
经典表达 111 | pipe dream 白日梦、幻想

赵小贤 北极光翻译 2023-11-03








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     汉译英应重视句子衔接与连贯,包括 Character + Action 结构、话题不频繁转换的主述位推进理论、多用主动语态少用被动语态、新旧信息分布规律、显化句意关系等,做到以上几点,方可输出比较简明优雅的译文。




        Come on!


pipe dream


a hope, idea, plan etc that is impossible or will probably never happen 白日梦,幻想,空想

The goal of rolling back decades of American deindustrialisation is a pipe-dream.

要逆转美国数十年的去工业化进程如同白日做梦。This vision of hyper-productive Chinese clusters is a pipe dream for now. The government first mentioned city clusters as a development strategy in 2006.目前来看,希望中国城市群带来超高生产率的愿景还只是空想。政府在2006年首次提出打造城市群的发展战略,但直到2016年才详尽阐述了这一概念。否则,搞四个现代化就会变成一句空话。Otherwise, the drive for the four modernizations will become a pipe dream.他们以为中间派是他们的人,不会跟共产党走了,其实是做梦。They think the middle elements are on their side and will not follow the lead of the Communist Party, but this is actually a pipe dream.蓬佩奥之流靠撒谎诋毁中国共产党,割断中国共产党同中国人民的血肉联系,是在做“白日梦”。They attempt to sever the close bond between the CPC and the Chinese people by lying and smearing. It's nothing but a pipe dream.他们想通过所谓的制裁措施迫使中国政府改变有关立场,这是白日做梦!By imposing so-called sanctions, they wish to force the Chinese government to change our position, but it is only a pipe dream.这只是他们的一厢情愿和痴心妄想,绝对不可能得逞!This is only wishful thinking and a pipe dream. It will never succeed.关于第二个问题,何韵诗想把中国从联合国人权理事会除名,这是痴心妄想,怎么可能?她有点不自量力。On your second question, Denise Ho’s so-called “removal” is nothing more than a pipe dream. I’m afraid she may be too sure of herself.



  1. a testament to 证明、体现

  2. chart the course/draw up 明确、规划、指示

  3. hinge on 取决于

  4. navigate/steer 指引、指导

  5. leverage/harness/exploit/capitalize on/draw upon 利用

  6. hold the key to 关键

  7. usher in/embrace/herald 引领、前景

  8. unfolding/in the making 展开、形成

  9. gather pace/gather momentum/pick up 加快、加速

  10. inject/instill vitality/driving force into 注入动力

  11. plunge 陷入

  12.  be home to

  13. still less 更不用说;更何况

  14. tap 利用,开发,发掘(已有资源、知识等)

  15. blaze a path/trail

  16. synergy 合力、协同

  17.  epitome 缩影

  18. headwind 逆风,波折

  19. echo/answer/heed/fulfill/in response to/at the call

  20. unlock/unleash 释放/激发潜力

  21. be blessed with 有幸具有

  22. on the rise 在增加,在上涨

  23. prevail (over) 战胜

  24. echo 反映

  25.  plague/trouble/bedevil/inflict/dog 困扰、折磨

  26. align/synergize 对接 聚合

  27. immune from/to 免受影响

  28. at the expense/cost of 以……为代价

  29. conducive to 有利于,有益于

  30. explore/break/make new ground  开拓新领域

  31. take a toll on 造成坏影响 (或痛苦)

  32.  underpin 巩固、加强、基础

  33. bedrock 牢固基础、基本事实、基本原则

  34. epitomize/epitome/microcosm/panorama 典范、全貌

  35. mushroom/spring up 迅速发展

  36. lead/get/go nowhere 毫无进展

  37. overshadow 蒙上阴影,黯然失色

  38. bear the brunt 首当其冲

  39. panacea 灵丹妙药

  40. food for thought 精神食粮,值得思考的事物

  41. nip sth in the bud 防微杜渐,防患于未然

  42. pool 集中 (人才、资金、知识或设备)

  43. linger 踌躇/徘徊/长久不消失/持久不衰/耽搁/拖久/挨过/留连/逗

  44. avail 利用、徒劳

  45. give/allow sb/sth free/full rein

  46. in the wake of

  47. stake 有关系,有风险

  48. crop up  突然出现

  49. at the forefront 最前沿,最前列

  50. budding 崭露头角的,最初的,萌芽的

  51. litmus test/touchstone 试金石、标准

  52. fraught with 充满

  53. take/feel/grasp the pulse of 把握脉搏

  54. deliver/secure 取得某种结果

  55. run counter to  违背,违反,与……背道而驰

  56. enabling/favorable environment/climate  良好的环境/氛围

  57. in this connection 由于;为此

  58.  juncture 关键时刻

  59. full/true picture 描述,局面

  60. cushion 缓解

  61. magnet/magnetic  热土、有吸引力、有魅力的

  62. bear out 证实

  63. beaming with  充满,绽开笑容

  64. on track 走上正轨

  65. powerhouse 权威人士、强国、权势集团

  66. weight 重要性;影响力;力量

  67. keep/put a lid on 控制、禁止、取缔

  68. rein in 控制、抑制

  69. antidote 良药、良方

  70. in the grip of/lose grip on 陷入、控制

  71. come to the fore 涌现、崭露头角

  72. intertwine 交织

  73. feel the pinch 经济困难,手头拮据,缺乏,不足

  74. be tantamount to 等同于

  75. case in point 恰如其分的例子

  76. in full swing 方兴未艾、活跃、全面展开、热烈进行

  77.  ride on  依赖于,取决于

  78. pay/take heed to  留心注意

  79. in a vacuum 真空,与世隔绝

  80. scapegoat/ shift/take/bear the blame 背黑锅、替罪羊

  81. bog down/mire 陷入困境

  82. hone 磨砺、锻炼、培养、润色

  83. at the height of 鼎盛时期、关键时期

  84. wrap up 圆满完成,顺利结束

  85. mounting/multiplying 日益增长

  86. channel 调拨 (钱、资源)、集中精力

  87. merit 值得(v)、优点(n)

  88. be geared to/toward 符合、面向、适合

  89. since/with the advent of  随着…出现

  90. lay a/the groundwork  打下……基础

  91. fallout 后果、余波

  92. ramp up  增加、增强、提高

  93. clamour for  要求、叫嚣

  94. live up to  达到、符合、不辜负

  95. take a battering  打击、损害

  96. shore up 支持、加强

  97. derail 脱轨、阻碍、干扰

  98. afresh 重新开始

  99. boon 利好、福音、好处

  100. grapple with 努力解决问题

  101. bear on  关系、有关、涉及

  102. exemplify 体现、典范

  103. give way to  让步、屈服、取代

  104. weight 影响力、重要性

  105. hammer out   设计出,锤成,苦心想出,推出,颁布

  106. gain traction 抬头、受欢迎

  107. be cut out for sth/be cut out to be sth 天造地设、适合担任

  108. make-or-break  生死攸关,成败在此一举

  109. a halt 停止、结束

  110. outstrip  超过、胜过





