions in a Second Language

专著推荐 | 适合语言教师的开放教育资源(OER)有哪些?

专著推荐 | Learner Corpus Research

专著推荐 | Collocations and Action Research

专著推荐 | Critical Perspectives on Global Englishes in Asia

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专著推荐 | 国际前沿:语言学习策略(4卷本)

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专著推荐 |《社会科学任务型学术英语写作》

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专著推荐 | Autonomy Support Beyond the Language Learning Classroom

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专著推荐 | 基于语料库的学术英语元话语对比研究

专著推荐 | 潘鸣威、肖杨田《英语教师语言测评素养研究》

专著推荐 | 朱正才《语言测试的心理测量与统计模型》

专著推荐 | 《基于语篇结构的口译教学材料难度研究》

专著推荐 | Multimodal Communication and Soft Skills Development



