
文献导读 | 任务有效性中的投入量和任务类型:词汇知识的两个方面






介 Brief Introduction

Vocabulary is an unending task which continues to be learned throughout one’s lifetime. Vocabulary knowledge is considered a prerequisite factor in reading comprehension, a fact that has been recognized in the literature available so far (e.g., Decarrico, 2001; Garcia, 1991; Hazenberg & Hulstijn, 1996; Laufer, 1992; Nation, 1993; Paribakht & Wesche, 1997; Wesche & Paribakht, 1998). Research has shown that lexical errors impede communication more seriously than grammatical ones (Ellis, 1994; Laufer, 1998).

究问题 Research Questions 

RQ: The goal was to make a comparison between input and output-oriented tasks with identical involvement loads to see which one plays a more determining role in task effectiveness. 

究方法 Research Methods 

The present study will test this contention. Accordingly, a particularly interesting comparison would involve conditions where the input and output tasks have identical involvement loads. In other words, if involvement load is the determining factor in task effectiveness, irrespective of whether the task is input oriented or output oriented, the two conditions should yield similar retention results.

The materials used in this study were four word-focused tasks (two input-based and two output-based) with different involvement loads based on the ones used in the related literature (Hulstijn & Laufer, 2001; Laufer, 2005; Laufer& Hulstijn, 2001; Webb, 2002), and four vocabulary tests for measuring the receptive and productive vocabulary knowledge of meaning and grammatical functions.

后感 Comment 

(1)Task 1: The target words were highlighted in bold print and were glossed in the L1 in the margin (moderate need (1); no search (0); moderate evaluation (1))

Task 2: The target words were highlighted in bold print and software dictionary was available (moderate need (1), moderate search (1), moderate evaluation(1)).

Task 3: The bold-faced target words were deleted from the sentences and replaced with blank spaces. The target words, along with some additional words not present in the original sentences, were printed in alphabetical order as a list on a separate page with their L1 translations (1+0+1).

Task 4: Participants were given strings of words including the target word and were asked to rearrange them into meaningful and grammatically correct sentences (1+0+2).


(2)The results of the study indicated that the participants who completed Task 4 (sentence-making) performed remarkably better than the participants who completed Tasks 1, 2, and 3, on both the IP and DP. The results of this study indicated that sentence production, as an output-oriented task with an involvement load of 3, contributed to very large gains in learners’ vocabulary knowledge. As Izumi (2002) states, output-oriented tasks facilitate L2 development by forcing learners to reflect on the L2 forms.


(3)Autonomous learners can be informed about the effectiveness of different word-focused tasks so they can make strategic decisions concerning the selection of the most appropriate tasks for improving their vocabulary knowledge.

 • ❤️END❤️ • 





