第九章 诸恶莫作
Abandon All Nonvirtue
SECTION 55. Killing Is the Gateway to Hells
如果谁以嗔恨心杀生,那他后世只会下地狱,别无出路。If someone kills out of hatred, she will go nowhere but the hell realms after she dies.你们中有人觉得如果一辈子不杀生,那就没法活下去,其实根本不是这样的。Some of you believe that without killing one cannot survive in this life, but this is not the case.比如,我们喇荣,平时僧众有一万左右,大家都承诺开法会时不吃肉,没有吃肉反而比以前吃得更饱、吃得更好,一点儿也没觉得断肉会垮掉。
For instance, at Larung we have around 10,000 monastics and we have all promised to refrain from consuming meat during Dharma gatherings. Foregoing meat, we’ve eaten even better and more than before and never felt that we are going to die without meat.
确实,依靠四面八方大恩施主的恩德,如今这里更加丰衣足食,时常有供酸奶、供斋饭的,Indeed, relying on the kindness of benefactors of all directions, our clothes are better and our food more abundant, with regular offerings of yogurt and meals.For the three months of summer and the three months of fall, we have meal offerings almost every day.
His Holiness Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche
Translated By Khenpo Sodargye
2. 真实因果案例:公众号后台回复数字2
4. 心经连载系列:公众号后台回复数字4
5. 金刚经连载系列:公众号后台回复数字5