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A number of writers have raised questions about the desirability of faster economic growth as an end in itself, at least in the wealthier industrialized countries. Yet faster growth does mean more wealth, and to most people the desirability of wealth is beyond question. "I've been rich and I've been poor--and I can tell you, rich is better," a noted stage personality is said to have told an interviewer, and most people seem to have the same attitude about the economy as a whole. To those who hold this belief, a healthy economy is one that is capable of turning out vast quantities of shoes, food, cars, and TV sets. An economy whose capacity to provide all these things is not expanding is said to have succumbed to the disease of stagnation.
Economists from Adam Smith to Karl Marx saw great virtue in economic growth. Marx argued that capitalism, at least in its earlier historical stages, was a vital form of economic organization by which society got out of the rut in which the medieval stage of history had trapped it. Marx believed that "the development of the productive powers of society... alone can form the real basis of a higher form of productive powers of society." Marx went on to tell us that only where such great productive powers have been unleashed can one have "a society in which the full and free development of every individual forms the ruling principle." In other words, only a wealthy economy can afford to give all individuals the opportunity for full personal satisfaction through the use of their special abilities in their jobs and through increased leisure activities.
beyond question 勿庸置疑的
succumb 屈服,死于
stagnation 停滞
productive powers 生产能力
1. A number of writers have raised questions about the desirability of faster economic growth as an end in itself, at least in the wealthier industrialized countries.
2. ...a noted stage personality is said to have told an interviewer...
a noted stage personality意思是“一位知名演员”,而不是“一位知名的舞台工作人员”。
3. 亚当·斯密:(1723--1790) 英国古典政治经济学体系的创立者。代表英国工场手工业已高度发展、产业革命开始时期资产阶级的利益。1776 年发表其代表作《国民财富的性质和原因的研究》(The Wealth of Nations简称《国富论》)。其中心思想是反对封建主义特别是重商主义的民族国家权益高于一切的观点,倡导个人自决和政府对经济的最低程度的控制,主张建立彻底的个人自由经济体制,强调对内实行自由放任政策,对外实行自由贸易政策。
4. Marx argued that capitalism, at least in its earlier historical stages, was a vital form of economic organization by which society got out of the rut in which the medieval stage of history had trapped it.
get in/out of a rut:进入/走出墨守陈规;rut本意为:车的辙迹,人们习惯行走的道路,这里引申为:当时整个社会的发展轨道。
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