The following article is from COarchitects Author COarchitects
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With the respect to the history and culture of Nanjing Tulou and the reverie to the natural ecological building, the design uses a “soft touch”-style, low-intervention architectural transformation method to repair and enhance the external environment and architectural image of the “mirror building” , at the same time, it redefines the use space of the revitalised historic buildings. Thus creates an ancient and modern association, the relaxed Freehand space artistic conception.
We based on the "enclose, reflect, open,grow" design strategy to make the Jing compound Regeneration
围 Enclose
The landscape wall is used to enclose the open space around the Jing Compound, giving the building a sense of belonging and reshaping the spirit of the place.
映 Reflect
In the place limited by the wall, design a mirrored pool to reflect the environment and architecture. In the water, light and tree shadows, all spatial elements blend with each other
开 Open
Partially open the outer wall of the original closed building to form an open space with plenty of light and a connection between the inside and the outside
生 Grow
In the open area of the open building, a gallery-like canopy made of mirrored metal grows out of a gallery bridge connecting the surrounding buildings. At the same time, expand the spatial ductility of the building to form a semi-open space where people can stay
材料与构造 Material and structure
In this design, the original exterior wall and wooden structure of the Jing compound are preserved to the utmost extent. The repaired exterior wall no longer serves as the main load-bearing structure of the building. Instead, it remains as a symbol representing the image of Nanjing Tulou. The inner side of the outer wall is designed as a steel structure support system, which becomes the main load-bearing structure of the Jing compound after the transformation. The interior of the building adopts rammed earth walls from local materials to form a natural and historical interior space atmosphere.
Two mirrored metal canopies lightly extend from the building wall, which expands the extension of the interior space of the Jing compound and enriches the visual effect of the mirror building’s facade. Using mirrored materials, I hope that the reconstructed building will seek an inner connection with the “mirror” in context. In this plan, a new design was made for the overhanging corridor on the third floor of the Jing compound. Increase the openness of the corridor, making it a landscape platform for tourists to overlook the entire ancient town.
空间设计 Space
The space design of the Jing compound attempts to create an open, quiet, and architectural space atmosphere that blends ancient and modern. Through a series of open interfaces on the exterior wall of the building, the outdoor landscape is indoorized. Natural light pours into the interior of the building, and with the flow of time, the building presents the rhythm of life.
The design removed the floor slab in the middle of the original building to form an atrium space. A spiral staircase made of mirrored metal is installed here. The mirror surface of the stairs reflects a mirrored world, where people travel from the bottom up between the virtual and the reality, as if they are in a space-time tunnel, where history and the present, people and architecture blend with each other. Such an immersive sensory experience has better stimulated people’s curiosity and awe of the past and present of the Tulou.
The function of the Jing compound is the Tulou Cultural Experience Hall, and the center of the first floor of the building is an island-style information and service station. On the east and west sides of the first floor are landscape leisure spaces open to the courtyard. The second floor of the building is mainly for display functions, the east side is the Tulou model display area, and the west side is the Jing compound thematic display area. The third floor of the building is a viewing space and exhibition area. Here, visitors can learn about the culture of Tulou through visual and physical exhibits, and they can look at the beautiful scenery of the entire ancient town through the transparent frame.
设计师:ccthegreat, 姚嘉慧
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