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6 Things Anyone Can Do to Greatly Lower Their Stress Levels (I)
By Gareth Lloyd
The feeling is one of sickening familiarity. A tightening in your chest. Beads of sweat spilling off your skin. An aggressive buzzing in your brain that feels like someone has stuffed a disturbed hornets' nest inside your head. It's one of the most overwhelming emotions that every single human is forced to contend with almost on a daily basis. Panic, anxiety, and helplessness all violently crammed into one unpleasant little parcel: the sensation of stress.
No one is exempt or safe from this exhausting emotion. Not even that happy-go-lucky chap you see strolling down the street whistling “Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life”. Even he will succumb to the overpowering thud of stress from time to time. Whilst it may be of no solace to hear that you're not the only one who occasionally feels like their head may explode, the fact that everyone has stressful episodes remains a valid point. Stress, whichever way you look at it, is part of the human condition. If there's one thing humans are good at, it's finding ways to deal with the issues the body can create, and make life easier for ourselves as a result.
Stress is so common that many people choose to ignore it, knowing it will ease up by the time they hit the hay. Without apposite management, stress can manifest itself into something much more serious. Listed here are 6 proven ways to cope with stress, allowing you to continue living your life in a healthy, happy manner.
The stress-relief technique that pretty much everyone's heard of, the act of breathing nonetheless remains an important point as any when it comes to cooling down the angry blood that's raging around your body. Taking a long, deep breath to calm yourself in stressful situations isn't just one of those old wives' tales6 that your grandmother used to swear by—it's medically proven to be beneficial.
Slow, deep breathing distracts the mind from whatever else might be going on, and actively lowers the bubbling blood that's brought on by stress. What's more, cortisol—a hormone released in the body in response to stress—is significantly lowered after taking long inhalations of fresh air, allowing your brain and body to return to their normal functions. It may sound strange, but practicing breathing can help you to build up a tolerance towards the impact that stress has on your life. By partaking in yoga sessions, engaging in frequent breathing exercises, and meditating, you can train your body to become one big relaxation machine—counteracting the horrid effects when Mr Stress comes a-calling.
不管眼下发生什么事,缓缓深吸一口气都能转移注意力,有效缓解压力导致的情绪亢奋。此外,皮质醇是人体为应对压力释放的一种荷尔蒙,其水平在深吸新鲜空气后会显著降低,使身心恢复正常功能。听来可能奇怪,但是呼吸确实有助于增强人应对压力对自身生活影响的耐受力。学习瑜伽课程,多进行呼吸练习、冥想,就能把自己的身体训练成一台大的放松机器—— 抵消“压力先生”造访的可怕影响。
Stress can build up in anyone who is left to their own thoughts for too long. Without a frequent source of release, the mind can become clouded with concern, panic, and extreme frustration. Humans weren't meant to be left to their own imaginations.
Instead of allowing a bewildering jumble of thoughts and ideas to bump around inside your head, let them tumble out onto your computer keyboard or note-pad instead. Type away at your desk and channel your emotions into your hard-drive. Scribble your feelings onto a piece of paper. They don't even have to make sense. Just punch away at your computer on a day-to-day basis for five or ten minutes, and you might be surprised at how light, airy and carefree you feel afterwards.
与其任由一堆乱七八糟、莫名其妙的念头在自己脑海中七上八下,不如将其倾注到电脑键盘或笔记本上。伏案码字吧,将情感传输到硬盘上, 将自己的感觉草草写在一页纸上。写的内容甚至不必有什么意义。每天在电脑前敲击五到十分钟,或许你会惊异于自己此后的感觉竟如此轻松愉快、无忧无虑。
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