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Get More Done: 18 Tips for Telecommuters (III)
文 / 克里斯蒂娜·戴马雷
译 / 苏相宜
By Christina DesMarais
Remote workers weigh in on what helps them amp productivity and stay in touch with the office. 远程上班族们在掂量:怎样增强生产力,并与办公室保持联系呢?
13. Enjoy your flexibility.
13. 享受你的工作弹性。
Find your focus wavering? Take a break with a bike ride, swim, or even by quitting work for the entire day. That’s according to Patti Hill, founder and managing director of Austin, Texas-based Penman PR. “Because my work schedule can be as flexible as I need it to be, sometimes it’s important to walk away,” she says. “It’s amazing what a cool dip on a hot day can do for helping boost creative juices.”
14. Enjoy disruptions.
14. 享受干扰。
While some remote workers eschew personal visits during the work day, others take the opposite tack. Denny Daniel, curator of New York City-based The Museum of Interesting Things, says he started his own thing to reap the benefits of being his own boss. “So when people drop by I try to live life and see them unless I am with a client or not here, of course. If it is busy then at least I see them for a moment and enjoy life a bit too. It makes me work better in the end,” he says.
15. Stay out of the kitchen.
15. 远离厨房。
“This is sort of the dirty little secret of telecommuters, but it’s like the freshman 15 all over again. I shudder at the thought of how many times I opened the fridge that first year. It was just constant snacking,” says Joy Martini, president of the New York City-based marketing and communications firm Martini Consulting. “So you need a kind of discipline and that’s really the clincher for the whole thing: having the discipline to get done what you need to get done; the discipline to avoid the kitchen; the discipline to kick your drop-in friends out.”
16. Buy a noise-cancelling headset with a mute button.
16. 购买带有静音按钮的降噪耳机。
The last thing you want is to be in an online meeting and have the doorbell ring or police sirens blaring the background. “Perception is reality,” says New York City-based Jonathan Vlock, co-Founder of the meal planning app Cooking Planit. “You wan people to think you run a tight ship, and have all of the necessary resources at your fingertips. This is especially critica when you are an entrepreneur talking to someone at a larger organization. People can’t visualize your home but they can certainly visualize an office, and that is exactly what you want them to [see and hear].”
你一定不想在开网络会议时,突然出现门铃或警笛声大作的情况。“知觉是最现实的。”纽约一款膳食计划应用软件 Cooking Planit 的联合创始人乔纳森·弗洛克说,“你想要人们认为你管理有方、所有资源唾手可得。当你作为企业家与一个更大机构的人谈话时,这种印象尤其重要。人们想象不出你家的样子,但他们肯定能想到一个办公室的样子,那正是你要传达给他们看到和听到的。”
17. Check in with co-workers and the boss several times a day.
17. 每天勤快与同事和老板沟通。
Several years ago I worked for a large company that let me telecommute several times a week. Because I wanted everyone in the office to know I was really working and not watching TV or out shopping, I made a point of emailing and calling co-workers and especially my boss a few times a day.
18. Make use of free or inexpensive communications technology.
18. 利用免费或廉价的通信技术。
Today there are countless tools available for keeping in close communication with office mates. A few to try include Hipchat for group chatting, Trello or Asana for project management, Expensify for tracking expenses and submitting expense reports and Sqwiggle, which keeps your webcam turned on so your co-workers can see you at your desk all day long.
如今,无数的工具能用来和办公室小伙伴保持密切联系。有人试用 Hipchat 做团队群聊,用 Trello 或 Asan做项目管理,用 Expensify 跟踪支出和提交支出报告,用Sqwiggle保持网络摄像头处于开启状态,同事可以看见你在办公桌前坐了一整天。
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