
备考笔记| 2020总理答记者问笔记(1)



• 本素材是今年两会上总理答记者问的第一个问题。

• 音频为中文致辞,难度advanced。材料可用于脑记复述、交传或同传。


coronavirus outbreak, fiscal and monetary measures,fallout, stimulus, market entities




“  ”   新冠疫情

“工”   政府工作报告

“↑扌” 刺激措施

π     政策

#     影响,冲击

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【路透社】新冠肺炎疫情对世界各国的经济都造成了严重的影响,不少国家的政府出台了数万亿美元的财政和货币措施来应对新冠肺炎疫情对经济产生的冲击。我注意到,今年中国政府工作报告中没有设定今年GDP增速,根据路透社的测算,政府工作报告中出台的财政措施约占中国2019年国内生产总值的4%,这个规模比一些经济学家的预期要有所降低,今年一季度中国经济首次出现了几十年以来的收缩。未来几个月,中方是否会出台更大规模的刺激措施?从更长远看,中方是否有足够的政策工具来应对全球疫情持续蔓延和不断紧张的中美关系?谢谢!【Reuters】: Good afternoon,I’m from Reuters. The new coronavirus outbreak has devastated economies around the world. Trillions of dollars in fiscal and monetary measures have been pushed out to deal with the fallout. In this year's government work report, China did not set a GDP growth target, but it did announce fiscal measures worth about 4% of China's GDP in 2019 according to our calculations. That's slightly less than what some economists were expecting after seeing China'seconomy contract for the first time in decades in the first quarter. So, myquestion is, can we expect China to deliver more ambitious stimulus in a month to come? As well as does China have sufficient policy options to deal with aprolonged global pandemic and rising tensions with the United States. Thank you.


【Li Keqiang】: The novel coronavirus disease has taken a heavy toll on the global economy in away rarely seen before. Major international institutions have projected that no less than 3% decline in global growth this year. As China's economy has become deeply integrated into the global economy, it is simply impossible for the Chinese economy to stay immune to the impact of the novel coronavirus. This year we decided not to set a specific GDP growth target. It is a decision informed by the realities on the ground. In the meantime, we have formulated aseries of goals and tasks in 6 areas which are closely connected with economic development, with particular focus on employment, people's basic living needs and market entities.


经济增长不是不重要,我们这样做实际上也是让人民群众对经济增长有更直接的感受,使经济增长有更高的质量,发展还是解决中国一切问题的关键和基础。如果实现了“六保”的任务,特别是前“三保”,我们就会实现今年中国经济正增长,而且要力争有一定的幅度,推动中国经济稳定前行。Not setting a specific GDP growth target does not mean that economic development is not important. Our decision is designed for the economic development to deliver more real gains to our people. And we want to promote China's higher quality development. We believe that development still holds the key and is the foundation for resolving all the problems in China today, putting protections in place in six key areas,especially in the areas ofjobs, livelihoods and businesses, will help us achieve positive growth of China's economy this year and keep China's economic fundamentals stable.


你刚才说到有反映我们出台的政策规模低于预期,但是我也听到很多人认为我们出台的规模性政策还是有力度的。应该说应对这场冲击,我们既要把握力度,还要把握时机。在新冠疫情蔓延的时候,我们也出台了一些政策,但是当时复工复产还在推进中,一些政策下去不可能完全落地,很多人都待在家里。但是在这个过程当中,我们也积累了经验,正是根据前期的经验,我们在政府工作报告中推出了一个规模性的政策举措,应该说是有力度的。In your question, you said our measures are somewhat below expectations. I have heard some people say that our measures are forceful. For any response to work, we must get both the timing and intensity of the response right. In the raging times of COVID-19, some policies were also introduced, but the economy was barely reopened, and the situation then made it difficult for these policies toget truly delivered on the ground, as most of the populations were still staying at home. But that has been a process of gaining experience. And based on experience we have gained in the past weeks and months, we have decided on these new steps as set out in the government work report and we believe these measures are forceful.


过去我们说过,不搞大水漫灌,现在还是这样,但是特殊时期要有特殊的政策,我们叫做放水养鱼。没有足够的水,鱼是活不了的。但是如果泛滥了,就会形成泡沫,就会有人从中套利,鱼也养不成,还会有人浑水摸鱼。所以我们采取的措施要有针对性,也就是说要摸准脉下准药。不论是筹钱或者说钱从哪里来,用到哪里去,都要走新路。We have repeatedly said that we will not flood China's economy with liquidity. We didn't do it then. We will not do it now. But the current unusual time requires extraordinary measures. Just as water is important to fish farming, sufficient liquidity is important to economic development. But excessive liquidity will induce fraud in the marketplace where some people may attempt to muddy the waters and fish for arbitrage. We must ensure that the measures taken are well focused and write a precise prescription to get ourselves out of the current hardship. New approaches must be employed as to where the money comes from and how it is spent.


The sources of the funds of a fairly large scale can be grouped into mainly two categories.The first category covers the increase of budget deficit and issuance of special treasury bonds for COVID-19 control.Together, it amounts to 2 trillion RMB yuan. The other category covers payment relief for enterprises of their contributions to social security schemes, tapping into the balance of the unemployment insurance fund and other balances of social security funds. Interest concessions made by state owned commercial banks and price reductions in natural monopoly industries to lower enterprises' operating costs. The monetary scale of measures in the second category is twice as big as that in the first one. And this money will be primarily used to support jobs, people’s basic living needs and businesses, and we are also in a quite direct way contribute to an increase of household income. The truth is the scale of our fund’s accounts for a double-digit figure in the 40 trillion RMB yuan total household income in China.



Li Keqiang: What’s more important is how the money is spent. Our measures of a fairly large scale are designed to provide vital relief to market entities and revitalize the market, with a particular focus on supporting jobs and people's livelihoods so that our people will have money to spend and that consumption will drive market vitality. This is our measure in keeping with market-oriented reform.Money invested in the people will be able to generate new wealth, help usprotect and preserve tax base and make public finance more sustainable.


我们一定要稳住当前的经济,稳定前行。但是如果经济方面或其他方面再出现大的变化,我们还留有政策空间,不管是财政、金融、社保,都有政策储备,可以及时出台新的政策。我们坚信,在以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚强领导下,经过全国人民的共同努力,一定会战胜当前的困难,实现全年目标任务,全面建成小康社会。中国经济保持稳定、稳住基本盘,本身就是对世界的贡献,而且会为世界经济恢复增长、实现发展做出积极贡献。谢谢!We will doour utmost to keep China's economic growth stable. At the same time, we must ensure that all measures taken are well-calibrated. Wehave also reserved policy space on the fiscal, financial, social security andother fronts. And we are in a strong position to quickly introduce new measuresshould the situation cause for it. I’m confident that under the strong leadershipof the CPC central committee with comrade Xi Jinping at its core, and withjoint efforts of people across the nation, we will be able to prevail over thecurrent difficulties, fulfill our tasks and goals for the whole year andcomplete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects.Keeping China's economic fundamentals stable in itself will be a contributionto the whole world. And China will remain a positive force driving globaleconomic, recovery and growth. Thank you.


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