
专著推荐 | Humour in Self-Translation

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Routledge,Bloomsbury,Springer,Multilingual Matters, De Gruyeter, John Benjamins, Equinox,Cambridge,Oxford.







Humour in Self-Translation

主编:Margherita Dore | Sapienza - University of Rome

出版社:John Benjamins




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This book explores an important aspect of human existence: humor in self-translation, a virtually unexplored area of research in Humour Studies and Translation Studies. Of the select group of international scholars contributing to this volume some examine literary texts from different perspectives (sociological, philosophical, or post-colonial) while others explore texts in more extraneous fields such as standup comedy or language learning. This book sheds light on how humour in self-translation induces thoughts on social issues, challenges stereotypes, contributes to recast individuals in novel forms of identity and facilitates reflections on our own sense of humour. This accessible and engaging volume is of interest to advanced students of Humour Studies and Translation Studies.

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Margherita Dore

Margherita Dore graduated summa cum laude in English and Latin-American Studies at the University of Sassari in 2001. During her undergraduate studies, she attended an academic year at the University of Manchester (UK). After graduating she obtained a Master in Science in Translation Studies and Intercultural Communication at the Manchester University Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST, now Manchester University) with a dissertation on the audiovisual translation of humour, which was supervised by Peter Fawcett (2002). During the academic year 2002/2003 she worked as Language Assistant in Italian at the Escuela Oficial de Idiomas Barcelona-Drassanes, in Spain (COMENIUS programme). She later started working as Lector in Italian at Lancaster University and simultaneously enrolled as part-time PhD student in Linguistics. In 2008 she obtained her doctoral degree with a thesis that further analysed the issues of humour translation in the audiovisual setting, which was supervised by Prof. Elena Semino. In 2009/2010 she was Visiting Scholar at the University of Athens where she carried out a postdoctoral project that analysed and compared Italian dubbing and Greek subtitling under the supervision of Prof. Eleni Antonopoulou. From November 2010 to December 2012, she worked as interpreter, translator and consultant on EU projects and calls at the Europe Direct Information Centre of the Municipality of Nuoro. From 2013 to 2020 she worked as Adjunct Lecturer in English and Transaltion Studies in several univeristies (University of Sassari, University of Cagliari, University of Naples "L'Orientale", University of Rome "La Sapienza", University of Rome "Tor Vergata"). During the academic year 2017-2018, she was research fellow under the superivision of Prof. Donatella Montini.  In 2021, she was appointed Associate Professor in the Department of European, American and Intercultural Studies at the University of Rome "La Sapienza". Since 2003 she has also been working as freelance interpreter and translator for many Italian and international bodies and agencies. She is fluent in English and Spanish and can get by in Modern Greek.

Margherita Dore is the author of "Humour in Audiovisual Translation. Theories and Applications" (Routledge, 2019). She edited one essay collection on translation practice ("Achieving Consilience. Translation Theories and Practice", Cambridge Scholars Publisher, 2016), a special issue of "Status Quaestionis" on audiovisual retranslation (2018), one special issue of the "European Journal of Humour Research" on multilingual humour and translation (2019) and (with Klaus Geyer) a special issue of "InTRAlinea" on dialect, translation and multimedia. She (co)authored several papers on humour in translated audiovisual texts and in a range of other contexts, including stand-up comedy.


Acknowledgement | p. vii

List of contributors | pp. ix–xi

Chapter 1. Humour in self-translation: Reasons and rationale

Margherita Dore | pp. 1–12


Chapter 2. Mockery and poetic satire: Humor in self-translated Philippine protest poetry

Thomas David F. Chaves | pp. 15–40

Chapter 3. Punning herself: Nancy Huston’s puns in two self-translated novels

Marlisa A. Richters | pp. 41–62

Chapter 4. From traduttore, traditore to traduttore, creatore : Creative subversion in the self-translations of Ha Jin and Pai Hsien-yung

Ursula Deser Friedman | pp. 63–86

Chapter 5. “Humourizing” the theatre of the absurd through reworking and (self-)translation: Turkish theatrical tradition in search of its own voice

Başak Ergil | pp. 87–112

Chapter 6. Humour, language variation and self-translation in stand-up comedy

Margherita Dore | pp. 113–140

Chapter 7. Humour and self-interpreting in the media: The communicative ethos and the authenticity contract in late-night shows

Pedro Jesús Castillo Ortiz | pp. 141–176


Chapter 8. iTranslate or iWrite? A case study of Yoneyama Hiroko’s picture book self-translation

Anna Sasaki | pp. 179–194

Chapter 9. Lost and found in humour self-translation: Difficulty to realization, distance to re-creation

Tomoko Takahashi | pp. 195–214

Chapter 10. How funny am I? Humour, self-translation and translation of the self

Paul Venzo and David Petkovic | pp. 215–232

Chapter 11. Multimodal strategies of creation and self-translation of humorous discourse in image-macro memes

Pietro Luigi Iaia | pp. 233–254


Chapter 12. Second thoughts about second versions: Self-translation and humour

Rainier Grutman | pp. 257–274

Index | p. 275



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