我原来在美国弗吉尼亚大学医学院放射科工作,很多朋友也是一线的放射科大夫。前不久我收到到了前同事阿特斯教授(Talissa Altes) 的邮件,她现在担任密苏里大学医学院放射系主任。她在邮件里表达了现在面对疫情威胁的焦虑,迫切想要和中国抗疫医务工作者交流学习经验。我立刻想到了宁波华美医院,因为他们一直在探索医学影像技术上的前沿临床应用。”王成波说。
UNNC pushes international efforts for fight against pandemic
As the COVID-19 pandemic is spreading worldwide, more and more medics in overseas countries are turning to China for experience handling the public health emergency.
On March 27, Dr Chengbo Wang, an expert in Magnetic Resonance Imaging at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC), organised a video conference between the medical specialists in Ningbo and the counterpart in the State of Missouri, US, for knowledge sharing regarding the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19.
The COVID-19 specialist team from the Ningbo Hwa Mei Hospital and Professor Talissa Altes from the School of Medicine, University of Missouri attended the meeting.
Since the outbreak, Ningbo Hwa Mei Hospital has received and cured two-thirds of the infected in Ningbo area with no fatalities.
During the video conference, medical specialists from Ningbo Hwa Mei Hospital introduced their epidemic treatment experience to Professor Altes, including prompt detection, isolation, and treatments, as well as the measures to prevent hospital staff being infected.
Professor Altes listened attentively and commented that the measures being introduced were very useful.
The link between the two sides was made possible with Dr Chengbo Wang’s arrangements. Having prior work experience in US academia, Dr Wang has many radiologist friends in the US who are now at the frontline to provide advice regarding the medical imaging diagnosis of the COVID-19.
"Professor Talissa Altes is my former colleague, and when she approached me for experience about treating the virus, I immediately thought of Ningbo Hwa Mei Hospital,” Dr Wang said. “Because we have been collaborating to explore the clinical application of medical imaging technology."
“CT played a very essential role during this period. It can quickly and clearly display the lung, especially fluid accumulation. However, the development of COVID-19, injury assessment and rehabilitation are yet unknown. The hyperpolarized noble-gases MRI technology we study may contribute to this. Currently, we are cooperating with Ningbo Hwa Mei Hospital and some other international institutions to explore the possible breakthrough." Dr Wang said.
Campus security 校园安保热线/邮箱:
0574 88180111 (ext.分机号 1111)
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0574 88180120 (ext.分机号 8120) or 15168185997 (for emergency only 紧急情况下)
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图文来源:Lily Su,Elena Yang
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