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Get More Done: 18 Tips for Telecommuters (I)
文 / 克里斯蒂娜·戴马雷
译 / 苏相宜
By Christina DesMarais
Remote workers weigh in on what helps them amp productivity and stay in touch with the office. 远程上班族们在掂量:怎样增强生产力,并与办公室保持联系呢?
Working from home is great on so many levels. Not having to commute saves money and time and can actually make you happier. A plethora of free tools make it dead simple to check in with office teammates. And if you want to work in sweats or pajamas, you can.
But there are challenges, as well. How do you keep from getting distracted with domestic duties? How do you handle a friend who stops by unannounced in the middle of the day? How do you get anything done if you have kids around?
A slew of people who work from home chimed in on the subject. Here’s their advice.
1. Identify what needs to get done every day and make sure to do it.
1. 确定每天需要做什么,保证完成。
“As long as I have a plan on how to complete the list of daily tasks on my personal to-do list, it doesn’t matter if or how I may be interrupted, as long as I get things done by the end of the day,” says Michael Pesochinsky, VP, GC and CTO of Great Neck, New York-based GovernmentBargains.
2. Use the cloud.
2. 使用云端。
Klaus Sonnenleiter, president and CEO of Franklin Lakes, New Jersey-based PrintedArt, insists that important documents need to be uploaded to a cloud storage service such as Dropbox or Google Drive. “This way you can log in from anywhere and never need to worry about having your files with you,” he says.
PrintedArt位于新泽西州富兰克林湖,该公司董事长兼首席执行官克劳斯·索伦雷特坚信,重要文件有必要上传到诸如Dropbox或Google Drive 之类的云端存储服务器。他说:“这样你可以在任何地方登录,永远不必操心随身携带文件。”
3. Get dressed.
3. 穿衣打扮。
“I find that the most important thing for me is to keep a regular routine and to shower and dress every day as if I were going to an actual office,” says Jenifer Kramer, Principal of West Hollywood, California-based Jenerosity Marketing.
Catherine Waldron, education specialist, with Enfield, Connecticut-based language curriculum company QTalk Publishing, agrees, and says she showers and dresses for work every day. “Getting dressed makes the home office more like a real office, and tells and reminds everyone, especially you, that even though you may be sitting on the sofa reading, browsing the Web, or talking on the phone, that you are actually working,” she says.
凯瑟琳·沃尔德伦,是康涅狄格州恩菲尔德的语言教学公司“QTalk 出版”的一位教育专家,她赞同这个观点,说自己每天洗得干干净净、穿得整整齐齐再工作。她说:“穿衣打扮使得在家更像在真正的办公室,能告诉和提醒大家,特别是提醒自己,就算你坐在沙发里看书、上网或打电话,你都在工作。”
4. Don’t let friends stop by.
4. 拒绝朋友随意上门。
Dana Marlowe, principal partner of the Silver Spring, Maryland-based IT accessibility consulting firm Accessibility Partners, uses lunch as a time to meet with friends and if they show up at her house she politely tells them she’s working. “Boundaries are only as effective as they are enforced,” she says.
信息技术咨询公司 Accessibility Partners 位于马里兰州银泉,该公司的第一合伙人达纳·马洛,利用午餐时间会见朋友,如果朋友们直接出现在家门口,她礼貌地说她正在工作。她说:“规矩只有执行了才是规矩。”
Catherine Simms, co-founder of Stamford, Connecticut-based pet accessories company Whiner & Diner, also avoids drop-in visitors. “I just tell them that it is not a good time [and] over the weekend would be better,” she says. She also instructs them to call first to see if she’s home. Then when they do she doesn’t pick up, at least during work hours.
凯瑟琳·西姆斯是康涅狄格州斯坦福的宠物配饰公司Whiner &Diner的联合创始人,她也拒绝不速之客。她说:“我只告诉他们,时间不合适,(以及)周末会更好。”她还要求朋友先打电话确认她是否在家。如果电话打过来,她至少在工作期间不会接听。
5. Get out of the house.
5. 走到户外。
Meagan French, marketing consultant with San Francisco-based Meagan French Marketing, likes to work out of coffee shops. “Leaving my house to work helps separate my work time and personal time,” she says.
6. Make a stoplight for family members.
6. 给家人设立免打扰标识。
Here’s an idea from John Meyer, CEO of Miramar, Florida-based work-at-home call center company Arise Virtual Solutions. Hang or tape colored construction paper on your office door. “Tape the red light up when you cannot be disturbed and the green light when it’s OK to come in. Yellow light means to check first,” he says. “Kids, no matter what age, understand the message and enjoy playing along.”
佛罗里达州米拉玛城一个居家办公的呼叫中心Arise Virtual Solutions 首席执行官约翰·迈耶有一个创意。他在工作室门上悬挂或者粘贴彩色的图画纸。他说:“粘上红灯信号——不得打扰;绿灯——允许进入;黄灯——先问一声。不管什么年纪的孩子,都理解这个信息,都乐意配合。”
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