
专著推荐 | Translation Classics in Context(2024年新书)

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Translation Classics in Context




ISBN: 978-1-032-67444-5

Paul F. Bandia is Professor in the Department of French at Concordia University, Montreal. He is the author of Translation as Reparation: Writing and Translation in Postcolonial Africa (2008); editor of Orality and Translation (2017), special issue, Translation Studies, vol. 8, no. 2 (2015) and Writing and Translating Francophone Discourses: Africa, the Caribbean, Diaspora (2014); and co-editor of Translation and the Classic (2024), Charting the Future of Translation History (2006), and Agents of Translation (2009).
James Luke Hadley is Ussher Assistant Professor in Literary Translation, Director of the Trinity Centre for Literary and Cultural Translation. His research represents his wide-ranging interests, many of which centre on translation in under-researched cultural contexts. His interests include machine translation and computer-assisted translation research, as well as integrating empirical research into Translation Studies.
Siobhán McElduff is Associate Professor at the University of British Columbia and is a translator of Cicero for Penguin Classics, co-editor (with Enrica Sciarinno) of a collection of essays on translation in the Ancient Mediterranean (Complicating the History of Western Translation), and author of Roman Theories of Translation, as well as numerous essays on ancient Roman translation. She is also co-editor of Translation and the Classic (2024) with Paul F. Bandia and James Hadley.




Translation Classics in Context carefully considers the relationship between translation and the classics. It presents readers with revelatory and insightful case studies that investigate translations produced as part of nexuses of colonial resistance and liberation across Africa and in Ireland; translations of novels and folklore collections that influence not just other fictions, but stage productions and entire historical disciplines; struggles over Ukrainian and Russian literature and how it is shaped and transferred; and the role of the academy and the curriculum in creating notions of classic translations. Along the way it covers oral poetry, saints, scholars, Walter Scott and Jules Verne, not to mention Leo Tolstoy and the Corpse Bride making her way from folklore to Frankenstein and into the world of Disney animation. Contributors are all leading scholars, and the book is accessible and engaging, assuming no specialist knowledge.



Introduction Paul F. Bandia, James Hadley, Siobhán McElduff

1. History Lessons: Translating the African Classics, Moradewun Adejunmobi

2. Sir Walter Scott in Translation: Auguste-Jean-Baptiste Defauconpret and the French Ivanhoe, Paul Barnaby

3. Translating a Literary Classic by Jules Verne from French to English: Investigating Creativity within Literary Translation, Kieran O’Driscoll

4. Anti-Classicism and Forged Translations: Trans-national and Diachronic Pathways in Gothic Textuality in Mary Shelley and Beyond, Fabio Camilletti

5. Comics and Classics, Nathalie Mälzer

6. Translation and the Classic: The Russian Case, Karine Åkerman Sarkisian

7. Russians and Romanticism, Cathy McAteer

8. Translation of an Irish Classic and the Status of q Nation, Maria Tymoczko

9. The Construction of the Literary Classic: Translation, Influence, Intertextuality and The Canon, Clare Vassallo


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