
期刊动态 | 翻译学SSCI期刊Translation Studies2022年第1期目录

语言学通讯 语言学通讯 2023-03-04



Transaltion Studies



本期Translation Studies推出了6篇研究论文,8篇书评。其中,有2篇论文出自中国台湾学者,1篇论文出自中国香港学者。特别推荐:中国台湾义守大学Ann-Marie Hsiung用比较文学的眼光回顾了1998年迪士尼《花木兰》动画片的跨模态翻译。以文本旅行、改写理论分析了这部中国民谣经典如何实现跨国旅行,杂揉美国文化,融合迪士尼元素,最终成为(世界文学)成功的电影作品。

Mulan’s travel from ballad to movie: A case study of inter-modal translation

摘要:This research is concerned with the inter-modal translation of Disney’s 1998 animated film Mulan. It treats Disney’s team of adaptors as corporate translators, exploring how their intervention enabled the legendary figure Mulan and the ballad named after her to travel from ancient China to the modern world to serve the artistic and commercial purposes of their patron, the Walt Disney Company. This study examines Mulan’s journey along with the team’s process: first, their research of the source; second, their activation of a two-phase cultural translation, enabling Mulan to enter 1990s America – assimilating her into US culture and fitting her into the Disney Formula. Key alterations and their impact are then scrutinized. This research critically reviews and assimilates prior scholarship, adapting relevant concepts such as traveling theory and post-translation rewriting.


Translation Studies目录


How happy are legal translators at their work? Further findings from a cognitive–affective enquiry

Klaudia Bednárová-Gibová

Pages: 1-20

Islamic feminism and the renegotiation of new knowledge through translation

Doaa Embabi

Pages: 21-36

A history from below: Translators in the publication network of four magazines issued by the China Book Company, 1913–1923

Michelle Jia Ye

Pages: 37-53

Translating gender indeterminacy: the queering of gender identities in Qiu Miaojin’s Last Words from Montmartre

Ming-che Lee

Pages: 54-68

Mulan’s travel from ballad to movie: A case study of inter-modal translation

Ann-Marie Hsiung

Pages: 69-83

Carlo Emilio Gadda and the Siglo de Oro: Translation as “open work”

Cecilia Benaglia

Pages: 84-99

Book review

Retranslating Joyce for the 21st Century

by Jolanta Wawrzycka and Erika Mihálycsa eds., Leiden, Brill Rodopi, 2020, 348 pp., €80.00 (paperback/e-book), ISBN 978-90-04-42739-6/978-90-04-42741-9

Patrick O’Neill

Pages: 100-102

Translation and paratexts

by Kathryn Batchelor, London, Routledge, 2018, 202 pp., £34.99/£120.00/£31.49 (paperback/hardback/eBook), ISBN 9781138488977 / 9780815349228 / 9781351110112

Lingjuan Fan

Pages: 102-106

Legal translation outsourced

by Juliette R. Scott, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2019, 232 pp., £22.99/£64/£19.35 (paperback/hardcover/e-book), ISBN: 9780190900007 / 9780190900014 / 9780190900038

M. Rosario Martín Ruano

Pages: 106-109

Translation and multimodality. Beyond words

edited by Monica Boria, Ángeles Carreres, María Noriega-Sánchez, and Marcus Tomalin, London and New York, Routledge, 2020, 210 pp., £23.99/£88.00/£19.49 (paperback/hardcover/eBook), ISBN 9781138324435 / 9781138324428 / 9780429341557

María Cantarero Muñoz

Pages: 110-112

Book review

Translating England into Russian: The Politics of Children’s Literature in the Soviet Union and Modern Russia

by Elena Goodwin, London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2019, 272 pp. £59.50/£42.08 (hardback/eBook), ISBN 9781350133990/9781350134010

Aleksei Semenenko

Pages: 112-115

Prismatic translation

edited by Matthew Reynolds, Cambridge, Legenda, 2019, 396 pp., £75 (hardcover), ISBN 978-1-781887-25-7

Lucas Klein

Pages: 115-119

Book review

Nature translated. Alexander von Humboldt’s works in nineteenth-century Britain

by Alison E. Martin, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2018, 268 pp., £24.99/£80.00/£24.99 (paperback/hardcover/e-book), ISBN 9781474439336/9781474439329/9781474439350

Ingo Schwarz

Pages: 119-122

Book review

Philosophy’s treason: studies in philosophy and translation

edited by David Morgan Spitzer, Wilmington and Magala, Vernon Press, 2020, 216 pp., US$51 (paperback), ISBN 978-1-62273-506-8

Spencer Hawkins

Pages: 122-124

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