晚上好,我想给你们展示一样东西。我叫Temie,你刚刚听到的是一位护士在医院里拼命地寻找她所需要的关键物资来挽救一个病人的生命。每小时都有十名非洲妇女因医院无法提供生命所需的关键物资而流血致死,而90%的人都可以因为更方便地获取到物资而得到拯救。 I was born in this house, the third daughter of two teachers. My parents believed deeply in the power of education. After an American education, I got married to an amazing man and I became a mother. It was a difficult birth of my son that got me obsessed and critically of concerned about what was killing African women. I moved back to Nigeria and started this movement. LifeBank is a medical distribution company. We help hospitals find the critical supplies they need to save their patient's lives.
And we deliver these supplies in the right condition and on time. How does it work? First, we get inventory information from suppliers. We help us to discover what they need. We deliver in the right condition and on time in 45 minutes, and we connect blood banks to blood donors. And we've had immense impact. We started four years ago and we've been able to rescue 6000 people from death. And we're tackling a big market worth over 30,000,000,000 dollars. And we have an elegant model.
我们在正确的条件下及时交付这些物资。它是如何工作的?首先,我们要从供应商那里得到库存信息,我们了解到他们需要什么,并在合适的条件下45分钟内及时提供,然后我们在血库和献血者间取得联系。我们现在已经产生了巨大的影响,从四年前开始,已经让六千人免于死亡。我们正在应对一个超过300亿美元的大市场,为此,我们有一个精密的模式。 We charge ten dollars for every unit of product we moved to the hospital. And we've moved over 17,000 since we launched four years ago. And we're growing year on year. We've grown by 3X every single year showing you that we have something, something special at Life Bank. And ladies and gentlemen, I have some news and you are the first audience and first people to learn of these amazing progress that LifeBank has made.
And that was LifeBank Delivering making our first delivery with drones in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. At LifeBank, We are relentless focused on delivering these critical supplies to our patients anyway, anywhere and anytime. And we focus on delivering faster, cheaper and safer. Imagining LifeBank at scale, we are an engine of growth; we are an engine of jobs for our riders; we are an engine of revenue growth and we are an engine of growth in impact.
这就是我们的LifeBank Delivering第一次在埃塞俄比亚的亚的斯亚贝巴用无人机送货。在LifeBank,无论何时何地,我们都坚持不懈地致力于为我们的病人提供这些重要的物资。我们专注于更快更便宜和更安全的交付,设想LifeBank达到更大规模,我们将是增长的引擎,为骑手提供就业机会的引擎、财政收入增长的引擎、影响力增长的引擎。 So why am I here today? I think it's important to know that greatness can come from unexpected places. I am a daughter of two teachers, and I’m here in this room today in the running to being Africa’s business hero in 2019. Anything is possible and greatness can come from unexpected places.
We are LifeBank, and we're in the business of saving lives. Thank you.在生命银行里,我们做着拯救生命的事业。谢谢大家。