专著推荐 | 翻译研究新趋势丛书(4种)
视听翻译 字幕翻译——理论与实践
视听翻译 字幕翻译
Audiovisual Translation
Subtitles and Subtitling
Theory and Practice
作者:Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin, Marie Biscio,Máire Áine Ní Mhainnín 编
An increasing number of contributions have appeared in recent years on the subject of Audiovisual Translation (AVT),particularly in relation to dubbing and subtitling. The broad scope of this branch of Translation Studies is challenging because it brings together diverse disciplines, including film studies, translatology, semiotics, linguistics, applied linguistics, cognitive psychology, technology and ICT. This volume addresses issues relating to AVT research and didactics. The first section is dedicated to theoretical aspects in order to stimulate further debate and encourage progress in research-informed teaching. The second section focuses on a less developed area of research in the field of AVT: its potential use in foreign language pedagogy. An interview with a professional subtitler draws the volume to a close.
目 录
Conducting Research in Translation Technologies
作者:Pilar Sánchez-Gijón, Olga Torres-Hostench,Bartolomé Mesa-Lao 编
The literature on translation and technology has generally taken two forms: general overviews, in which the tools are described, and functional descriptions of how such technologies are used in specific projects, often with a view to improving the quality of translator training. There has been far less development of the deeper implications of technology in its cultural, ethical, political and social dimensions. In an attempt to address this imbalance, the present volume offers a collection of articles, written by leading experts in the field, that explore some of the current communication and information trends that define our contemporary world and impinge on the translation profession. The contributions have been divided into three main areas in which translation and technology come together: (1) social spheres, (2) education and training and (3) research. This volume represents a bold attempt at contextualising translation technologies and their applications within a broader cultural landscape and encourages intellectual reflection on the crucial role played by technology in the translation profession.
目 录
From the Lab to the Classroom and Back Again
Perspectives on Translation and Interpreting Training
作者:Celia Martín de León,Víctor González-Ruiz 编
This collection of essays brings to the fore some of the most pressing concerns in the training of translators and interpreters. It does so by acknowledging the primary role of research in both the development and the results of that training. The eleven chapters of the book, authored by a range of established international scholars, touch on the interlocking nature of didactics and research and address advances in cognitive processes, quality assessment and socio-professional issues with regard to their significance for translation and interpreting training. With this volume, the editors aim to illustrate some of the most recent insights into the interplay between scientific progress and the educational stages of prospective translators and interpreters.
目 录
Subtitling Matters
New Perspectives on Subtitling
and Foreign Language Learning
作者:Elisa Ghia 著
Drawing on recent theoretical developments in second language acquisition, this book proposes a new approach to the learning of foreign languages through subtitled audiovisual input. Subtitled text is explored as a source of language acquisition, and its dialogue and subtitle components are focused on as sources of linguistic input. The primary focus of the research is subtitling and the impact it can have on learners’ noticing and acquisition of linguistic structures. The concept of translational salience is introduced, a phenomenon that can occur due to an accentuated contrast between L2 dialogue and L1 subtitles. Two experimental studies on the acquisition of English syntax by Italian learners are used to test the role of translational salience in both noticing and L2 learning. The results lead to a definition of salience particular to the audiovisual medium and raise challenging issues in the pedagogic applications of subtitling, paving the way for the design of more learner-centred subtitles.
目 录
专著推荐 | Introducing Translation Studies (2022第5版)
专著推荐 | 崔峰、李德凤《译介学:概念与应用》(Springer)
专著推荐 | 22年新书 Indirect Translation Explained《什么是间接翻译》
专著推荐 | Hermans(2022) Translation and History: A Textbook
专著推荐 | Crossing Borders: Sinology in Translation Studies
专著推荐 | 管新潮、陆晓蕾《基于Python的语料库翻译/数据分析与理论探索》
专著推荐 | 乔洁《中国文学对外译介与国家形象塑造:Chinese Literature(1978—1989)外译研究》
专著推荐 | 张健《新时代对外宣传与翻译研究》
专著推荐 | Bloomsbury新书《语料库翻译学疆域拓展》
专著推荐 | Susan Bassnett 《翻译与世界文学》
专著推荐 | Translation Revision and Post-editing
专著推荐 | Can Interpreters Survive in an AI-Dominated World?
专著推荐 | 社会翻译学重要读本 Translation and Society An Introduction
专著推荐 | 国际学者如何开展社会翻译学视角下的诗歌翻译研究?
专著推荐 | Translation and Global Space of Power
专著推荐 | 朱纯深. Fathoming Translation as Discursive Experience
专著推荐 | Humour Translation in the Age of Multimedia
专著推荐 | Bloomsbury《系统功能语言学与翻译研究》
专著推荐 | 王博、马园艺:Systemic Functional Translation Studies
专著推荐 | Humour in Self-Translation
专著推荐 | 庞双子:基于新型历时复合语料库的翻译汉语特征研究
专著推荐 | 2020年语料库翻译学最新国际前沿专著(5种)
专著推荐 | 汪宝荣《中国文学译介与传播模式研究:以英译现当代小说为中心》
专著推荐 | 谭业升《英美汉学家译者的多重声音:一项基于中国小说翻译思维报告的认知翻译学研究》
专著推荐 | 潘红 《哈葛德小说在晚清:话语意义与西方认知》
专著推荐 | 埃德温·根茨勒《当代翻译理论》(傅敬民 译著)
专著推荐 | 卢炜:济慈与中国诗人——基于诗人译者身份的济慈诗歌中译研究
专著推荐 | 《技术与全球冲突时代背景下的翻译研究:Mona Baker文集》
译著推荐 |《中华翻译家代表性译文库·傅东华卷》杜兰兰、郭国良导言
译著推荐 | 屈文生、万立:《中华翻译家代表性译文库·王韬卷》
译著推荐 | 让胡适佩服!让茅盾赞扬!这位翻译界圣手到底有多牛?《中华翻译家代表性译文库·伍光建卷》
译著推荐 | 执子之手 与子共译:夫妻翻译家60载跨国之恋《中华翻译家代表性译文库·杨宪益 戴乃迭卷》
译著推荐 | 汉学家Minford翻译的《鹿鼎记》到底怎么样?
译著推荐 | 以诗译诗,托心明月:“站在桥上看风景”的诗人翻译家卞之琳《中华翻译家代表性译文库·卞之琳卷》
译著推荐 这位翻译家,让《飘》在中国生根发芽《中华翻译家代表性译文库·傅东华卷
专著推荐 | Translating Law(宋雷教授导读)
译著推荐 | 中国“以诗译莎”第一人:文学与美学并存的翻译家
专著推荐 | 宋学智. 翻译文学经典的影响与接受——傅译《约翰·克利斯朵夫》研究(修订本)
专著推荐 | 翻译研究经典著述汉译丛书:《路线图——翻译研究方法入门》