书讯 |《应用认知语言学》(1、2)
来源编辑:思飞学术公众号 2018-07-13
认知语言学是语言学的一门重要分支学科,自20世纪80年代诞生以来,受到了国际和国内学界的广泛关注。近年来,外教社陆续推出了一系列相关丛书,集中体现了国际、国内的优质研究成果。其中“国际认知语言学经典论丛”收入了Ronald Langacker、 Leonard Talmy、 Dirk Geeraerts等国际认知语言学领域顶尖学者的经典作品;“外教社认知语言学丛书•普及系列”、“外教社认知语言学丛书•应用系列”则体现了国内学界的最新研究成果。这些丛书因内容权威、见解独到受到了外语界的广泛好评。
在过去几十年中,中国认知语言学研究从最初萌芽到蓬勃发展,逐步走向成熟,形成了系统化、多元化的研究格局,跨学科领域的理论及应用研究都取得了长足进步。为进一步拓宽国内认知语言学研究的视野,方便国内读者查阅和借鉴相关研究成果,我们特地从德古意特出版社近年推出的相关学术图书中精选了7种,组成“德古意特认知语言学研究丛书”,引进出版。丛书汇集了Ronald Langacker、Dirk Geeraerts、René Dirven、Martin Pütz等多位国际认知语言学界权威编著的力作,其中既有关于认知语言学基本理论的必读经典,也有认知语言学与语言习得、语言教学、社会语言学等领域的融合研究,视野广泛,观点新颖,方法多元,文献丰富。
Meaning in Mind and Society: A Functional Contribution to the Social Turn in Cognitive Linguistics
Peter Harder 著
Applied Cognitive Linguistics I: Theory and Language Acquisition
Martin Pütz 等 编
Applied Cognitive Linguistics II: Language Pedagogy
Martin Pütz 等 编
Space, Time, and the Use of Language
Thora Tenbrink 著
Cognitive Sociolinguistics: Language Variation, Cultural Models, Social System
Gitte Kristiansen 等 编
Investigations in Cognitive Grammar
Ronald W. Langacker 著
Cognitive Linguistics: Basic Readings
Dirk Geeraerts 编
Volume 1 is concerned with the interaction between language, cognition and acquisition in general (first and second language acquisition). The papers in this volume have been arranged according to three major strings, namely (i) cognitive approaches to the English tense system; (ii) facets of prototypes in grammatical constructions; and (iii) neurocognitive and cognitive issues of language acquisition in general.
Volume 2 focuses on second or foreign language learning and its pedagogy. The contributions in this volume approach language pedagogy in various ways, each of which highlights different aspects in which CL theory may be useful when applied to foreign language instruction. It is striking that various papers deal with some of the most intractable problems in foreign language learning, such as phrasal verbs, idiomatic expressions, phraseology, metaphor and word derivation. Almost all the papers in the present volume deal with idiomatic layers in the languages.
Volume I
List of Contributors
Martin Pütz, René Dirven and Susanne Niemeier
Section 1: Cognitive approaches to the English tense system
Cognitive linguistics, language pedagogy, and the English present tense
Ronald W. Langacker
Pretend play: trial ground for the simple present
Jenny Cook-Gumperz and Amy Kyratzis
The relation between experience, conceptual structure and meaning: non-temporal uses of tense and language teaching
Andrea Tyler and Vyvyan Evans
Section 2: Facets of prototypes in grammatical constructions
Grammatical constructions and their discourse origins: prototype or family resemblance?
Paul J. Hopper
Transitivity parameter and prominence typology a cross-linguistic study
Sang Hwan Seong
Section 3: Neurocognitive and cognitive issues of language acquisition in general
Learning syntax — a neurocognitive approach
Sydney M. Lamb
Conceptual primes in early language development
Cliff Goddard
No preposition required. The role of prepositions for the understanding of spatial relations in language acquisition
Katharina J Rohlfing
The Graded Salience Hypothesis’ in second language acquisition
Istvan Kecskes
Subject Index
Volume II
List of Contributors
René Dirven, Susanne Niemeier and Martin Pütz
Section 1: Bottom-up approaches: Phrasal verbs and phraseological expressions
English Phrasal verbs: theory and didactic application
René Dirven
Teaching English phrasal verbs: a cognitive approach
Andrzej Kurtyka
A usage-based approach to modeling and teaching the phrasal lexicon
Kurt Queller
Section 2: Top-down approaches: Metaphor and idiom study
A cognitive linguistic view of learning idioms in an FLT context
Zoltán Kövecses
On the systematic contrastive analysis of conceptual metaphors case studies and Proposed methodology
Antonio Barcelona
Section 3: Systematical order instead of chaos in morphology and lexis
A conceptual analysis of English -er nominals
Klaus-Uwe Panther and Linda L. Thornburg
Basicness and conceptual hierarchies in foreign language learning: a corpus-based study
Friedrich Ungerer
Section 4: Cultural models in education
The African cultural model of community in English language instruction in Cameroon: the need for more systematicity
Hans-Georg Wolf and Augustin Simo Bobda
Subject Index
书讯 | 《言语行为》
书讯 | 《语音类型》by 伊恩•麦迪森(Ian Maddieson)
书讯 | 《沉默的句法:截省、孤岛条件和省略理论》
胡壮麟:“语言学及应用语言学名著译丛”总序书讯 | 王东风《诗歌翻译论》
书讯 |《语言学的适用研究》
van Dijk《社会与话语:社会语境如何影响文本与言谈》中译本
书讯 | 《语言的进化生物学探索》
书讯 | 《叶斯柏森论语音》
书讯 | 《做语用》(第3版)引进 |《卢德里奇应用语言学手册》书单 | 推荐20种英语语法好书
推荐 | 典籍英译好书12种各种“有毒”怎么说?(来源:商务印书馆英语编辑室)书讯 |《语言、使用与认知》中译本,商务印书馆
书讯 | 《语用学原则》书讯 | 《语用学与英语》书讯 | 《衔接的认知语用研究》翻译蕴藏着无穷的乐趣——关于翻译的22种好书
书讯 |《话语分析:社会科学研究的文本分析方法》新书 | 黄国文、陈瑜敏:《系统功能语言学十讲》书讯 | 《隐喻的认知符号研究》书讯 | 《应用语言学研究方法》书讯 | 《语言:从意义到文本》(应用语言学译丛)重印好书 |《第二语言习得概论》(Rod Ellis 原著中译本)书讯 | The Routledge Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics
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