



英美剧大全 | 看剧学英语,囤起来~



英语标示    英语音标    英语演讲     新年贺词    中国制造    
译写规范    生活大爆炸    摩登家庭    中国关键词   
良医    艾玛    南方与北方    小妇人    傲骨贤妻    越狱    
德雷尔一家    小谢尔顿    傲慢与偏见    我的天才女友    
荆棘鸟    破产姐妹    权力的游戏    神探夏洛克    唐顿庄园    
老爸老妈的浪漫史    75个精彩英语演讲合集    纸牌屋  
English with lucy    BBC 视频    了不起的麦瑟尔夫人
我们这一天    绯闻女孩    哈利波特     老友记
视频合集    时政英语合集 双语美文108 篇
习主席合集    李总理合集

34个CGTN 双语视频集

  1. 武汉必胜,湖北必胜,全中国也必胜!

  2. 对中国的污名化不能成为美国“抗疫”不利的遮羞布

  3. 西方对中国和意大利“封城”持双重标准?

  4. 面对新冠肺炎,西方媒体的“双重标准病”好了吗?

  5. 不断增长的新冠肺炎病例不会让美国变得更强大

  6. 中非友谊之船定能行稳致远

  7. 驳斥美国主播“中国道歉论”

  8. 全球防疫面临三大挑战

  9. 武汉战疫纪

  10. 大国挑战,负重前行 | 病毒来袭,神州应战

  11. 病毒无国界,偏见更伤人

  12. 蓬佩奥先生——那个 “丢了斧头”的人

  13. 邹韵 勇夺央视主持人大赛新闻类冠军!

  14. 揭秘西方“恐怖”偏见

  15. 《与世界同行》一:走出国门看世界

  16. 《与世界同行》二:从世界工厂到世界市场

  17. 《与世界同行》三: 开放的大门越开越大

  18. 《与世界同行》四:文明的对话与互鉴

  19. 《与世界同行》五:人类命运共同体

  20. 中美贸易摩擦如何塑造了2019全球经济?

  21. 西方媒体为何对新疆暴恐事件视若无睹?

  22. 刘欣最新锐评来了!

  23. 刘欣香港街采英国大叔全程互动无剪辑版

  24. 西方媒体是否站队香港激进示威者?

  25. 神仙打架!CGTN的宝藏小姐姐!

  26. 刘欣锐评 NBA莫雷事件

  27. 刘欣接受CNBC采访 发出中国声音

  28. 我们不保护香港,谁保护香港?

  29. CGTN主播刘欣约辩FOX主播

  30. 莫因推诿指责,贻误全球抗疫

  31. 至暗时刻,至善人心

  32. 香港高等法院“要有自知之明

  33. 刘欣 登上美国电台

  34. 刘欣怒怼FOX主播,欣然约辩

  35. 刘欣“怒怼”外国记者


  1. 10天4次美股熔断:看TED动画科普股市如何运作
  2. 哈佛教授:什么造成了人与人的差异
  3. 新冠肺炎为什么全球大爆发?如何为下次疫情爆发做准备?
  4. 敢于否定,拥有怀疑勇气
  5. 世界为什么需要维基解密?
  6. 你的最大动力 Physcology of Self-motivation
  7. 现实生活总是这么苦吗?
  8. 1918年大流感多么害怕
  9. 站在救灾前沿
  10. 求善始,求善终!
  11. 疫情爆发能否像地震一样被预测?
  12. 别人那么优秀都是有原因的!
  13. 比尔·盖茨:下次疫情爆发,我们还未准备好
  14. 球衣退役演讲
  15. 我们如何对抗下一种致命病毒?
  16. 曾致死4000万人的1918年大流感有多可怕
  17. 为啥炫富的人那么高调?
  18. 如何识别文化中的谎言获得更好生活方式
  19. 遭遇抑郁症,我们应该怎么做?
  20. 贫穷的根源究竟是什么?
  21. 2020年如何摆脱拖延症?
  22. 你追求的「完美」,正在毁了你!
  23. 一个伊朗裔美国人的幽默演讲!
  24. 高以翔:谈幕后和灯光下真实的自己!
  25. 为什么越内向的人越厉害?
  26. 气候变化与食物营养的关系
  27. 韩雪:做一个积极的悲观主义者
  28. 睡眠有多重要,看完还熬夜?
  29. 在死亡面前,生活如何有意义
  30. 华裔女孩:不要因为是华人就否定我的努力
  31. 创造幸福的七条定律
  32. 毁灭梦想的5个方法
  33. 想拥有完美的婚姻,先拥有完整的自己
  34. 相爱容易相守难
  35. 从今天起努力十年会有哪些变化?
  36. 朝鲜女孩:10年换了7个名字背后的真实故事
  37. 为什么我们会做出后悔的决定?
  38. 脆弱的力量!
  39. 如何走好生命中的每一步?
  40. 寻找真实的自己
  41. 谁属于一个城市?
  42. 你重视的事情做好了吗
  43. 真实的自己存在吗?
  44. 杨澜:年青一代塑造中国
  45. 语法到底重要不重要
  46. 婴儿是天才的语言学习者
  47. 为何我们需要情绪急救
  48. 学会拥抱别人,就是给自己温暖
  49. 承担风险,方能提升运气
  50. 我们真的可以预测爱情吗?
  51. 区块链如何彻底改变我们的经济
  52. 你该如何面对艰难选择
  53. 谁才是你最应该嫁的人?
  54. 婴儿是天才的语言学习者
  55. 为什么20岁之后的十年至关重要?
  56. 深度拖延症患者的自白
  57. 及时行乐 VS 推迟享受,哪是正确选择?
  58. 如何在六个月学好一门外语
  59. 中国的属相
  60.  别认为自己长得丑,这对你不好!
  61. 对儿童的正确教育方式是什么?
  62. 怎样说话才让人听进去?要克服语言七宗罪
  63. 手机和网络从来不是最好的交流工具
  64. 医生可以犯错吗?
  65. 不读书的人到底输在哪里
  66. 节省时间的十条黄金法则
  67. 如何用非暴力方式抵制ISIS恐怖组织?
  68. 安吉拉·巴顿:父女之舞…在狱中
  69. 为什么爱情是世界上最让人成瘾的东西?
  70. 足不出户就能量身定制自己的衣服
  71. 学校扼杀创造力
  72. 为什么我们会做出后悔的决定?
  73. 我胖,我骄傲!
  74. 整理艺术
  75. 尽力了还是做不好 为什么?
  76. 美女口吃歌手演讲
  77. 传递希望与和平的街头艺术
  78. 成功人士的八个特点
  79. 在这个社会中,该把自己放在什么位置
  80. 做勇敢的女孩 不做完美的女孩
  81. 为什么会痒?
  82. 走进拖延症的心理世界
  83. 内向的力量
  84. 全神贯注时才是最幸福的时刻,你感受过吗?
  85. 读书能打开心灵之窗
  86. 重新认识出轨行为
  87. 给自己每天10分钟
  88. Why do airlines sell too many tickets?
  89. 知名作家刘轩台北演讲:跨越与自己的旅行
  90. 5个毁灭梦想的办法
  91. 睡眠不足会发生什么
  92. 我们为什么相爱?
  93. 学会四个练习方法,让学习质量一日千里!
  94. 人不喝水会怎样?
  95. 一定要睡个好觉
  96. 一个简单的方式改掉坏习惯
  97. 艾米·珀迪: 超越极限的生活
  98. 谁才是你最合适的结婚对象?
  99. 世界最丑女人:你有选择快乐的权利
  100. 为什么你的减肥之路总比别人困难?
  101. 我不是激励你们的人,谢谢
  102. 选择的困惑
  103. 过一种沉浸的人生
  104. 为何保持联系却仍旧孤单
  105. 如何掌控你的自由时间
  106. 学习双语的好处


  1. 崔娃调侃特朗普印度行,惟妙惟肖,前仰后合,自己先笑哭了

  2. 视频 | 崔娃日常必备10大件

  3. 崔娃紧急专访美国“钟南山”福奇博士

  4. 3月26日 | 崔娃居家隔离秀

  5. 演播室停播,崔娃在家也没闲着

  6. 崔娃神吐槽:人们有多怕病毒?

  7. 崔娃辣评特朗普全国电视讲话,各种骚操作让新冠疫情乱上添乱……

  8. 崔娃:“新冠”把汉克斯夫妇撂倒了

  9. 崔娃:谈疫情:要有生死有命的觉悟,需要更强领导力

  10. 纽约市长做客崔娃脱口秀,谈论纽约疫情

  11. 崔娃和环保少女对话会聊什么,会怼起来吗

  12. 崔娃吐槽新冠疫情!如何学机智辩论话术?

  13. 梅姨重回下议院,质疑政府抗疫举措!

  14. 英国新首相胜选演讲:英国不能再做“沉睡巨人”!

  15. 英国首相特雷莎·梅宣布将辞职,温习梅姨就职演讲和脱欧演讲视频

  16. 特雷莎·梅22日在议会就英国脱欧最新进程发表演讲

  17. 特雷莎·梅在安理会维护国际和平与安全问题公开会上的发言

  18. 英国首相梅姨最新演讲:大学应该对任何背景的人敞开大门

  19. 特蕾莎·梅与李克强总理在北京记者会上的讲话

  20. 特雷莎·梅、马克龙记者会

  21. 特雷莎·梅首相就英国大选结果讲话

  22. 特雷莎·梅首相就曼彻斯特爆炸案发表声明

  23. 梅姨伦敦恐袭演讲:Enough is enough

  24. 特雷莎·梅首相在英国国际发展部的演讲

  25. 英国首相最新演讲:继任者要保证英国不分裂

  26. 英国首相特蕾莎2018年新年致辞

  27. 英国首相梅姨—2017年复活节致辞!

  28. 英国首相梅姨发表最新脱欧演讲

  29. 特朗普因何将COVID-19甩锅为“中国病毒”?

  30. 特朗普发推称新冠病毒为中国病毒,遭网友狂怼:醒醒吧!

  31. 特朗普和澳洲总理莫里森就新冠疫情发表全国讲话

  32. 特朗普国情咨文全程

  33. 特朗普2020年达沃斯演讲

  34. 特朗普最新讲话:准备拥抱和平……

  35. 特朗普2019年感恩节演讲 | 借机拿弹劾打趣!

  36. 特朗普女儿伊万卡优雅英文演讲 合集

  37. 英音PK美音:你Pick 谁?英国女王伊丽莎白与美国总统特朗普致辞

  38. 特朗普总统2018年国家祈祷早餐会演讲

  39. 特朗普首次国情咨文

  40. 特朗普在达沃斯经济论坛上的演讲

  41. 美国总统特朗普2018年新年致辞

  42. 特朗普总统宣布耶路撒冷为以色列首都演讲视频

  43. 伊万卡·特朗普2017年全球企业家峰会演讲

  44. 特朗普外孙女的中文水平竟然这么高!

  45. 特朗普美国最惨枪击案讲话(音频+双语)

  46. 特朗普总统在自由大学2017年毕业典礼上的演讲

  47. 伊万卡·特朗普接受CBS采访

  48. 特朗普就职演说

  49. 联合国秘书长:新冠疫情危机前所未有,全球经济衰退或破纪录

  50. 古特雷斯全球新冠病毒疫情大流行讲话

  51. 潘基文视频致辞:为中国加油!

  52. 古特雷斯秘书长2019年世界人居日致辞

  53. 古特雷斯秘书长2018年国际青年日致辞

  54. 古雷斯特2017年国际妇女节致辞

  55. 世卫总干事在慕尼黑安全会议上的讲话

  56. 世卫总干事8分钟发言完整视频来了

  57. 博科娃总干事2017年世界图书和版权日致辞

  58. 布隆伯格哈佛商学院毕业典礼致辞

  59. 布隆伯格麻省理工2019年毕业典礼演讲

  60. 戈尔在哈佛大学2019年毕业典礼上的演讲!

  61. 奥普拉在南加州大学安嫩伯格传播学院2018毕业典礼演讲

  62. 中国女生在美国大学毕业典礼演讲,这次很惊艳

  63. 李开复哥大毕业典礼演讲

  64. 迈克尔·彭博哈佛大学2014年毕业典礼演讲

  65. J. K. 罗琳哈佛大学毕业典礼演讲

  66. 比尔·盖茨哈佛大学毕业典礼

  67. 梅琳达·盖茨杜克大学2013毕业典礼演讲:人际关系是一切

  68. 汤姆·汉克斯在耶鲁大学2011年度毕业典礼上的演讲

  69. 比尔·盖茨夫妇斯坦福大学2014毕业典礼演讲:我们需要乐观主义

  70. 米歇尔·奥巴马2012年俄勒冈州立大学毕业典礼演讲

  71. 开学季演讲推荐 | 奥巴马:我们为什么要上学?

  72. 耶鲁大学校长:求知若渴,倾听他人,尊重文化!

  73. 奥巴马给女儿的一封家书

  74. 奥巴马母亲节演讲:母亲是一生中对我影响最深的人

  75. 奥巴马卸任总统后首次演讲

  76. 米歇尔·奥巴马2012年俄勒冈州立大学毕业典礼演讲

  77. 米歇尔·奥巴马2014年北京大学演讲

  78. 双语 | 英国网红咆哮议长约翰·伯考哈佛演讲:自黑"矮冬瓜"?

  79. 英国“网红”议长宣布辞职,他那句魔性“order”你听过吗?

  80. 耶鲁大学校长2019开学演讲:好奇心,通向未来之门的钥匙

  81. 哈佛校长北大演讲:《真理的追求与大学的使命》

  82. 不忙于生,必忙于死 | 耶鲁大学校长开学与毕业演讲

  83. 最美英音 | 2019年女王圣诞致辞:通向和谐的坎坷旅程

  84. 纯正英音触动人心 | 贝克汉姆世界儿童日联合国大会演讲

  85. 纯正英音 | 英国最美新闻主播朱莉·爱琴汉姆的演讲

  86. 视频 | 男神抖森磁性英音深情为你朗读《死亡之书》(附视频&朗诵稿)

  87. 英音典范 | 哈里王子Landmine Free20周年纪念演讲

  88. 张维为:中国的制度优势是大湾区发展的巨大动能

  89. 最新 | 瑞典环保少女2020年达沃斯演讲

  90. 双语 | 苹果CEO库克杜兰大学2019毕业演讲实录(视频+全文)

  91. 妮可·基德曼摘下2017年艾美奖视后

  92. 视频 | 《寄生虫》斩获奥斯卡,翻译小姐姐走红,神似金敏喜还是名导演

  93. “小丑”华金·菲尼克斯超疗愈的奥斯卡金像奖获奖感言(附《小丑》观影链接)

  94. 听力 | 布拉德·皮特第92届奥斯卡金像奖获奖感言

  95. 第92届奥斯卡最佳动画短片 | 《发之恋》& 《小野猫与斗牛犬》

  96. 今年奥斯卡唯一华语片《妹妹》| 毛毡中的音乐、温情与反思

  97. 奥斯卡影后娜塔莉·波特曼表演课 & 哈佛大学毕业演讲:接受自己的瑕疵,才能与众不同!

  98. 演讲 | 奥斯卡影后 安吉丽娜·朱莉 联合国3个震撼演讲,优雅美式英语最佳范本

  99. 奥斯卡影后凯特·布兰切特联合国演讲:女王气场全开,霸气十足

  100. 奥斯卡 | 最佳女主角  | 2018第90届奥斯卡最佳女主角获奖感言

  101. 奥斯卡 | 最佳男主角  | 2018第90届奥斯卡最佳男主角获奖感言

  102. 奥斯卡 | 最佳女主角 | 艾玛·斯通第89届奥斯卡金像奖获奖感言

  103. 第89届奥斯卡金像奖最佳动画短片《鹬Piper》





Hey, everybody. Trevor Noah here with another episode of The Daily Distancing Show. Thank you so much for tuning in. 

It is now week three of being stuck in the house, as you can tell, and I hope you are having a good weekend. I hope you had a good weekend. Although, let's be honest-- these days, weekends, weekdays is pretty much the same thing. 

Like, if you're stuck in the house every single day, I-I don't know even know what the difference is. I guess, during the week, you sit in one part of the chair, and then on the weekend, you just move to a different spot. Get this... work done. Oh! Finally! The week is over. 

It's the weekend, baby! Anyway, tonight, we're going to catch up on all the latest coronavirus news. Boris Johnson tests positive, Jaboukie Young-White searches for a vaccine, and a new career plan for the Tiger King. Welcome to The Daily Social Distancing Show. Let's do this. 

ANNOUNCER: From Trevor's couch in New York City to your couch somewhere in the world, this is The Daily Social Distancing Show with Trevor Noah! All right. Let's kick things off with the latest global update. There are now over 700,000 confirmed coronavirus infections around the world, with the United States now reporting the highest number of cases, while Italy and Spain are reporting the highest fatalities per day. 

And as the threat has grown, more and more countries are starting to take this thing more seriously. For instance, the largest city in Africa, Lagos, in Nigeria, is now in lockdown. And in Russia, they've put Moscow in lockdown, as well. And let me tell you something, my friends. 

When Russians are scared of something, then you know it's serious. Russian people's daily lives look like an episode of Fear Factor. : "What will I do today? "Drink fermented bread juice or wrestle bear? Either way, it's going to be a good Saturday." So this is a very scary time to be in Russia. I mean, second only to all the other times to be in Russia. Meanwhile over in Great Britain, prime minister and ghost-who-has-just-seen-a-ghost 

Boris Johnson has announced that he has tested positive for Covid-19, which is ironic. You know why? Because, earlier this month, Boris Johnson suggested that Britain should just let the virus run its course throughout the country, and then, on top of that, he also joked about, he had been shaking hands all willy-nilly. Yeah, so I guess now shit got real, and he better pray that he can get corona to Brexit out of his body. 

Also, it's interesting to learn that coronavirus doesn't just infect humans. It can also infect Shreks. But enough about Boris. Enough about Boris. Let's move to the big story, the only story that everybody's talking about right now-- Tiger King. It's the new Netflix series that is somehow even more viral than Covid-19. And if you haven't watched this show, I'm telling you now, you are wasting your life. 

Seriously, as soon as you're done with this, as soon as you're done watching The Daily Show, go and watch Tiger King. You will thank me tomorrow. It's the most fascinating show you've ever seen. It exposes the horrible world of exotic animal breeding in America-- specifically, like, tigers and lions-- and also, it answers the question, what would happen if meth smoked itself? And let me tell you something. 

After binging all seven episodes this weekend, I've realized a couple of things. One: this is what happens when white people have no black friends. And two: Joe Exotic is not only one of the weirdest people you will ever meet in your life. He could also be president of the United States. I know, I know, I know, I know, I know. I can hear you. "How can you say that president..." But hear me out. Hear me out. 

This man has all of the character traits of a commander in chief. Everything. Like, for instance, one thing you notice about Joe Exotic is that he makes everything about him. "It's all about me!" Which, apparently, is very presidential. 

MAN: In his news conference yesterday, the president discussed a story in the New York Times that says his coronavirus task force briefings get high TV ratings. Even they said that the ratings are like Monday Night Football ratings, and that these are like Bachelor finale. 

MAN 2: Now that the relief package has passed, the Wall Street Journal is reporting this. "Mr. Trump has told people he wants his signature to appear "on the direct payment checks that go out to many Americans in the coming weeks." 

President Trump is firing back at governors who have been critical of the administration's response to the pandemic, even telling the vice president that if they aren't appreciative, don't even bother reaching out. I want them to be appreciative. I say, "Mike, don't call the governor of Washington. "You're wasting your time with him. Don't call the woman in Michigan." Most... 

It doesn't make any difference what happens. If they don't treat you right, I don't call. Wow. Okay. Uh, firstly, the ratings aren't high because of Trump. People are watching TV because of the virus. That's why they're watching the briefings. This would be like the guy on Friends who owns the coffee shop taking credit for the success of the show. "You know, it was all because of my lattes, you know. That's why people watched." 

No, you just happened to be there, dude. Secondly, Trump wasn't even involved in the negotiations for the relief package, and now, he wants the credit. This is the classic deadbeat dad technique, yeah? Just trying to put his name on a gift at the last minute. And lastly, I can't believe that Trump is threatening, actually threatening not to help governors of certain states because he feels that they're not being nice to him. Let me tell you something. 

A crisis is not a time for manners, all right? People need to get lifesaving equipment. Can you imagine a doctor in an emergency room being like, "I'm sorry, ma'am. Your husband didn't make it. "I mean, I could have saved him, but he, uh, just didn't say the magic word." "He was in a coma!" "Yeah, manners are manners, ma'am." So, being obsessed with yourself-- very presidential. 

But also, if you watched Tiger King, you would know that Joe Exotic is the most disorganized person you will ever meet. And when it comes to coronavirus, Trump is exactly the same. 

On Sunday, President Trump again resisted invoking the Defense Production Act, wartime authority to mobilize industries. Call a person over in Venezuela. Ask 'em, how did nationalization of their businesses work out. Not too well. After days of uncertainty, the president has now actually invoked what's called "the Defense Production Act." President Trump says that he is now considering federally enforced quarantines for hot spots like New York and other states. 

WOMAN 2: President Trump tweeting overnight that a federally-enforced quarantine of the region "will not be necessary." President Trump wants to reopen the country by Easter Sunday. President Trump now calling for more social distancing than ever, firmly backing away from his earlier suggestion that parts of the country could reopen by Easter. Goddamn, man. 

Trump is flip-flopping so much, if the Olympics weren't cancelled, he'd be competing against Simone Biles. 'Cause what was that? Huh? And you know who this really sucks for, is Donald Trump supporters. I feel so sad for them. Imagine how hard it is for them to keep up. 

Trump is changing his mind all the time. They have to support him no matter what he says. Huh? They're just out there like, "If you force companies to make things, "you're turning America into Venezuela! "What? Trump did it? "It's a good thing to become Venezuela, "'cause they've got great weather. I-I think?" Here's another reason I think Joe Exotic has what it takes to be the President of the United States. 

He sees conspiracies everywhere. NEWSMAN: With medical equipment becoming scarce at many hospitals, President Trump is now accusing hospitals of hoarding ventilators. TRUMP: I don't believe you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators. You know, you go into major hospitals, sometimes they'll have two ventilators, and now all of a sudden they're saying, "Can we order 30,000 ventilators?" Yeah. 

Trump has a good point. All of a sudden-- all of a sudden?-- hospitals need way more ventilators than usual. What's that about? Huh? It's the same way I've noticed that sometimes... people on the street have a lot of umbrellas, and then sometimes... nobody has an umbrella. 

Something isn't adding up here. Anyway, Joe Exotic. Why is he the man for the job? He's self-absorbed. He's disorganized. He's obsessed with conspiracies. But maybe the most presidential thing about Joe Exotic is that he loves portraying himself as an expert in his field. When the truth is, he has no idea what he's talking about. He's just winging it. Which, uh, again, should feel very familiar. 

The young people are really-- it's an incredible phenomenon-- but they are attacked, successfully attacked, to a much lesser extent by this pandemic, by this, uh, disease. Um, this, uh, whatever they want to call it. You can call it a germ, you can call it a flu, you can call it a virus-- you know, you can call it many different names. I'm not sure anybody even knows what it is. : I'm sorry, what? What-what the hell was that? "You could call it a germ. You can call..." It sounded like Trump was introducing somebody who won a lifetime achievement award. 

Some call him a germ. Some call him a virus. I just call him my good friend. Ladies and gentlemen, Corona. Come on up, Corona. What a great guy. Look, there are a lot of questions about coronavirus. All right? How to stop it, how it spreads, et cetera. But one thing that's not up for debate is what it is. It's a virus, okay? I don't know why Trump is creating a mystery where there is none. Like, he might be a bad president, but it turns out he'd be an even worse detective. They'd just be like, "Damn it, you caught me red-handed! I've killed this man."

 "So the question now is, who killed this man?" "Well, it was... it was me. I-I confessed, I killed him." 

 "I guess this mystery will never be solved." So look... I know Joe Exotic is in prison right now, but if he somehow manages to get out... I'm hoping that he becomes the President of the United States. 

Because yes, yes, he might be just as crazy as Trump, but at least if he's in the White House, we're gonna see tigers. Well, that's our show for today. But before we go, as everyone except the president knows by now, doctors, nurses, and first responders around the country are struggling to get the masks, gloves, and gowns that they so desperately need to protect themselves. 

These are people on the front line. They're fighting in this war, and they're going to battle for us unprotected. Right? So we're asking you on the The Daily Show to please go to Thrive Global's First Responders First and donate whatever you can to help get PPE to the people who are saving lives. 

And if you want to help in New York City specifically, then you can go to New York Mayor's Fund Covid-19 response and help them out. Stay safe out there. Wash your hands. Don't take candy from strangers or family. And I'll see you again tomorrow.


新冠病毒在全球蔓延,这次全球性的灾难是否会改变全球化的进程,又将如何改变世界,美国《外交政策》(Foreign Policy)杂志邀请了来自世界各地的12位思想家谈一谈他们对疫情后全球秩序的预测,我们挑选了其中六个预测与大家分享:


A World Less Open, Prosperous, and Free

by Stephen M. Walt 



The pandemic will strengthen the state and reinforce nationalism. Governments of all types will adopt emergency measures to manage the crisis, and many will be loath to relinquish these new powers when the crisis is over. COVID-19 will also accelerate the shift in power and influence from West to East. China, South Korea and Singapore have responded best. The response in Europe and America has been slow and haphazard by comparison, further tarnishing the aura of the Western “brand.”


What won’t change is the fundamentally conflictive nature of world politics.  Previous plagues—including the influenza epidemic of 1918-1919—did not end great-power rivalry nor usher in a new era of global cooperation. Neither will COVID-19. We will see a further retreat from hyperglobalization, as citizens look to national governments to protect them and as states and firms seek to reduce future vulnerabilities.


In short, COVID-19 will create a world that is less open, less prosperous, and less free. It did not have to be this way, but the combination of a deadly virus, inadequate planning, and incompetent leadership has placed humanity on a new and worrisome path.



The End of Globalization as We Know It


by Robin Niblett

The coronavirus pandemic could be the straw that breaks the camel’s back of economic globalization.


The coronavirus pandemic could be the straw that breaks the camel’s back of economic globalization. Increasing public and political pressure to meet carbon emissions reduction targets had already called into question many companies’ reliance on long-distance supply chains. Now, COVID-19 is forcing governments, companies, and societies to strengthen their capacity to cope with extended periods of economic self-isolation.


It seems highly unlikely in this context that the world will return to the idea of mutually beneficial globalization that defined the early 21st century. And without the incentive to protect the shared gains from global economic integration, the architecture of global economic governance established in the 20th century will quickly atrophy. It will then take enormous self-discipline for political leaders to sustain international cooperation and not retreat into overt geopolitical competition.


Proving to their citizens that they can manage the COVID-19 crisis will buy leaders some political capital. But those who fail will find it hard to resist the temptation to blame others for their failure.



A More China-Centric Globalization


by Kishore Mahbubani

The COVID-19 pandemic will not fundamentally alter global economic directions. It will only accelerate a change that had already begun: a move away from U.S.-centric globalization to a more China-centric globalization.


Why will this trend continue? The American population has lost faith in globalization and international trade. Free trade agreements are toxic, with or without U.S. President Donald Trump. By contrast, China has not lost faith. Why not? There are deeper historical reasons. Chinese leaders now know well that China’s century of humiliation from 1842 to 1949 was a result of its own complacency and a futile effort by its leaders to cut it off from the world. By contrast, the past few decades of economic resurgence were a result of global engagement. The Chinese people have also experienced an explosion of cultural confidence. They believe they can compete anywhere.


Consequently, as I document in my new book, Has China Won?, the United States has two choices. If its primary goal is to maintain global primacy, it will have to engage in a zero-sum geopolitical contest, politically and economically, with China. However, if the goal of the United States is to improve the well-being of the American people—whose social condition has deteriorated—it should cooperate with China. Wiser counsel would suggest that cooperation would be the better choice. 



The History of COVID-19 Will Be Written by the Victors


by John Allen

As it has always been, history will be written by the “victors” of the COVID-19 crisis. Every nation, and increasingly every individual, is experiencing the societal strain of this disease in new and powerful ways. 


Inevitably, those nations that persevere—both by virtue of their unique political and economic systems, as well as from a public health perspective—will claim success over those who experience a different, more devastating outcome. To some, this will appear as a great and definitive triumph for democracy, multilateralism, and universal health care. To others, it will showcase the clear “benefits” of decisive, authoritarian rule.To some, this will appear as a great and definitive triumph for democracy. To others, it will showcase the clear “benefits” of authoritarian rule.


Either way, this crisis will reshuffle the international power structure in ways we can only begin to imagine. COVID-19 will continue to depress economic activity and increase tension between countries. Over the long term, the pandemic will likely significantly reduce the productive capacity of the global economy, especially if businesses close and individuals detach from the labor force. This risk of dislocation is especially great for developing nations and others with a large share of economically vulnerable workers. The international system will, in turn, come under great pressure, resulting in instability and widespread conflict within and across countries.



More Failed States


by Richard N. Haass

Permanent is not a word I am fond of, as little or nothing is, but I would think the coronavirus crisis will at least for a few years lead most governments to turn inward, focusing on what takes place within their borders rather than on what happens beyond them. I anticipate greater moves toward selective self-sufficiency (and, as a result, decoupling) given supply chain vulnerability; even greater opposition to large-scale immigration; and a reduced willingness or commitment to tackle regional or global problems (including climate change) given the perceived need to dedicate resources to rebuild at home and deal with economic consequences of the crisis.


Many countries will have difficulty recovering, with state weakness and failed states becoming even more prevalent.


I would expect many countries will have difficulty recovering from the crisis, with state weakness and failed states becoming an even more prevalent feature of the world. The crisis will likely contribute to the ongoing deterioration of Sino-American relations and the weakening of European integration. On the positive side, we should see some modest strengthening of global public health governance. But overall, a crisis rooted in globalization will weaken rather than add to the world’s willingness and ability to deal with it.



The United States Has Failed the Leadership Test


by Kori Schake

The United States will no longer be seen as an international leader because of its government’s narrow self-interest and bungling incompetence. The global effects of this pandemic could have been greatly attenuated by having international organizations provide more and earlier information, which would have given governments time to prepare and direct resources to where they’re most needed. This is something the United States could have organized, showing that while it is self-interested, it is not solely self-interested. 







