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How are the cities of today being shaped by a need for more sustainable transport?
Sustainable Transport in Cities
文/蒂姆·普莱斯 译/江倩 审订/仲文明
By Tim Pryce
Transport has always shaped cities. In Medieval times crossroads gave birth to thriving market towns. Venice was built up around its canals. Industrial Britain’s development followed the route of railways and waterways. Many North American cities were created for the car. But how are the cities of today being shaped by a need for more sustainable transport?
Cities are now home to over half of the global population, and have a large role to play in reducing carbon emissions and improving air quality. This will need new technologies and new ways of organising cities, alongside efficiency gains.
Many local governments are accelerating change through policy initiatives such as integrated transport, congestion charges and low emission zones[1], sustainable procurement[2] and lifecycle costing[3], and opening data up to companies and academics. And these city level policies can move markets in more sustainable directions. For example, London is requiring all newly licensed taxis to be zero-emission capable from 2018. This has resulted in five vehicle manufacturers committing to meeting that deadline, which is both in their own commercial interests and good for the environment.
[1] low emission zone低排放区,指为促进区域空气质量改善,针对机动车等交通工具专门设定污染物排放限值的燃料限制区。
[2] sustainable procurement可持续采购,指采购行为在实现“物有所值”基本经济功能的同时,充分发挥推进可持续发展的政策功能作用。
[3] lifecycle costing生命周期成本核算。生命周期成本(lifecycle cost)指在产品经济有效使用期间所发生的与该产品有关的所有成本,包括开发(计划、设计和测试)、生产(加工作业)以及后勤支持(广告、销售和保证等)。
There are three main ways cities can innovate to make transport more sustainable without increasing journey times:
Better land use planning: The least dense cities, for example Houston, have per capita carbon emissions nearly ten times higher than the densest, such as Singapore. City planners are using transit-oriented development[4] to increase density while maintaining quality of life and property value. This involves clustering mixed use developments[5] around a key transport hub[6], as with the KL Sentral[7] area in Kuala Lumpur, built around the largest railway station in Southeast Asia.
[4] transit-oriented development以公共交通为导向的发展模式,指以公交站点为中心、以400—800m(5—10分钟步行路程)为半径建立集工作、商业、文化、教育、居住等为一体的中心广场或城市中心。
[5] mixed use development混合功能发展,指将居住、商业、文化、机构和工业等功能融合在一起的城市发展模式。
[6] hub中枢;枢纽。
[7] =Kuala Lumpur Sentral吉隆坡中环广场。位于中环广场的吉隆坡中央车站(又称吉隆坡中环广场站)是吉隆坡主要的公共交通枢纽。
Modal shift: Some cities, such as Delhi, are investing heavily in creating the mass transit systems needed to change how citizens travel. Others are using incentives and behavioural change to encourage people to choose more efficient―and often healthier―forms of transport. Copenhagen has a number of progressive cycling policies including the Green Wave[8], which allows people cycling at 20km/h to hit all green lights during rush hour. This supports commuting at a speed that keeps traffic moving, but is safe for the cyclist.
[8] Green Wave绿波,指在通向城市中心的干道上,通过区域协调交通信号控制系统,形成连续的交通流。
Making existing transport modes more efficient: Lightweighting and new engine and fuel technologies are helping to make existing road and rail vehicles more efficient. However it is not yet clear which technologies and fuels cities will back. The main options are hydrogen fuel cells, fossil fuel hybrids, and electric vehicles, and the optimum solution may well vary from city to city. Many options require city-level investment in new infrastructure―for example the city of Gumi in South Korea is currently piloting a scheme that embeds[9] wireless charging for electric buses within the roads, helping to recharge vehicles on the move.
[9] embed牢牢嵌入。
There are already some great examples of cities taking significant steps in creating sustainable transport systems. In Manila the Asian Development Bank is aiming to roll out 100,000 e-trikes[10] to replace current fossil fuel versions, which is not just good for the environment and health, but increases take-home pay for drivers by around 15%.
[10] e-trike电动三轮车。
Hangzhou in China, which already has the world’s largest bike sharing scheme, has embraced the electric car. It is now installing multi-storey “vending machines” for ultra-compact electric cars[11], with a 75 mile range and costing just $3 an hour. There are around 50 of these in the city today and plans for many more. The city also has battery swapping facilities for around 500 electric taxis.
[11] 微型电动汽车立体租赁站,提供分时租赁服务。ultra compact指电动车外形迷你。
The global need to cut carbon emissions and air pollution, at the same time as improving human development, has created the demand for sustainable and accessible transport systems. Through their actions, city governments are helping to shape the cities of the future, today.
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