The following article is from COarchitects Author COarchitects
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The viewing platform is located on the Sunshine Coast of Shenzhen Dapeng Bay. The base is backed by the green hills and faces the sea. Here, the sky, the ocean, the earth, and the creatures have eliminated the boundaries between each other, and exist in a state of fusion and ease. The starting point of my design is how to make the man-made urban space have such a state, and realize the harmonious symbiosis between man-made space and ecological environment. Based on this design goal, the concept of a floating viewing platform was born. Floating is an unstable, tension-rich, and free state, which is consistent with the state of the entire environment. Between the sea and the sky, a floating viewing platform emerges from the sea.
In order to achieve a good sense of floating, the appearance of the viewing platform is designed into a streamlined shuttle shape. This design ensures that the structure is lighter and stable and wind resistant. the viewing platform like a space shuttle heading for the future, flying between heaven and earth. The appearance of the viewing platform adopts a mirror-reflecting metal plate. While enhancing its sense of future, the metal plate can well reflect the surrounding landscape environment, which further promotes the integration of the viewing platform and environmental elements.
The use space of the viewing platform adopts a column-free design, and the space grid structure ensures the integrity of the viewing platform.The use space is covered with wear-resistant and anti-corrosive wood panels, forming a space for relatives and mobility. The use space of the viewing platform can be divided into two parts: the rest space under the canopy and the viewing space facing the sea. The rest space is used as a semi-open gray space, providing people with a place to shelter from wind and rain and sit and rest. In the viewing space of the viewing platform, I designed a sinking opening facing the sea, which is another important landmark design of this project. The entrance of the cave serves as a viewfinder, composing a vivid picture of natural landscape elements such as the blue coast, lush vegetation, and the setting sun to the west. As a window, the “Blue Hole” breaks the boundary between urban space and the natural environment, and opens a harmonious dialogue, where the world overlaps.
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