原创 英语人才会
1)IPO: 首次公开募股
2)WASP: 格鲁撒克逊系的白人新教徒
3)CNN: 美国有线电视新闻网络
4)PTSD: 创伤后应激障碍
5)the Allies: 同盟国
6)social distance: 社交距离
7)quarantine: 隔离
8)soliloquy: 独白
9)plenary session: 全体大会
10)manifest destiny: 天定命运论
11)the boxer rebellion: 义和团运动
12)unicameral legislature: 一院制议会
13)Renaissance and Reformation: 文艺复兴和宗教改革
14)维和待命部队: Peacekeeping Standby Force
15)动态平衡理论:dynamic equivalence theory
16)人口普查: census
17)地理大发现: geographical great discovery
18)上诉法庭: court of appeals
19)经济基础和上层建筑: economic base and superstructure
20)选举人票: electoral vote
21)贪污受贿指控: charge for embezzling money and engaging in corrupt practices
22)全球治理: global governance
23)主旨演讲: keynote speech
24)功利主义: utilitarianism
25)丛林法则: law of the jungle
The place which philosophy has occupied in Chinese civilization has been comparable to that of religion in other civilizations. In China, philosophy has been every educated person 's concern. In the old days, if a man were educated at all, the first education he received was in philosophy. When children went to school, the Four Books, which consist of the Confucian Analects, the Book of Mencius, the Great Learning, and the Doctrine of the Mean, were the first ones they were taught to read. The Four Books were the most important texts of Neo-Confucianist philosophy. Sometimes when the children were just beginning to learn the characters, they were given a sort of textbook to read. This was known as the Three Characters Classic, and was so called because each sentence in the book consisted of three characters arranged so that when recited they produced a rhythmic effect, and thus helped the children to memorize them more easily. This book was in reality a primer, and the very first statement in it is that "the nature of man is originally good." This is one of the fundamental ideas of Mencius' philosophy.
To the Westerner, who sees that the life of the Chinese people is permeated with Confucianism, it appears that Confucianism is a religion. As a matter of fact, however, Confucianism is no more a religion than, say, Platonism or Aristotelianism. It is true that the Four Books have been the Bible of the Chinese people, but in the Four Books there is no story of creation, and no mention of a heaven or hell.
Of course, the terms philosophy and religion are both ambiguous, Philosophy and religion may have entirely different meanings for different people. When men talk about philosophy or religion, they may have quite different ideas in their minds concerning them. For my part, what I call philosophy is systematic, reflective thinking on life. Every man, who has not yet died, is in life. But there are not many who think reflectively on life, and still fewer whose reflective thinking is systematic. A philosopher must philosophize; that is to say, he must think reflectively on life, and then express his thoughts systematically.
This kind of thinking is called reflective because it takes life as its object. The theory of life, the theory of the universe, and the theory of knowledge all emerge from this type of thinking. The theory of the universe arises because the universe is the background of life—the stage on which the drama of life takes place. The theory of knowledge emerges because thinking is itself knowledge. According to some philosophers of the West, in order to think, we must first find out what we can think; that is to say, before we start to think about life, we must first think our thinking..
师夷长技以制夷:是魏源在其著作《海国图志》中提出的著名主张。1842年《海国图志》问世,作者魏源在该书《原叙》中指出著书目的:“是书何以作?曰:为以夷攻夷而作,为以夷款夷而作,为师夷长技以制夷而作。”所谓“师夷”主要是指学习西方资本主义各国在军事技术上的一套长处,而“夷之长技三:一战舰,二火器,三养兵练兵之法。”魏源不仅主张从西洋购买船炮,而且更强调引进西方的先进工业技术,由自己制造船炮。所谓“制夷”,即抵抗侵略、克敌制胜。在这个主张里,师夷是手段,制夷是目的。通过“师夷长技以制夷”的主张,魏源明确地把是否学习西方国家“长技”提高到能否战胜外国侵略者的高度来认识,他强调指出,不善师外夷者,外夷制之。这个主张表现出了一种光辉的爱国主义思想,向处于巨大变故中的中国人提出了“向西方学习”的新课题。这一思想后来成为向西方学习的思想源头,在中国近现代思想史上占有非常重要的地位 ,在实践意义上,它是后来洋务运动甚至维新变法、辛亥革命等一切革新运动的先声
原创 新媒小编 来源:新媒语情公众号
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