第十章 众善奉行
Adopt All Virtuous Deeds
SECTION 62. The Merit of Lamp Offering
The merit of lamp offering is inconceivably great; it is the king of making offerings.
尤其是依靠灯光照射十方的缘起,能遣除自相续一切烦恼根本的无明。In particular, through the interdependence of the rays from a lamp to the ten directions, ignorance — the root of all afflictions in our mindstream — can be dispelled.
There is nothing better than making lamp offerings to dispel ignorance.
噶当派前辈善知识博多瓦、金厄瓦、普穹瓦等所有传承大德,枕头上方都会放一尊佛像,前面供水、供灯从不间断。In the past, great teachers of the lineage masters of Kadampa, such as Potowa (Po to ba), Shyangawa (Spyan snga ba), and Phuchungwa (Phu chung ba), had never interrupted the offering of butter lamps and water in front of the Buddha statue above their pillows.
再有,贫女宁嘎母在佛前供盏灯,发愿:“现今贫女我以这小小油灯供佛,以此福德,愿我未来具足智慧灯遣除一切众生的无明垢染。”In addition, the poor woman Nanda (Ba snyen dga’ mo) offered a lamp in front of the Buddha and made the aspiration: “Today, I, poor woman, have offered a small lamp to the Buddha, and by this merit may I have the lamp of wisdom to eradicate the darkness of ignorance of all sentient beings in the future.”
After making this aspiration, she left.
当天晚上其余油灯都已熄灭,唯独宁嘎母的一盏灯到天亮还燃着。That night all the other lamps went out, but her lamp remained lit until daybreak.
This is an example of the might of lamp offering.
His Holiness Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche
Translated By Khenpo Sodargye
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