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The ideas behind ecotourism are not new. Rooted in the conservation and environmental movements in the United States over the past 150 years -- spurred by the writings of Thoreau, Muir, and before them, Buddhist and other philosophical ideologies -- ecotourism is a new application for an age-old concept of stewardship. It recognizes the interconnections of all life and the importance of maintaining a balance between human needs and those of existing ecosystems.
Perhaps Aldo Leopold's famous Land Ethic best captures the philosophical essence of stewardship: "a thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community... it is wrong if it does otherwise." In diversity there is stability. Ecotourism is really nothing more than the application of this philosophy to the self-enriching discovery made possible through travel. It is a process and an ethic, not an end in itself.
As a part of the service industry, ecotourism promotes what Alan During, in his important book How Much is Enough? calls the "shift from material to non-material ends". This shift is the only viable way in which human demands made on the environment will not overrun the carrying capacity of the planet. Ecotourism is in fundamental opposition to consumption as a means to fulfillment; rather, the sense of place, the excitement of experience, and the opportunity of learning become the overriding products "sold" to ecotourists. These ecotourism "products" are based upon preserving and protecting the original cultures and environments, not upon transforming them into some Disneyland-like fantasy-world.
environmental movements 环保运动
philosophical ideologies 哲学思想
philosophical essence 哲学精髓
biotic community 生物群落
self-enriching 充实自我的
1. 本文是一篇关于生态旅游的文章,特点是长句多,结构复杂,经常出现典型的英文表达法,词汇也有一定的难度。翻译的时候要注意用词的准确性,不可望文生义,并且要仔细揣摩英文的结构,理解原文的逻辑,在翻译的过程中要特别注意译文是否符合汉语的表达习惯,避免译文中出现过多欧式句型。
2. Thoreau:亨利·戴维·梭罗(1817--1862),美国著名作家,有著名散文集《瓦尔登湖》和论文《论公民的不服从权利》,梭罗除了被一些人尊称为第一个环境保护主义者外,还是一位关注人类生存状况的有影响的哲学家。
3. Rooted in the conservation and environmental movements in the United States over the past l50 years -- spurred by the writings of Thoreau, Muir, and before them, Buddhist and other philosophical ideologies -- ecotourism is a new application for an age-old concept of stewardship.
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