
专著推荐 | 施旭 The Routledge Handbook of Cultural Discourse Studies

继在一部Encyclopedia和四部Handbooks发表文章后,施旭教授主编的The Routledge Handbook of Cultural Discourse Studies出版啦!



书名:The Routledge Handbook of Cultural Discourse Studies





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In response to the cultural challenges in society and scholarship, this handbook presents the conceptions, assumptions, principles, methods, topics and issues in the studies of cultural forms of human communication—cultural discourses—by experts from around the world.

A culturalist programme in communication studies (CS), cultural discourse studies (CDS), as represented in this handbook, is a new current of thought in human and social science and a form of academic activism, but above all, it is a fresh paradigm of research committed to enhancing cultural harmony and prosperity on the one hand and facilitating intellectual plurality and innovation on the other hand. This handbook is the first of its kind; it is concerned with the identities of, and interactions between, the world’s diverse cultural communities through locally-grounded and globally-minded, culturally conscious and critical approaches to their communicative practice. Contributors apply such insights, precepts and techniques, not merely to discover and describe past and present communication, but also to design and guide future communication.

This handbook is ideal for scholars and students interested in cultural aspects and issues of communication/discourse, as well as researchers of other fields looking to apply cultural discourse methods to their own projects.




Introduction- Shi-xu


Philosophical foundations

1 Cultural discourse studies: A culturalist approach to communication


2 Representing discourse studies: The unequal actors of an international and multidisciplinary field

Johannes Angermuller

3 Asiacentricity and the field of Asian communication theory: Today and tomorrow

Yoshitaka Miike

4 Intercultural communication and interactions: A history and critique

Hamid Mowlana

5 Entangling the discursive and the material

Nico Carpentier


Theoretical developments

6 Situating and unwinding “intercultural struggles” in critical intercultural communication studies

Rona Tamiko Halualani

7 Transcultural communication

Will Baker

8 Biculturalism and bicultural identity negotiation

Shuang Liu and Cindy Gallois

9 Gender, culture and emancipation: A paradigmatic outline of Asiacentric womanism

Jing Yin

10 Contemporary Chinese discourse in times of global turbulence: Reconstructing cultural capacity and crafting international strategy


11 Ethnic media in multicultural Russian society: A cultural discourse studies approach

Anna Gladkova and Elena Vartanova

12 A cultural discourse called science

Ringo Ossewaarde

13 Freedom discourse

Manfred Kienpointner


Methodological considerations

14 Infusing “Spirit” into the “Power/Other” dialectic and dialogue

Ronald D. Gordon

15 Analysing multimodal cultural discourse: Scope and method

Dezheng (William) Feng and Yilei Wang

16 Cultural discourse analysis as a methodology for the study of intercultural contact and circulation

David Boromisza-Habashi

17 Cultural discourse analysis: Discourse hubs as heuristic devices

Donal Carbaugh , Trudy Milburn , Michelle Scollo and Brion van Over

18 Understanding social justice in language teacher education from a Freirean Southern decolonial perspective

Nara Hiroko Takaki


Empirical explorations

19 Trust in language: Exploring the speech-action nexus

Tamar Katriel

20 Hate speech we live by

María Laura Pardo

21 Anonymity and radicalisation in Argentinian social media: Identity as a strategy for political dispute

María Valentina Noblía

22 Where neoliberal and Confucian discourses meet: The case of female fi tness infl uencers on Chinese social media 

Gwen Bouvier

23 Recontextualising global warming as opportunity: On not seeing the trees for the forest

Ian Roderick

24 (Re)location of discourses in institutional space

Isolda E. Carranza

25 The normalisation of impoliteness in political dialogue: Latin America, Spain and the United States

Adriana Bolívar

26 Duality of facework in hotel responses of Shanghai and London to negative online reviews: A transculturality proposal

Doreen D. Wu , Kaiming Su and Xueliu Wang

27 Beyond the “one-key-to-the-universe view”: Expanding critical perspectives in cultural discourse studies

Walkyria Monte Mór

28 The harmonisation of African orthographic conventions: The CASAS experience

Kwesi Kwaa Prah



Robert T. Craig

 University of Colorado Boulder, USA

Cultural Discourse Studies is a field committed to locally grounded research and critical engagement with human communication as a global system of diverse cultural discourses enmeshed in unequal relations of power. The globally diverse contributions to this handbook exemplify that commitment while advancing the field in many important ways.

Kent A. Ono

University of Utah, USA

Cultural Discourse Studies is a remarkable edited collection certain to shape the field of communication powerfully. The book is theoretically sophisticated, wholly imaginative, and more importantly exactly what we need to read right now to improve the world. Cynicism, insults, and oppression harm the ability for humans to cooperate; Cultural Discourse courageously seeks to improve the conversation, steering it toward more healthy dialogues and outcomes. It is essential reading for anyone who wants to live in a world where people get along!

Silvio Waisbord

 George Washington University, USA

Shi-xu has assembled a remarkable collection of studies on culture and discourse studies that should be of interest to scholars and students. The book offers a sweeping survey of key concepts and case studies from contributors from around the world. The contributions address classic debates as well as recent cases about the way groups and organizations use discourses to mobilize meaning, as well as the challenges for intercultural communication in a global world. All in all, this is a stimulating book that raises important questions and lays out rich empirical findings.

Teun A. van Dijk

Pompeu Fabra University, Spain

Of all the fields of Discourse Studies, Cultural Discourse Studies, starting with Dell Hymes in the 1960s, was the first, and, as shown in this much needed Handbook, still is a crucial approach to the study of text and talk all over the world, as is also shown in the selection of topics and the impressive international team organized by the prominent cultural discourse studies scholar Shi-xu.

Ingrid Piller

 Macquarie University, Australia

The Routledge Handbook of Cultural Discourse Studies represents an ambitious effort to map out the philosophical underpinnings, theoretical frameworks, methodological approaches, and empirical challenges faced by humanity as we (fail to) come together to communicate about how to avoid the global existential threats we are facing today.

Crispin Thurlow

University of Bern, Switzerland

With a wealth of fresh perspectives and innovative case studies, this is an exciting, provocative volume which undoubtedly helps expand the scope of discourse studies.

本文编辑:文化话语研究 楼诗杭



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