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48个CGTN 视频

  1. 武汉必胜,湖北必胜,全中国也必胜!

  2. 要求中国为疫情买单?无理取闹!

  3. 特朗普与其媒体盟友如何推动中国阴谋论?

  4. “御用”福克斯的新闻,你信吗?

  5. 十问美国 | 特朗普与其媒体盟友如何推动中国阴谋论?

  6. 《中国抗疫故事》让人热泪盈眶

  7. 朗普称世卫组织“被中国控制”,CGTN主播用事实犀利质问!

  8. 真相放大镜|让人捉摸不定的新冠病毒

  9. 悦辩悦明 用力过猛还是恃勇轻敌

  10. 真相放大镜世卫组织的防疫建议,谁听进去了?

  11. CGTN邹悦锐评:听武汉说

  12. CGTN刘欣锐评:不要让武汉的眼泪白流

  13. 中国“无症状感染者”多吗?| CGTN英文专访钟南山

  14. 真相放大镜:当特朗普撒起谎,真是“要命”!

  15. 对中国的污名化不能成为美国“抗疫”不利的遮羞布

  16. 西方对中国和意大利“封城”持双重标准?

  17. 面对新冠肺炎,西方媒体的“双重标准病”好了吗?

  18. 不断增长的新冠肺炎病例不会让美国变得更强大

  19. 中非友谊之船定能行稳致远

  20. 驳斥美国主播“中国道歉论”

  21. 全球防疫面临三大挑战

  22. 武汉战疫纪

  23. 大国挑战,负重前行 | 病毒来袭,神州应战

  24. 病毒无国界,偏见更伤人

  25. 蓬佩奥先生——那个 “丢了斧头”的人

  26. 邹韵 勇夺央视主持人大赛新闻类冠军!

  27. 揭秘西方“恐怖”偏见

  28. 《与世界同行》一:走出国门看世界

  29. 《与世界同行》二:从世界工厂到世界市场

  30. 《与世界同行》三: 开放的大门越开越大

  31. 《与世界同行》四:文明的对话与互鉴

  32. 《与世界同行》五:人类命运共同体

  33. 中美贸易摩擦如何塑造了2019全球经济?

  34. 西方媒体为何对新疆暴恐事件视若无睹?

  35. 刘欣最新锐评来了!

  36. 刘欣香港街采英国大叔全程互动无剪辑版

  37. 西方媒体是否站队香港激进示威者?

  38. 神仙打架!CGTN的宝藏小姐姐!

  39. 刘欣锐评 NBA莫雷事件

  40. 刘欣接受CNBC采访 发出中国声音

  41. 我们不保护香港,谁保护香港?

  42. CGTN主播刘欣约辩FOX主播

  43. 莫因推诿指责,贻误全球抗疫

  44. 至暗时刻,至善人心

  45. 香港高等法院“要有自知之明

  46. 刘欣 登上美国电台

  47. 刘欣怒怼FOX主播,欣然约辩

  48. 刘欣“怒怼”外国记者



Premier Li Keqiang started a press conference Thursday after the closing of the third session of the 13th National People's Congress.

The premier took questions from Chinese and foreign reporters via video link.

新华社记者 刘卫兵 摄





► 就业是最大的民生


Employment matters the most in people's lives. It is something of paramount importance for all families. 


Of all the comments posted by netizens on the Chinese government portal website, some one third of those comments are about jobs. I was once told that a rural migrant worker, in his 50s, said that over the past some 30 years he has been working in cities every year earning incomes to support the family. But so far this year, he has been unable to find a job and the whole family is now in great difficulty.


Many self-employed individuals have also seen their business grinding to a halt and has been at a standstill for several months. And many export companies have also been in great difficulty because of severe drop in overseas orders. We must provide support to all these people and businesses. But most importantly we must help them land jobs.

新华社记者 陈晔华 摄



There is a labor force of 900 million in China. If they can all be put to work, they will be able to generate tremendous wealth.


In order to retain existing jobs, all our pro-job measures will be fully employed. The funds that we have made available are of fairly large scale.






新华社记者 陈晔华 摄


Our people are hardworking, and Chinese market keeps expanding and upgrading.


In this process, the government must focus on providing support to key groups in their employment. The number of new college graduates will reach a record high again this year amounting to 8.74 million. We must provide employment services to these people both this year and next on an ongoing basis. And for rural migrant workers whether they are still working in the cities or they have returned to their hometowns, we will put in place employment service platforms to support them landing new jobs. We must fully implement all the support measures for demobilized military personnel as well.






5月28日,国务院总理李克强在北京人民大会堂出席记者会并回答中外记者提问 新华社记者 丁海涛 摄

The national security legislation for Hong Kong is designed to ensure steady implementation of "one country, two systems" in the special administrative region, as well as upholding its long-term stability and prosperity, Premier Li Keqiang said on Thursday.

Li made the remarks at the press conference following the closing of the third session of the 13th National People's Congress, the nation's top legislature.

His comment came as the session just adopted the decision to establish and improve a legal framework and enforcement mechanism for safeguarding national security in Hong Kong.

Li said that the principle of "one country, two systems" is the country's basic policy and the central government has always stressed the need to fully and faithfully implement the principle, under which Hong Kong people administer Hong Kong with a high degree of autonomy.

The central government has also underlined the importance of acting in strict accordance with the Constitution and the Basic Law, and supported the HKSAR government and the chief executive exercising governance according to the law, he added.



As China's economy has become deeply integrated into the global economy, it is simply impossible for the Chinese economy to stay immune to the impact of global coronavirus.


We have repeatedly said that we will not flood the Chinese economy with liquidity, we didn't do it then, and we will not do it now. But the current unusual time requires extraordinary measures. Just as water is important to fish farming, sufficient liquidity is important to economic development. But excessive liquidity will induce froth in the market place where some people may attempt to muddy the water and fish for arbitrage. We must ensure that the measures taken are well focused and write the precise prescription to get ourselves out of the current hardship. New approaches must be employed as to where the money comes from and how it is spent.


Virus respects no borders, and they are the common enemy of the whole world and entire humanity.


In coping with the current round of economic shocks, I'm afraid we don't have the ready experience to draw from. It's not something we can manage with ease, and we will have to blaze a trail with hard efforts.


We view our fellow compatriots in Taiwan as brothers and sisters, blood is thicker than water. We will continue to pay high attention to the well-being of Taiwan compatriots.


There is a labor force of nine hundred million in China. If they can be put to work, they will be able to generate tremendous wealth.


We have all along rejected the Cold War mentality, and decoupling between major economies will do neither side any good, it is also harmful to the world.


We have confidence that we are able to ensure the essential needs of our people and achieve our target.


Openness is as indispensable to a country's development as air is to human beings, one will suffocate in an enclosed space.


With joint efforts of people around the world, the post-COVID-19 world will be a more open one, and the post-global economic recession world will open up new prospects






