每周分子 | Molecule of the Week
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Molecule of the Week: β-Pinene
早在1875年,美国专利US162394中就提及了松节油,美国德克萨斯州加尔维斯顿的Archibald K.Lee在一种改进的工艺中使用了松节油来溶解“asphaltum”, asphaltum是一种可溶沥青(asphalt)。1893年,来自纽约市的Walter E.Rohner因蒎烯在木材抛光剂中的应用而获得US498961的专利权。
1896年,著名的德国化学家Adolf von Baeyer在一篇广泛讨论萜烯起源的论文中首次确证了β-蒎烯3。Baeyer还开发了靛蓝、酚酞和荧光素的合成方法,他被授予1905年诺贝尔化学奖。
1. CAS 登记号:80-56-8
2. CAS 登记号:9005-90-7
3. https://chemistry-europe.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cber.18960290104
自2001年以来,“每周分子”已成为广受欢迎的栏目。多数分子由读者推荐。每个结构都经由科学家审查,并以3-D和平面图像的形式显示,同时附有该分子简介。可以通过美国化学文摘社 (CAS) 提供的CAS SciFindern中的CAS REGISTRY获取“每周分子”的更多信息。CAS REGISTRY中的每条物质信息都展示了物质的CAS登记号、索引名、通用名、商品名、书目信息等其他更多信息。发送邮件至motw@acs.org推荐您感兴趣的分子吧。
β-Pinene, a bicyclic monoterpene, is the second-most abundant constituent of the resins produced by pine trees and other conifers. The most abundant is its isomer α-pinene1, the Molecule of the Week for May 14, 2012. Both pinenes exist in nature as their (+)- and (–)-enantiomers. The images show the (+)-enantiomer of β-pinene.
The pinenes are the chief ingredients of turpentine2, a solvent that was in widespread use as a diluent and cleaner when oil-based paints were in their heyday. It is also used in varnishes and as a raw material for synthesizing useful organic compounds.
Turpentine was mentioned in the chemical literature as early as 1875 in US Patent 162,394, in which Archibald K. Lee of Galveston, TX, used it in an improved process to dissolve “asphaltum”, a soluble form of asphalt. In 1893, Walter E. Rohner of New York City was awarded US 498,961 for its use in a “wood-polishing compound”.
β-Pinene itself was first identified in 1896 by noted German chemist Adolf von Baeyer in an extensive paper on the origins of terpenes3. Baeyer, who also developed syntheses of indigo, phenolphthalein, and fluorescein, was awarded the 1905 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
1. CAS Reg. No. 80-56-8
2. CAS Reg. No. 9005-90-7
3. https://chemistry-europe.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cber.18960290104
β-Pinenefast facts
β-Pinenehazard information
About Molecule of the Week
MOTW has been a popular feature on ACS website since 2001. Many molecules are suggested by our website visitors. Every structure is reviewed by a scientist and displayed in 3-D and flat images with a brief description. Each week’s molecule also links to a sample record from the CAS REGISTRY, which is searched using CAS SciFindern. Each record displays the registry number, index name and synonyms, bibliographic information, and more. Send us a molecule suggestion at motw@acs.org.
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