
BBC地道英语|Clickbait 点击诱饵

2018-01-21 小芳老师


Hello and welcome to this beautiful riverside for this edition of The English We Speak. We’re going to teach you a new word connected to the internet. I’m Neil and with me is Feifei.


Hi there.


Nothing beats a bit of fishing for relaxation, does it Feifei? Can you pass me the bait?


Bait - that’s the stuff you use to attract the fish. Worms are often used. OK Neil, but where is the bait?


Don’t say we forgot to bring it.OK, well, let’s just have a look on my smartphone for places nearby we can buy some... Oh look at this Feifei -how to earn a million pounds a year working from home.


Don’t follow that link Neil -it’s just clickbait. It’ll be some nonsense.


Clickbait. As we said, ’bait’ is something used to attract fish when you are trying to catch them. Clickbait is a link on a website that’s trying to attract you - to make you click on it.


It’s a word made up of two words: click and bait. Clickbait. Here are some examples.


I can never read a long article online. I’m so distracted by the clickbait.I always end up on some other site.


I should have known that article wasn’t really going to be about Justin Bieber. They’re just using his image as clickbait!


I used to love social media but now it’s just full of adverts and clickbait. Rubbish!


Clickbait. A link on a website designed to draw your attention and make you click!

点击诱饵。网站上的一个链接,设计得很吸引你的注 43 33873 43 14689 0 0 5372 0 0:00:06 0:00:02 0:00:04 5372意力,然后让你点击。

It has a quite negative sense. You feel a little like you’ve been tricked when you click on clickbait.


That’s right. The main aim of the clickbait is to get hits to a site rather than genuinely informing you. Right, now Feifei, how are we going to get some worms to make this fishing trip a success?


Let’s have another look at your phone - oh look, ’Celebrity clothing failures...’


Feifei, that’s clickbait. I need bait!





BBC地道英语|Down in the dumps 心情跌入谷底

BBC地道英语|So done with 十分厌倦

BBC地道英语|Donkey's years 很长时间

BBC地道英语|Down in the dumps 心情跌入谷底

BBC地道英语|Pot luck 碰运气

BBC地道英语|A busman‘s holiday 照常工作的节假日

BBC地道英语|About 这里,这附近

BBC地道英语|Not a sausage 一丁点也没有

BBC地道英语|Long 冗长乏味的

BBC地道英语|It won't wash 没有说服力

BBC地道英语|Give us a bell 给我打电话

BBC地道英语|No great shakes 不怎么样

BBC地道英语|Shrinkflation 缩水式通胀

BBC地道英语|Pull a fast one 欺骗,行骗

BBC地道英语|Left, right, and centre 到处,四面八方

BBC地道英语|A sting in the tail 不愉快的结局

BBC地道英语|Echo chamber 回声室效应

BBC地道英语|It beats me 不知道,不理解

BBC地道英语|Fuddy-duddy 观念守旧的人

BBC地道英语|All that jazz 诸如此类

BBC地道英语|The heat is on 压力很大

BBC地道英语|Not gonna lie 实话实说

BBC地道英语|Suck it and see 试试看

BBC地道英语|Give us a bell 给我打电话

BBC地道英语|Snowflake 容易不高兴的人

BBC地道英语 | To blow the cobwebs away 出去透透气 

BBC地道英语|At the drop of a hat 毫不犹豫地

BBC地道英语|Wet weekend 无聊时光

BBC地道英语|Have a go 批评、指责某人

BBC地道英语|It comes with the territory 在所难免,理所当然

BBC地道英语|La-la land 想法不切实际

BBC地道英语|A thing 一种潮流

BBC地道英语|Brass neck 厚颜无耻

BBC地道英语|Reinvent the wheel 浪费时间做无用功

BBC地道英语 | Up your game 撩妹技巧有待提升哦

BBC地道英语|On the box 上演的电视节目

BBC地道英语|Duck 友好的称呼

BBC地道英语|Do a runner 开溜

BBC地道英语|Bottle 勇敢,勇气

BBC地道英语|Got your number 我知道你打的什么算盘


