在森林能采集到的“毒蘑菇”、童话故事中白雪公主吃的“毒苹果”和不久前令欧洲人恐惧惊慌的“毒黄瓜”,都有一个“毒”字,但是其含义不同,在英语中有不同的译法。“毒”字作为修饰语,可以形容名词。笔者发现它至少有九种不同用法,在英语中也相应地有九种不同译法。 作为修饰语,“毒”的第一个意思是“含有有害物质的”“天生有毒的”或“天生带毒的”。英语可以译为poison、poisonous、venom、venomous、toxic、noxious。例如: 蛇用其毒液使猎物失去知觉或瘫痪。The snake uses its venom to stun or paralyze its victims. 他立刻意识到他被一条毒蛇咬了。He immediately realized he had been bitten by a poisonous snake. 住在这座化工厂附近的家庭在毒气泄漏后被告知停留在户内三小时。Families living near the chemical works were told to stay indoors for three hours after a leak of toxic gas.
作为修饰语,“毒”的第二个意思是“被下毒的”,是人为的结果,英语可以译为poisoned。例如: 他发现这只耗子被毒饵毒死了。He found that the rat was killed by poisoned bait. 作为修饰语,“毒”的第三个意思是“被有毒物质或病菌污染的”,英语可以译为tainted、contaminated。例如: 不久前,一些欧洲国家被对“毒黄瓜”的恐惧所困扰。Not long ago, some European countries were obsessed with the tainted/contaminated cucumber scare. 调查者发现在这个地区毒牛奶使三名儿童死亡。Investigators found that tainted milk killed three children in this area. 作为修饰语,“毒”的第四个意思是“与吸毒和贩毒相关的”,英语可以译为drug。例如: 这名毒贩子被判10年徒刑。The drug dealer was sentenced to ten years in prison. 作为修饰语,“毒”的第五个意思是“恶性的”,英语可以译为malignant。例如: 外科医生成功地从病人胸部切除了毒瘤。The surgeon successfully removed the malignant tumor from the breast of the patient. 作为修饰语,“毒”的第六个意思是“与对思想意识有害事物相关的”,为比喻意义,相当于“极其有害的”,英语可以意译为extremely harmful,有时也可以直译。“毒草”可以译为poisonous/noxious weed,“毒药”可以直译为poison,“毒瘤”可以直译为cancer。例如: 我们必须弄清楚他的讲话是香花还是毒草。1. We must make clear whether his speech is a fragrant flower or a poisonous weed.2. We must make clear whether his speech is beneficial or extremely harmful. 阿谀谄媚之辞是拌蜜的毒药。A flattering speech is honeyed poison. 越来越多的人意识到腐败是我们社会的一大毒瘤。1. More and more people have come to realize that corruption is a cancer in our society.2. More and more people have come to realize that corruption is extremely harmful to our society. 作为修饰语,“毒”的第七个意思是“程度强烈的”,英语可以译为strong。例如: 这个赌徒发毒誓永不再赌。The gambler made a strong vow never to gamble again. 作为修饰语,“毒”的第八个意思是“毒辣的”“恶毒的”“阴毒的”“歹毒的”“狠毒的”,英语可以译为evil、sinister、murderous。例如: 约翰对狄克设下毒计。John set an evil trick on Dick. 他使用的狠毒阴谋真的奏效了。The sinister scheme he used really worked. 他险遭敌人毒手。He nearly fell victim to a murderous scheme of his enemy. 作为修饰语,“毒”的第九个意思是“残酷的”,英语可以译为cruel。例如: 尽管敌人施用毒刑,这位勇敢的英雄没有向他们屈服。The valiant hero did not yield to his enemies in spite of their cruel torture.本文摘自《英语“说文解字”》,最早发表于2011年10月《英语世界》,有删节。图片来自网络。解词:解释英语单词的意义用法释义:论说词语的文化内涵翻译:追寻英汉互译的方法技巧应用:探讨中西文化的异同之处综合编辑:应用语言学研习
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