
经典表达 051 | litmus test/touchstone 试金石、标准

赵小贤 北极光翻译 2023-11-03








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        Come on!


litmus test/touchstone


litmus test

If you say that something is a litmus test of something, you mean that it is an effective and definite way of proving it or measuring it. 立见分晓的检验办法

litmus /ˈlɪtməs/ 

N a soluble powder obtained from certain lichens. It turns red under acid conditions and blue under basic conditions and is used as an indicator 石蕊

something that provides a standard against which other things are compared and/or judged 试金石;检验标准


To seek truth from facts, we must proceed from reality in all things, link theory with practice and hold practice to be the touchstone of truth — that is the ideological line of our Party.
the touchstone for quality 检验质量的标准
By virtue of our unique geography, the United States is both an Atlantic and a Pacific power. We are proud of our European partnerships and all that they deliver. Our challenge now is to build a web of partnerships and institutions across the Pacific that is as durable and as consistent with American interests and values as the web we have built across the Atlantic. That is the touchstone of our efforts in all these areas.凭借独一无二的地理位置,美国既是大西洋国家,也是太平洋大国。我们对与欧洲的伙伴关系及其一切成果感到自豪。现在的挑战是建立与跨大西洋网络一样持久的跨太平洋伙伴关系和机构网,并与美国的利益和价值观一致。这是我们所有努力的试金石。
Ending the fighting must be the absolute priority, the litmus test of the agreement's validity.停火绝对是第一要务,也是检验协约是否有效的试金石。
The success of wind power represents a litmus test for renewable energy.风能利用的成功是对可再生能源的一次立见分晓的检验。
正所谓民生倒逼发展,发展检验改革。In other words, to improve people's lives, development is something imperative, and development is also a litmus test to the success of reform.
在涉疆问题上如何报道、能不能真正秉持客观公正的立场,其实是对你们新闻媒体自身信誉度的考验,或者说一个试金石。Whether your reports on Xinjiang can be truly objective and unbiased is a litmus test for your credibility as a media agency.
国安立法是“试金石”,如果期待香港长治久安,就理应支持而不必担心;如果希望“一国两制”行稳致远,就理应拥护而不是反对。The legislation is a litmus test. If you aspire for Hong Kong's stability in the long run, you should support it instead of being worried. If you hope for steady implementation of "one country, two systems", you should endorse the legislation rather than opposing it.
重大危机是考验执政党执政理念、执政效能的试金石。A major crisis is a litmus test of the ruling Party’s governance philosophy and effectiveness.
The case is being closely watched globally as a litmus test on how the United States government will police the country’s tech giants.此案正受到全球的密切关注,还被视为美国政府将如何监管该国的科技巨头的一块试金石。




  1. a testament to 证明、体现

  2. chart the course/draw up 明确、规划、指示

  3. hinge on 取决于

  4. navigate/steer 指引、指导

  5. leverage/harness/exploit/capitalize on/draw upon 利用

  6. hold the key to 关键

  7. usher in/embrace/herald 引领、前景

  8. unfolding/in the making 展开、形成

  9. gather pace/gather momentum/pick up 加快、加速

  10. inject/instill vitality/driving force into 注入动力

  11. plunge 陷入

  12.  be home to

  13. still less 更不用说;更何况

  14. tap 利用,开发,发掘(已有资源、知识等)

  15. blaze a path/trail

  16. synergy 合力、协同

  17.  epitome 缩影

  18. headwind 逆风,波折

  19. echo/answer/heed/fulfill/in response to/at the call

  20. unlock/unleash 释放/激发潜力

  21. be blessed with 有幸具有

  22. on the rise 在增加,在上涨

  23. prevail (over) 战胜

  24. echo 反映

  25.  plague/trouble/bedevil/inflict/dog 困扰、折磨

  26. align/synergize 对接 聚合

  27. immune from/to 免受影响

  28. at the expense/cost of 以……为代价

  29. conducive to 有利于,有益于

  30. explore/break/make new ground  开拓新领域

  31. take a toll on 造成坏影响 (或痛苦)

  32.  underpin 巩固、加强、基础

  33. bedrock 牢固基础、基本事实、基本原则

  34. epitomize/epitome/microcosm/panorama 典范、全貌

  35. mushroom/spring up 迅速发展

  36. lead/get/go nowhere 毫无进展

  37. overshadow 蒙上阴影,黯然失色

  38. bear the brunt 首当其冲

  39. panacea 灵丹妙药

  40. food for thought 精神食粮,值得思考的事物

  41. nip sth in the bud 防微杜渐,防患于未然

  42. pool 集中 (人才、资金、知识或设备)

  43. linger 踌躇/徘徊/长久不消失/持久不衰/耽搁/拖久/挨过/留连/逗

  44. avail 利用、徒劳

  45. give/allow sb/sth free/full rein

  46. in the wake of

  47. stake 有关系,有风险

  48. crop up  突然出现

  49. at the forefront 最前沿,最前列

  50. budding 崭露头角的,最初的,萌芽的





