The following article is from 廖博士全球健康快讯 Author 廖博士
Nine in ten people do not get a good night's sleep, according to research presented at ESC Congress 2022.1 The study found that suboptimal sleep was associated with a higher likelihood of heart disease and stroke. The authors estimated that seven in ten of these cardiovascular conditions could be prevented if everyone was a good sleeper.
研究作者、法国巴黎INSERM(法国国家健康和医学研究所)的Aboubakari Nambiema博士说:“应在生命的早期教育睡眠质量和数量对心脏健康的重要性。减少夜间噪音和工作压力都有助于改善睡眠。”
"The importance of sleep quality and quantity for heart health should be taught early in life when healthy behaviours become established. Minimising night-time noise and stress at work can both help improve sleep ," said study author Dr. Aboubakari Nambiema of INSERM (the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research), Paris, France.
Previous studies on sleep and heart disease have generally focused on one sleep habit, such as sleep duration or sleep apnoea, where breathing stops and starts while sleeping. In addition, prior studies have often assessed sleep at baseline only. The current study used a healthy sleep score combining five sleep habits. The researchers investigated the association between the baseline sleep score, and changes over time in the sleep score, and incident cardiovascular disease.
本研究包括巴黎前瞻性研究三(PPP3)的7200名参与者,这是一项基于社区的前瞻性队列观察。2008年至2011年,在一家预防性医疗中心招募了年龄在50至75岁且无心血管疾病的男性和女性。平均年龄为59.7岁,62%为男性。This study included 7,200 participants of the Paris Prospective Study III (PPP3), an observational community-based prospective cohort. Men and women aged 50 to 75 years and free of cardiovascular disease were recruited in a preventive medical centre between 2008 and 2011. The average age was 59.7 years and 62% were men.
Questionnaires were used to collect information on five sleep habits at baseline and two follow up visits. Each factor was given 1 point if optimal and 0 if not. A healthy sleep score ranging from 0 to 5 was calculated, with 0 or 1 considered poor and 5 considered optimal. Those with an optimal score reported sleeping 7 to 8 hours per night, never or rarely having insomnia, no frequent excessive daytime sleepiness, no sleep apnoea, and an early chronotype (being a morning person). The researchers checked for incident coronary heart disease and stroke every two years for a total of 10 years.
At baseline, 10% of participants had an optimal sleep score and 8% had a poor score. During a median follow up of eight years, 274 participants developed coronary heart disease or stroke. They found that the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke decreased by 22% for every 1 point rise in the sleep score at baseline. More specifically, compared to those with a score of 0 or 1, participants with a score of 5 had a 75% lower risk of heart disease or stroke.
The researchers estimated the proportion of cardiovascular events that could be prevented with healthier sleep. They found that if all participants had an optimal sleep score, 72% of new cases of coronary heart disease and stroke might be avoided each year.
Over two follow ups, almost half of participants (48%) changed their sleep score: in 25% it decreased whereas in 23% it improved. When the researchers examined the association between the change in score and cardiovascular events, they found that a 1 point increment over time was associated with a 7% reduction in the risk of coronary heart disease or stroke.
Dr. Nambiema said: " Given that cardiovascular disease is the top cause of death worldwide, greater awareness is needed on the importance of good sleep for maintaining a healthy heart."
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The abstract "Healthy sleep score and incident cardiovascular diseases: the Paris Prospective Study III (PPS3)" will be presented during the session Sleep disorders and apnoea, physical inactivity on Saturday 27 August at 14:15 to 15:00 CEST at Station 4.
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