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10天4次美股熔断:看TED动画科普股市如何运作 中国女孩讲述人生迷茫时书籍如何成为心灵解药! TED短片:你知道英语的起源吗? 哈佛教授:什么造成了人与人的差异 新冠肺炎为什么全球大爆发?如何为下次疫情爆发做准备? 敢于否定,拥有怀疑勇气 世界为什么需要维基解密? 你的最大动力 Physcology of Self-motivation 现实生活总是这么苦吗? 1918年大流感多么害怕 站在救灾前沿 求善始,求善终! 疫情爆发能否像地震一样被预测? 别人那么优秀都是有原因的! 比尔·盖茨:下次疫情爆发,我们还未准备好 球衣退役演讲 我们如何对抗下一种致命病毒? 曾致死4000万人的1918年大流感有多可怕 为啥炫富的人那么高调? 如何识别文化中的谎言获得更好生活方式 遭遇抑郁症,我们应该怎么做? 贫穷的根源究竟是什么? 2020年如何摆脱拖延症? 你追求的「完美」,正在毁了你! 一个伊朗裔美国人的幽默演讲! 高以翔:谈幕后和灯光下真实的自己! 为什么越内向的人越厉害? 气候变化与食物营养的关系 韩雪:做一个积极的悲观主义者 睡眠有多重要,看完还熬夜? 在死亡面前,生活如何有意义 华裔女孩:不要因为是华人就否定我的努力 创造幸福的七条定律 毁灭梦想的5个方法 想拥有完美的婚姻,先拥有完整的自己 相爱容易相守难 从今天起努力十年会有哪些变化? 朝鲜女孩:10年换了7个名字背后的真实故事 为什么我们会做出后悔的决定? 脆弱的力量! 如何走好生命中的每一步? 寻找真实的自己 谁属于一个城市? 你重视的事情做好了吗 真实的自己存在吗? 杨澜:年青一代塑造中国 语法到底重要不重要 婴儿是天才的语言学习者 为何我们需要情绪急救 学会拥抱别人,就是给自己温暖 承担风险,方能提升运气 我们真的可以预测爱情吗? 区块链如何彻底改变我们的经济 你该如何面对艰难选择 谁才是你最应该嫁的人? 婴儿是天才的语言学习者 为什么20岁之后的十年至关重要? 深度拖延症患者的自白 及时行乐 VS 推迟享受,哪是正确选择? 如何在六个月学好一门外语 中国的属相 别认为自己长得丑,这对你不好! 对儿童的正确教育方式是什么? 怎样说话才让人听进去?要克服语言七宗罪 手机和网络从来不是最好的交流工具 医生可以犯错吗? 不读书的人到底输在哪里 节省时间的十条黄金法则 如何用非暴力方式抵制ISIS恐怖组织? 安吉拉·巴顿:父女之舞…在狱中 为什么爱情是世界上最让人成瘾的东西? 足不出户就能量身定制自己的衣服 学校扼杀创造力 为什么我们会做出后悔的决定? 我胖,我骄傲! 整理艺术 尽力了还是做不好 为什么? 美女口吃歌手演讲 传递希望与和平的街头艺术 成功人士的八个特点 在这个社会中,该把自己放在什么位置 做勇敢的女孩 不做完美的女孩 为什么会痒? 走进拖延症的心理世界 内向的力量 全神贯注时才是最幸福的时刻,你感受过吗? 读书能打开心灵之窗 重新认识出轨行为 给自己每天10分钟 Why do airlines sell too many tickets? 知名作家刘轩台北演讲:跨越与自己的旅行 5个毁灭梦想的办法 睡眠不足会发生什么 我们为什么相爱? 学会四个练习方法,让学习质量一日千里! 人不喝水会怎样? 一定要睡个好觉 一个简单的方式改掉坏习惯 艾米·珀迪: 超越极限的生活 谁才是你最合适的结婚对象? 世界最丑女人:你有选择快乐的权利 为什么你的减肥之路总比别人困难? 我不是激励你们的人,谢谢 选择的困惑 过一种沉浸的人生 为何保持联系却仍旧孤单 如何掌控你的自由时间 学习双语的好处
Barack Obama endorsed Joe Biden's White House bid on Tuesday, saying his longtime vice president can unify and "heal" a nation struggling through some of its darkest moments.
The formal backing by perhaps the most popular politician in America is the latest boost for Biden's surging candidacy, and a further sign that Democratic leaders are rallying around the party flagbearer more than six months before November's election.
"Joe has the character and the experience to guide us through one of our darkest times and heal us through a long recovery," Obama said in a 12-minute video.
"I believe Joe has all the qualities we need in a president right now." "Joe helped me manage H1N1 (influenza) and prevent the Ebola epidemic from becoming the type of pandemic we're seeing now," Obama said.
在奥巴马公开支持拜登后,拜登在推特上晒出了和奥巴马击掌的合照,并配文“Let’s do this”作为回应。
“这么久以来,警示总是被忽视,政府总是说一切都在控制之中”, 拜登说, “到现在为止,我们只实施了社交隔离这一项措施,这是白宫计划和准备的失败。”
Earlier in March, former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden expressed disapproval of President Donald Trump's reference to coronavirus as "Chinese Virus" and urged him to be honest. "Take responsibility. Do your job," he said in a tweet.
Within a week, he then fired against Trump during a speech delivered from home, accusing the government for being slow to respond to the health crisis. "The president says no one saw this coming. Well, that's just not accurate," Biden said.
"The mindset that was slow to recognize the problem in the first place ... is still too much of how the president is addressing the problem." He also blamed the president for not taking the crisis seriously in January. "Trump keeps saying he is a wartime president – well, start to act like one."
Hi, everybody. Let me start by saying the obvious these aren’t normal times. As we all manage our way through a pandemic unlike anything we have seen in a century, Michelle and I hope that you and your families are safe and well.
If you have lost somebody to this virus or someone in your life is sick, or if you are one of the millions suffering economic hardship, please know that you are in our prayers. Please know that you are not alone because now is the time for all of us to help where we can and to be there for each other as neighbors, as coworkers, and as fellow citizens. In fact, over the past weeks, we have seen plenty of examples of the kind of courage, kindness, and selflessness that we are going to need to get through one of the most difficult times in our history.
Michelle and I have been amazed at the incredible bravery of our medical professionals who are putting their lives on the line to save others; the public servants and health officials battling this disease; the workers taking risks every day to keep our economy running and everyone who is making their own sacrifice at home with their families all for the greater good. But if there is one thing we have learned as a country from moments of great crisis, it is that the spirit of looking out for one another can't be restricted to our homes or our workplaces or our neighborhoods or our houses of worship it also has to be reflected in our national government the kind of leadership that is guided by knowledge and experience, honesty and humility, empathy and grace.
That kind of leadership doesn't just belong in our state capitals and mayor's offices, it belongs in the White House, and that is why I am so proud to endorse Joe Biden for president of the United States.
Choosing Joe to be my vice president was one of the best decisions I ever made, and he became a close friend, and I believe Joe has all of the qualities we need in a president right now. He is someone who's own life has taught him how to persevere, how to bounce back when you have been knocked down.
When Joe talks with parents who have lost their jobs, we hear the son of a man who once knew the pain of having to tell his children that he had lost his. When Joe talks about opportunity for our kids, we hear the young father who took the train home each night so he could tuck his children into bed, and we hear the influence of Jill, a lifelong teacher.
When Joe talks to families who have lost a hero, we hear another parent of an American veteran, a kindred spirit, somebody whose faith has endured the hardest loss there is. That is Joe. Through all of his trials, he's never once forgotten the values or the moral fiber that his parents passed on to him, and that made him who he is. That is what steels his faith in God and America and in all of us.
That steel made him an incredible partner when I needed one the most. Joe was there as we rebuilt from the great recession and rescued the American auto industry. He was the one asking what every policy would do for the middle class and everyone striving to get into the middle class. That is why I asked him to implement the Recovery Act, which saved millions of jobs and that people back on their feet because Joe gets stuff done. Joe helped me manage H1N1 and prevent the Ebola epidemic from becoming the type of pandemic we are seeing now. He helped me restore America's standing and leadership in the world on the other threats of our time like nuclear proliferation and climate change.
Joe has the character and the experience to guide us through one of our darkest times and heal us through a long recovery, and I know he will surround himself with good people experts, scientists, military officials who actually know how to run the government and care about doing a good job running the government and know how to work with our allies and who will always put the American people's interests above their own.
Now Joe will be a better candidate for having run the gauntlet of primaries and caucuses alongside one of the most impressive Democratic fields ever. Each of our candidates were talented and decent with a track record of accomplishment, smart ideas, and serious visions for the future, and that is certainly true of the candidate who made it farther than any other, Bernie Sanders. Bernie is an American original, a man who has devoted his life to giving voice to working people's hopes, dreams, and frustrations. He and I haven't always agreed on everything, but we have always shared a conviction that we have to make America a fairer more just, more equitable society.
We both know that nothing is more powerful than millions of voices calling for change and the ideas he has championed, the energy and enthusiasm he inspired especially in young people will be critical in moving America in a direction of progress and hope because for the second time in 12 years we will have the incredible task of rebuilding our economy and to meet the moment the Democratic Party will have to be bold.
You know I could not be prouder of the incredible progress that we made together during my presidency, but if I were running today, I wouldn't run the same race or have the same platform as I did in 2008. The world is different; there's too much unfinished business for us to just look backwards. We have to look to the future. Bernie understands that, and Joe understands that.
It is one of the reasons that Joe already has what is the most progressive platform of any major party nominee in history. Because even before the pandemic turned the world upside down, it was already clear that we needed real structural change. The vast inequalities created by the new economy are easier to see now, but they existed long before this pandemic hit. Health professionals, teachers, delivery drivers, grocery clerks, cleaners, the people who truly make our economy run they have always been essential, and for years too many of the people who do the essential work of this country have been underpaid, financially stressed and given too little support, and that applies to the next generation of Americans young people graduating into unprecedented unemployment. They are going to need economic policies that give them faith in the future and give them relief from crushing student loan debt.
So we need to do more than just tinker around the edges with tax credits or underfunded programs. We have to go further to give everybody a great education, a lasting career, and a stable retirement. We have to protect the gains we made with the Affordable Care Act, but it's also time to go further. We should make plans affordable for everyone, provide everyone with a public option, expand Medicare, and finish the job so that healthcare isn't just a right but a reality for everybody.
We have to return the U.S. to the Paris Agreement and lead the world in reducing the pollution that causes climate change, but science tells us we have to go much further and it is time for us to accelerate progress on bold new green initiatives that make our economy a clean energy innovator, save us money and secure our children's future.
Of course, Democrats may not always agree on every detail of the best way to bring about each and every one of these changes, but we do agree that they are needed and that only happens if we win this election because one thing everybody has learned by now is that the Republicans occupying the White House and running the U.S. Senate are not interested in progress.
They are interested in power. They have shown themselves willing to kick millions off their health insurance and eliminate pre-existing condition protections for millions more even in the middle of this public health crisis, even as they are willing to spend $1 trillion on tax cuts for the wealthy. They have given polluters unlimited power to poison our air and their water and deny the science of climate change just as they denied the science of pandemics. Repeatedly they have disregarded American principles of rule of law and voting rights and transparency, basic norms that previous administrations observed regardless of party, principles that are the bedrock of our democracy.
So our country's future hangs on this election, and it won't be easy. The other side has a massive war chest; the other side has a propaganda network with little regard for the truth. On the other hand, pandemics have a way of cutting through a lot of noise and spin to remind us of what is real and what is important. This crisis has reminded us that government matters. It has reminded us that good government matters, that facts and science matter, that the rule of law matters, that having leaders who are informed and honest and seek to bring people together rather than drive them apart those kind of leaders matter. In other words elections matter.
Right now we need Americans of goodwill to unite in a great awakening against a politics that too often has been characterized by corruption, carelessness, self-dealing, disinformation, ignorance and just plain meanness and to change that we need Americans of all political stripes to get involved in our politics and our public life like never before. For those of us who believe in building a more just, more generous, more democratic America where everybody has a fair shot at opportunity, for those of us who believe in a government that cares about the many and not just the few, for those of us who love this country and are willing to do our part to make sure it lives up to its highest ideals now is the time to fight for what we believe in.
So join us. Join Joe. Go to JoeBiden.com right now. Make a plan for how you are going to get involved. Keep taking care of yourself and your families and each other. Keep believing in the possibilities of a better world, and I will see you on the campaign trail as soon as I can. Thanks.
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